Sterowane akceleratorem układy podkrytyczne do transmutacji nuklidów stanowią przyszłościowy wariant energetyki jadrowej. Zapewniaja ponadto wyższy stipień bezpieczeństwa układów transmutacji- dzięki pracy w stanie podkrytycznym.
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An emerging technology of Accelerator-Driven Subtritical Systems (ADSS) for nuclear transmutations is presented, as compared to the existing critical nuclear energy systems. The higher safety of subcritical ones (owed to the improbability of uncontrolled criticality) is suggested as the basic indication of their superiority over critical ones. Just that property allows for application of ADSS to destruction of nuclear waste (mainly transuranics} i.e. to achieving a closed fuel cycle. Summarising, the presented concept might facilitate social acceptance and deployment of nuclear energy.
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Istotą niniejszej wizji symbiozy węgla z energią jądrową jest produkcja H2 z jej wykorzystaniem na drodze hydrolizy, dostarczająca O2 jako drugiego głównego produktu. Wariant ten otwiera możliwość skutecznego wychwytu CO2 z elektrowni opalanych węglem, dzięki jego spalaniu w atmosferze O2/CO2 zamiast w powietrzu. Następnym etapem jest wykorzystanie otrzymanych powyższym sposobem H2 oraz CO2 jako substratów do produkcji syntetycznych paliw węglowodorowych. Tą drogą można sprostać wzrastającemu popytowi na energię elektryczną z uniknięciem opłat za przekraczanie odnośnych limitów emisji SO2, CO2 oraz NOx (w przyszłości) i podnieść bezpieczeństwo paliwowe kraju. Podsumowując: symbioza węgla z energią jądrową dla produkcji paliw płynnych i gazowych jest optymalną, długofalową koncepcją rozwoju energetyki polskiej.
The essence of the presented herewith vision of coal-nuclear symbiosis lies in production of H2 with its utilisation on the way of hydrolysis providing O2 as the second main product. This alternative open the possibility of effective capture of CO2 from coal fired power stations thanks to its combustion in the presence of O2/CO2 instead of the air. Next stage consists in utilisation of CO2 sequestered from the power plants and the H2 for production of synthetic hydrocarbon fuels. In this way one can meet the increasing demand for electric energy and avoid penalties for exceeding the emission limits of SO2, CO2 and NOx ( in the future) and increase the fuel security of the country. Summarizing: the coal-nuclear synergy for production of liquid and gaseous fuels is an optimum, long-term concept of Polish power industry’s development.
Nuclear power plants supply nearly one sixth of the world electric energy production. Though nuclear power is a very efficient source of energy, it produces dangerous radioactive waste composed of nuclides characterized, among others, by a long decay time and containing also significant quantities of fissible and even fissile materials. Therefore, spent nuclear fuel must be carefully stored for at least hundreds of years, all this time needing permanent supervision. Simultaneously this cumbersome waste contains also important amounts of energy that should not be simply buried forever. Thus, in spite of the fact that ultimate disposal of spent nuclear fuel in adequate geological formations is recognized as safe for the energy hungry world that tries at the same time to avoid CO2 emissions, this is a hardly acceptable solution. Fortunately, there is an effective approach, namely – spent fuel recycling, particularly with the help of nuclear fusion. Simultaneously, one has to admit that this concept has not attained yet technological maturity, thus lengthy and costly investigations still are necessary before nuclear fusion achieves development level adequate to industrial application. Since every nuclear device must be generally safe, therefore this article raises a safety issue of fusion-fission hybrid design. In order to ensure the required reliability of evaluations the development of heterogeneous model of the device was assumed as the starting point for further respective research. The performed calculations have indicated that maintenance of subcriticality even in the case of system collapse is achievable.
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