Przedstawiono koncentracje izotopów promieniotwórczych w osadach dennych antropogenicznego zbiornika wodnego w Pławniowicach (gmina Rudziniec, województwo śląskie). Próby osadów pobrano z dwunastu stanowisk wzdłuż długiej i krótkiej osi zbiornika. Pomiary przeprowadzono techniką wysokoczułej spektrometrii promieniowania gamma z detektorem półprzewodnikowym typu HPGe. Stwierdzono występowanie: izotopów promieniotwórczych z szeregu uranowo-radowego, szeregu torowego, naturalnego izotopu potasu 40K oraz sztucznego izotopu cezu 137Cs. Średnia koncentracja zidentyfikowanych izotopów wynosiła 40K-347Bq/kg, 137Cs-205 Bq/kg, rodziny 238U-45 Bq/kg, rodziny 232Th-24 Bq/kg. Stwierdzono, że koncentracje wykrytych izotopów sa na poziomie normalnie spotykanym w środowisku naturalnym i w żadnym punkcie nie odbiegały od wartości przeciętnie spotykanych. Koncentracje te nie stanowią żadnego zagrożenia radioaktywnego.
The distribution of radioactive substances in cores collected in l2 sample points of bottom sediments of Pławniowice antropogenic water reservoir has been studied. This ecosystem is an artificial reservoir on the Potok Toszecki river, which goes through the agricultural region in the west part of the Upper Silesian region. The aim of the work was to investigate samples from bottom sediments to determine sort and amount of radionuclides and other chemical elements and biological substances. These samples were taken from eleven points along the short and long axis of reservoir and were divided from 10-cm layers of bottom sediments. The measurement of radioactivity substances using high sensitive gamma spectrometry technique with semiconductor detector HPGe type was done. There was shown occurrence of radionuclides from uranium-radium 238U progeny, thorium 232Th progeny, the natural radionuclide of potassium 40K and the artificial radioisotope of cesium 137Cs. The mean activity concentration of radioelements is 40K - 347,0 Bq/kg, 137Cs - 204,7 Bq/kg, 238U - 44,5 Bq/kg, 232Th - 24,0 Bq/kg. Besides the concentrations change of radioisotope along the reservoir in the sediments was analyzed. A higher concentration of radioisotopes at the end of the lake was observed generally. For the cesium 137Cs the highest concentration in the 10-cm layer was in the middle points of the lake (for maximal deep) determined. This could be related with the Chernobyl accident. The concentrations of radioisotope are naturally in the environmental and are not dangerous.
Performed investigations showed that the magnetic properties of the Fe2.4V0.6Al alloy markedly depend on the degree of atomic order of its cubic structure. The atomically disordered alloy with A2 (bcc) type structure exhibits ferromagnetic properties. Its Mössbauer spectra can be described by the hyperfine field distribution connected with various local environments of Fe atoms. Alloys with B2 (sc) and DO3 (fcc) type structure do not exhibit magnetic transition above 4.2 K. High values of the magnetization and its strongly non-linear variation with magnetic field intensity in a wide temperature range suggest the presence of magnetic iron clusters in these alloys. Superparamagnetic relaxation times of the order of 10-9 s and 5 × 10-8 s correspond to the largest magnetic clusters with a magnetic moment of 4 × 103 žB in B2 and 104 žB in DO3-type structure, respectively. Mössbauer spectra of these alloys confirm lack of the magnetic order and also suggest the presence of the Fe magnetic clusters with those relaxation times. It was shown that the increase of atomic order of the crystal structure causes formation of the Fe magnetic clusters and disappearing of the magnetic order.
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