Analysing the whole process of the development of the doctrine of redemptionin Gaudium et Spes, we can conclude that the Council responded to thedemands expressed before the beginning of the doctrine. It remained faithfulto the teachings of St omas Aquinas, while preserving the essential contentof his doctrine, although it expressed it in a new language. e Council was ableto positively explain the doctrine of the mystery of redemption, without arguingwith various contemporary theological tendencies. Redemption is shown asthe work of Jesus Christ through His salvific Incarnation and the redemptivepaschal mystery of death, resurrection, ascension and exile of the Holy Spirit.Redemption freed man from the bondage of Satan and sin, became a new covenantwith the Father, reconciled delusions with God and with himself, meritedlife and revealed the mystery of love. Redemption is a great event in the historyof salvation, which begins with the work of Creation. From the history of thevarious editions of Gaudium et Spes, from the interventions of the Council Fathersand from the solutions to the theological problems relating to the wholereality of the modern world, we can conclude that the Pastoral Constitutionon the Church points to the relationship between creation and redemption,speaking of creation in the perspective of redemption and defining redemptionas the renewal of creation in Christ.
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