The article presents some selected management problems in municipal forests occurring as a result of the increasing pressure on recreation and urbanization. The object of investigation was municipal forests of the city of Poznań. A thesis was formed that the consequences of the recreational pressure can be reduced through reasonable equipment of forest areas in appropriate recreational infrastructure. The second thesis put forward an assumption that an uncontrolled urban pressure posed a threat to the stability of ecosystems of municipal forests.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane problemy gospodarki w lasach miejskich na przykładzie obszarów leśnych miasta Poznania. Postawiono tezę, że skutki presji rekreacyjnej mogą być ograniczane poprzez racjonalne wyposażanie terenów leśnych w infrastrukturę rekreacyjną. Drugą tezą było stwierdzenie, iż niekontrolowana presja urbanizacyjna stanowi zagrożenie dla stabilności lasów miejskich. Przedstawiono wybrane zapisy „Wytycznych dotyczących gospodarowania lasami komunalnymi miasta Poznania”. Dokument traktuje o gospodarce leśnej miasta Poznania i zawiera teoretyczne wytyczne do jej prowadzenia. Artykuł nawiązuje do rekreacyjnego zagospodarowania lasów Poznania i przedstawia kształtowanie w tym zakresie infrastruktury w oparciu o zmieniające się preferencje sposobu spędzania czasu na miejskich terenach leśnych.
The paper reviews the composition of commissions taking decisions regarding the final forms of forest management plans in Poland after the Second World War and analyses regulations from the instructions of forest management plans from 1957, 1970, 1980, 1994, 2003 and 2012 referring to the participation of the respective communities in this process. The aim of this study was to have another look at the evolution of such participation and at the role of the social factor in the development of forest management plans in Poland and to discuss problems associated with it.
The article is a comparative study of the forests of the city of Poznań and the State Forests in Poland concerning functions of forests and forestry management (recreational development, economic division, harvest cutting, fellings, renewals, afforestation and the type of the forest management plan). The study objective is to demonstrate and analyse the basic differences in the function and management method between urban and state forests. In Poland 77.3% of forests are administrated by the State Forests National Forest Holding, while the urban forests constitute only by 0.2% of all Polish forests. They differ not only in terms of ownership and participation, but also in the species and age structure of the stands, their functions and principles of forest management. There is no appropriate instructions concerning the principles of the management in urban forests, whereas this problem does not appear in the State Forests. However, irrespective to the owner, a common definition of 'forest' is included in the Forest Act. Regulations relating to forest management in the forests of the city of Poznań are a reflection of the expectations of society that urban forests are for residents of the city, primarily a place to satisfy their needs of rest and recreation. It was the reason for adapting the principles of forest management. In contrast, forests managed by the State Forests are governed by completely different rules and perspective on forest. It results in a different structure of forest functions, the occupied area and legal requirements concerning this group of Polish forests. Foresters from the State Forests conducting forest management have clearly defined rules that are missing for other Polish urban forests. Excluding city of Poznań that is a very good example that one can meet the expectations of the foresters of urban forests and offer guidance on forest management, taking into consideration the specificities of urban forests and the expectations of society.
In the 1800s forest management in Polish forests was still in its infancy. This article reminds presents tree stands were described in those days. The then concepts of: the forest, tree stand, bare land and large tree group were explained. In addition, the notion as well as the method of determination of the stand species composition and its age, perpendicular structure, closure, mixture proportion, stocking and condition was discussed in detail. For this purpose, available nineteenth century instructions, glossaries and books were employed.
Dotychczas z terenu Polski podawano około 50 stanowisk kokoryczy drobnej Corydalis pumilla (Host). Nowe stanowisko, liczące łącznie kilka tysięcy osobników, odnaleziono w lasach położonych pomiędzy wsiami Pinka i Kotowo, nieopodal Śremu w Wielkopolsce. Kokorycz drobna występuje w lasach zbliżonych do grądów, porastających strome zbocza moreny czołowej. Na uwagę zasługuje odkrycie mieszańca kokoryczy drobnej i kokoryczy wątłej. Niewielki areał, duże odległości pomiędzy subpopulacjami oraz silna penetracja ludności stanowią zagrożenie dla lokalnej populacji.
Th e paper presents a new site of Corydalis pumila (Host) Rchb. found in the vicinity of Śrem. Th e site is located in the forests between the villages of Pinka and Kotowo in the Piaski Commune. So far, ca. fi ft y sites with this species have been reported from Poland. Th e new site was found in a small complex of oak-hornbeam forests, which cover steep slopes of the terminal moraine. A total of several thousand specimens of the species grow at the new site. Furthermore, a hybrid of Corydalis pumilla (Host) Rchb. and Corydalis intermedia (L.) Mérat occurs at the site. A small area, long distances between stands and strong human penetration are threats to the local population.