Several possibilities to present and to interpret the results of granulometric analyses of Quaternary fluvial, aeolian, glacial and wash-out slope deposits were investigated. Attention is paid particularly to the cumulative curves at a probability scale and the frequency curves, and it is shown how these curves can help to determine the sedimentary environment. The inclination of the cumulative curves in the part of the maximum proportion of a particular grain size appears significant. It appears possible to obtain information on the density and dynamics of the transporting medium from the course of the cumulative curves (inclination and spread of grain size). The examination of textural parameters allows to draw regression lines characteristic of both deposits from various sedimentary environments and deposits from one single environment but with different histories as to their transport dynamics.
The heavy-mineral assemblages of Pleniglacial fluvial sediments were analysed for two river valleys, viz. the Luciąża River (at Kłudzice Nowe) and the Belnianka River (at Słopiec). These sites, on the Piotrków Plateau and in the Holy Cross Mountains respectively, are located in different morphogenetic zones of Poland that were affected to different degrees by the Middle Polish ice sheets. The study was aimed at determining the kind of processes that modified the heavy-mineral assemblages in the two fluvial sediments, at reconstructing the conditions under which these processes took place, and in how far these processes caused changes in the assemblages. The heavy-mineral associations of the parent material was taken as a starting point; this parent material were the sediments left by the Odranian glaciation (Warta stadial = Late Saalian). It was found that heavy-mineral assemblages in the Luciąża valley deposits are varied, particularly if compared with other fluvioglacial Quaternary deposits from the Polish lowlands, with a dominance of garnet. In the fluvial deposits of the Belnianka valley, zircon, staurolite and tourmaline dominate, with minor amounts of amphibole, pyroxene, biotite and garnet. This suggests that the deposits were subject to intensive and/or persistent chemical weathering and underwent several sedimentation/erosion cycles under periglacial conditions. In both valleys chemical weathering and aeolian processes were the main factors that modified the assemblages of the transparent heavy minerals; these processes were largely controlled by the climatic changes during the Pleistocene.
Geopark Świętokrzyski to pierwszy Światowy Geopark UNESCO funkcjonujący w całości na terytorium Polski. Geopark położony jest w południowo-zachodniej części Gór Świętokrzyskich, na obszarze charakteryzującym się zróżnicowaną budową geologiczną, która odzwierciedla się także w specyfice rzeźby terenu. Ewolucja morfologiczna tego obszaru uwarunkowana została głównie zróżnicowaną budową litologiczną i strukturalną podłoża podczwartorzędowego oraz oddziaływaniem różnych procesów morfogenetycznych wynikających ze zmian klimatycznych zachodzących w kenozoiku. Obecne ukształtowanie terenu Geoparku stanowi wypadkową wszystkich tych uwarunkowań oraz antropopresji związanej z dawną i współczesną eksploatacją surowców mineralnych. W granicach Geoparku Świętokrzyskiego modelowym obszarem, na którym można obserwować te zależności jest Chęcińsko-Kielecki Park Krajobrazowy. Dziedzictwo geomorfologiczne rozumiane jako część dziedzictwa geologicznego związanego z formami ukształtowania terenu, decyduje o wysokim potencjale geoturystycznym tego obszaru. Praktyczne wykorzystanie tego potencjału dla zrównoważonego rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego obszaru objętego granicami Geoparku jest przedmiotem działań realizowanych przez samorządy lokalne we współpracy z instytucjami naukowymi, organizacjami pozarządowymi oraz organami administracji publicznej.
The Świętokrzyski Geopark is the first UNESCO Global Geopark in operation situated entirely on the territory of Poland. The location of the geopark in the south-western part of the Świętokrzyskie (Holy Cross) Mountains makes it an area of exceptional geodiversity, which is also reflected in the specificity of the relief. The morphological evolution of this area was conditioned mainly by the diverse lithological and structural features of the Quaternary substrate and the impact of various morphogenetic processes resulting from climatic changes taking place in the Cenozoic. The current topography of the Geopark is the resultant of all these conditions and anthropopressure related to the past and present exploitation of mineral resources. Within the Świętokrzyski Geopark, a model area where these relationships can be observed is the Chęciny-Kielce Landscape Park. The geomorphological heritage, understood as part of the geological heritage related to the land relief, determines the high geotouristic potential of this area. The practical use of this potential for the sustainable socio-economic development of the area covered by the Geopark is the subject of activities carried out by local authorities in cooperation with scientific institutions, non-governmental organizations and public administration bodies.
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