Na rynku dostępnych jest wiele programów wspomagających pracę geologa oraz technologa górniczego. Często trudno się odnaleźć w gąszczu oferowanych przez nie funkcjonalności. Celem artykułu jest pokazanie możliwości wybranych programów (Studio, Surpac, MineSight, Vulcan i MineScape), ich zalet oraz ograniczeń. Przegląd obejmuje takie aspekty jak: funkcjonalność programu, łatwość obsługi, możliwość prowadzenia zaawansowanych analiz geostatystycznych, integralność z innymi narzędziami do modelowania oraz wymagania sprzętowe. Przegląd wykonano zarówno pod kątem wyrobisk podziemnych, jak i odkrywkowych.
Currently there is a variety of software helpful in geologist’s and mining engineer’s work. Very often it is difficult to understand all the functionalities provided with the software. The objective of the article is to show the software capabilities in terms of software functionality, ease of use, possibilities for conducting sophisticated geostatistical analyses, integrity with other modelling tools and technical requirements. Particular interest has been paid to the following software: Studio, Surpac, MineSight, Vulcan and MineScape. Furthermore, basic methods for modelling of roof and floor of layers have been shown. The first of the methods is applicable in layered deposits; its aim is to create a surface based on first samples in the boreholes. Whereas the other one is focused on cross-sections and creating solids with use of modeling strings. Presented examples refer both to underground and open-pit mines.
In the following paper, the geostatistical analysis of qualitative parameter within a limestone deposit was presented. The parameter was content of silica dioxide. Geostatistical analysis was carried out in order to identify variability of the parameter, what significantly influenced ore exploration. Sampling data was considered with regards to descriptive statistics; logarithmical character of parameter’s distribution was indicated. After logarithmical transformation omnidirectional semivariograms were calculated due to the fact that directional anisotropy was not proven. Few theoretical models were fitted to the semivariogram, further on they were verified by means of cross-validation method. Estimation results were obtained by lognormal ordinary kriging technique. They did not confirm that models classified during cross-validation as best fit are also most reliable during estimation. It is recommended to continue research on variability of parameters within the limestone deposit, including analysis conducted by indicator kriging technique. All stages of geostatistical analysis were carried out in Isatis software.
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