The paper presents the results of analyses of samples of manure from a pig farm located near Piła, Poland performed between June 2011 and May 2012 using a single sampling system. The statistical analyses of the average content of chemical and biological oxide demands, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and dry mass in the slurry in various seasons allowed us to draw conclusions concerning the changes in the chemical composition of the manure in specific seasons and to determine the correlations between the chemical parameters. The average content of N, BOD, P, and dry mass content tended to decrease systematically from the spring until the winter. The highest correlation coefficient, which indicates significant interdependency among the variables tested, was consistently found for COD and BOD, whereas the smallest correlation coefficient was found consistently for K and Ca and once for Ca and N.
Celem artykułu jest zbadanie potencjału wybranych, współcześnie zaproponowanych metod data mining w kontekście prognozowania cen energii elektrycznej na rynku dnia następnego. Szczególny nacisk został położony na zbadanie algorytmu lasów losowych. Prognozy uzyskane metodą lasów losowych porównano z prognozami wygenerowanymi przez model regresji liniowej, model regresji medianowej oraz regresyjną metodę wektorów nośnych.
The aim of the paper is to study capabilities of selected, recently introduced supervised data mining algorithms in context of day-ahead electricity prices forecasting. Special stress was put on studying random forests. The quality of random forests forecasts was compared to forecasts obtained from multiple regression, median regression and support vector regression.
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