Purpose: The dynamics of changes taking place in the environment, globalization, increasing competition entail many changes concerning the management and operation of the organization. One of the conditions ensuring the proper functioning of the enterprise is the implication of diversity management, the objective of which is to promote equality and diversity in the workplace. This approach ought to be treated as a developed concept of talent management in the organization, with particular emphasis on equal opportunities, counteracting discrimination, employee integration and the moral and ethical dimension of management. This manner of conducting a business is based on universal values that help enterprises to achieve their business objectives. Design/methodology/approach: The research task was carried out on the basis of the subject literature and the results of the survey conducted in the fourth quarter of 2020 among 343 diversified employees. The empirical analysis workshop allowed for the assessment of the impact of actions taken for the benefit of diversity management, as well as the possession of the diversity potential on soft and hard aspects of management. Findings: The conducted analyses indicated that diversity management has a significant impact on holistic business management. This is confirmed by both positive and negative relationships between the characteristics analyzed. Originality/value: Little research does relate to the assessment of operations in terms of diversity management or evaluation of the diversity potential and their impact on the holistic (including soft and hard aspects) management of the enterprise. This creates a re-search gap and implies the possibility of acquiring real knowledge of the impact of diversity management on the functioning (soft and hard aspects) of a modern enterprise.
One of the first social standards aimed at promoting labour rights for employees throughout the world is the SA8000 standard, referred to as social accountability 8000. The standard has been introduced to promote decent working conditions and to encourage enterprises to develop, sustain and apply socially accepted practices in the workplace. The aim of the paper is to present SA8000, along with its practical application by enterprises in different parts of the world. The article discusses reasons for applying SA8000 by selected companies and its benefits. In addition to theoretical aspects of the SA8000 certification process, SAAS data is presented, according to which, by the end of December 2018, the total number of enterprises that apply the social responsibility management system based on SA 8000 was 3,232. They operate in 56 sectors of 64 countries and employ 2,047,066 workers.
Jednym z pierwszych społecznych standardów mających na celu promowanie praw pracowniczych dla pracowników na całym świecie jest norma SA 8000, określana jako odpowiedzialność społeczna 8000. Konceptem normy było zapewnienie godnych warunków pracy, a także zachęcanie przedsiębiorstw do rozwijania, utrzymywania i stosowania akceptowanych społecznie praktyk w miejscu pracy. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie SA 8000, wraz z praktycznym jej zastosowaniem wśród przedsiębiorstw na całym świecie. Uzupełnieniem powyższego celu jest przedstawienie motywów i korzyści z zastosowania SA 8000 wśród wybranych firm. W opracowaniu oprócz teoretycznych aspektów procesu certyfikacji normy SA 8000, przedstawiono dane SAAS, według których na koniec grudnia 2018 roku liczba przedsiębiorstw prowadzących swoją działalność w oparciu o system zarządzania odpowiedzialnością społeczną zgodnie z SA 8000 to: 3232 certyfikowane firmy, działające w 64 krajach, w 56 sektorach i zatrudniające 2 047 066 pracowników.
Purpose: The conditions in which enterprises from the SME sector have to operate are not easy. The enormous changeability of the environment contributed to a shift in the ways of managing a company. In these uncertain and quite difficult times, the key variable when verifying the conducted activity is pro-social or pro-ecological activity in the form of CSR activities. The aim of the study is to define CSR models implemented by entrepreneurs from the SME sector. Design/methodology/approach: The research task was carried out based on the literature on the subject and the results of a survey from the first half of 2021, conducted among 164 enterprises based in the Slaskie Voivodeship. Due to the nature of the obtained data (qualitative features), the correlation studies used the ф - Youla correlation coefficient based on the X2 statistic. Findings: The conducted analyses have shown that the pandemic has led to changes in the approach of entrepreneurs to the subject of CSR. The conducted research has shown that the importance of CSR activities increases with the increase in the size of the enterprise. The conducted research allowed us to verify the adopted hypotheses. The results showed that the pandemic has indeed led to changes in the approach of entrepreneurs to the subject of CSR, as there is a decrease in the positive perception of CSR as an important element of the functioning of the company on the market. Originality/value: The conducted study allowed to identify the tendency towards pro-social activity of enterprises from the SME sector in the time of the COVID 19 pandemic. In the course of the research, an upward trend was determined in the case of medium-sized enterprises, stable in the case of small enterprises and a downward trend in the case of micro-enterprises. The study also allowed for a model approach to CSR activities in selected groups of enterprises.
Nowadays, the world is facing a crisis of sustainability challenges and industries in developed countries are making strategies to respond to those challenges by implementing Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM). Similarly, the industries of developing countries are striving to apply GSCM for sustainable development. This study aims to present a systematic literature review of GSCM practices and discusses its current status in the context of Bangladesh. This study used the PRISMA model and considered 70 research papers on GSCM published in Scopus and the Web of Science indexed journals in the context of developing countries including 21 papers on Bangladesh. The papers presented here identified the barriers and critical success factors to implement GSCM by reviewing selected papers including theoretical and practical issues. Furthermore, it indicates that the number of empirical research work on GSCM has increased rapidly over the last few years. This review paper would help managers, researchers, academicians, and policymakers for a better understanding of GSCM practices in Bangladesh and other developing countries.
Obecnie świat stoi w obliczu kryzysu związanego z wyzwaniami związanymi ze zrównoważonym rozwojem, a branże w krajach rozwiniętych opracowują strategie odpowiadające na te wyzwania, wdrażając zielone zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw (GSCM). Podobnie branże krajów rozwijających się starają się stosować GSCM dla zrównoważonego rozwoju. Niniejsze opracowanie ma na celu przedstawienie systematycznego przeglądu literatury na temat praktyk GSCM i omówienie jego obecnego stanu w kontekście Bangladeszu. W badaniu wykorzystano model PRISMA i uwzględniono 70 artykułów naukowych na temat GSCM opublikowanych w Scopus i indeksowanych czasopismach Web of Science w kontekście krajów rozwijających się, w tym 21 artykułów na temat Bangladeszu. W przedstawionych tutaj dokumentach zidentyfikowano bariery i krytyczne czynniki sukcesu we wdrażaniu GSCM poprzez przegląd wybranych artykułów, w tym zagadnienia teoretyczne i praktyczne. Ponadto wskazuje, że liczba badań empirycznych dotyczących GSCM gwałtownie wzrosła w ciągu ostatnich kilku lat. Ten artykuł przeglądowy pomoże menedżerom, badaczom, naukowcom i decydentom w lepszym zrozumieniu praktyk GSCM w Bangladeszu i innych krajach rozwijających się.
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