The authors of this paper present the stages of SMED method implementation and standardization of jobs on the example of a company in the metal industry. Particular emphasis is placed on the analysis of the lathe socket, focusing on its standardization and the manner and times of changeover. The work described here is an example of introducing new solutions and improving the changeover process. The summary describes the key results of the improvements, resulting in improved availability of equipment, which in turn translates into increased productivity.
Artykuł przedstawia zagadnienia związane z metodyką szczupłego wytwarzania w ujęciu elastyczności produkcji. W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z skracaniem czasów przezbrojeń oraz ich wpływ na wartość wskaźnika EPEI. Pracę zakończono podsumowaniem przedstawiającym kluczowe rezultaty wprowadzonych usprawnień.
Authors present in their work impact of shortening changeover times on production flexibility. Conducted improvements have been developed in a company producing composite boards. Tests have been carried on a group of three products with repetitive schedule. Reducing the time lost on the retooling of machines has been achieved by using the SMED method.
The article presents an analysis of three options to reduce the share of changeovers time in the available time of working machines. The first option concerns the reduction of the number and share of changeover times by grouping them in the production schedule by technologically similarity. The similarity is understood as production of products using the same settings of machines or using the same equipment. For the purpose of such approach patterns of clustering and queuing production orders in work schedules machines are formed. This enables the rapid and substantial reduction in the share of changeovers in the available working time of machine without interfering with the retooling process itself. By only knowing the structure of retooling and extract these essential elements, which by pooling and templates queuing can be avoided. In this case, increase the efficiency of the machine is achieved, however, at the same time stocks of both semi-finished and finished products increases and extends the duration of the customer contracts internal or external. The second variant is related to the analysis of the effect of shortening changeover times on the availability of machines. This approach was applied to organizational changes of retooling of machines in accordance with SMED method. This requires the involvement of all people involved in the process and examine depth of the whole process of retooling. At the same time this allows for a significant improvement in the efficiency of the machine without increasing inventory and maximizing production orders. The third analysis includes the simultaneous application of queuing pattern of production orders for individual products in the schedules of the machine and to shorten setup times. This approach allows for rapid improvement of the equipment with relatively low effort and cost.
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