Artykuł recenzyjny: 1. Dziennikarze władzy, władza dziennikarzom, pod red. Tadeusza Wolszy i Sebastiana Ligarskiego, Warszawa 2010, ss. 456; Wolne media? Środowisko dziennikarskie w 1989 roku, red. Paweł Szulc, Tadeusz Wolsza, Szczecin–Warszawa 2010, ss. 350; 2. Polskie radio i telewizja w stanie wojennym, wstęp i opracowanie Sebastian Ligarski i Grzegorz Majchrzak, Warszawa 2011, ss. 485
A review of books: 1. Dziennikarze władzy, władza dziennikarzom, pod red. Tadeusza Wolszy i Sebastiana Ligarskiego, Warszawa 2010, ss. 456; Wolne media? Środowisko dziennikarskie w 1989 roku, red. Paweł Szulc, Tadeusz Wolsza, Szczecin–Warszawa 2010, ss. 350; 2. Polskie radio i telewizja w stanie wojennym, wstęp i opracowanie Sebastian Ligarski i Grzegorz Majchrzak, Warszawa 2011, ss. 485
Zeszyty Prasoznawcze - Content Analysis (1957–2012): Methods, Themes, Authors eds. M. Kawka, R. Filas and P. Płaneta, Kraków 2016
Recenzja Monografii: „Zeszyty Prasoznawcze”. Analiza zawartości [1957–2012]. Metody tematy autorzy, pod redakcją Macieja Kawki, Ryszarda Filasa, Pawła Płanety, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2016, 471 s.
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The subject of the article was the content of the most legally-published socio-cultural polish magazines between 1980 and 1983. The choice of the analysed magazines had an intentional character and included titles with the highest circulation and therefore having a significantly impact on public opinion. Omitting the statistical aspect of the analysis facilitated the highlighting of the most important threads presented in the magazines. Hitherto press coverage at the time was undertaken only once and dealt with only the legal dailies published under the state of war. The author came to the conclusion that the officially-published polish socio-cultural magazines at the outset of 1980 in the XX century have two clearly defined periods. Analysis of magazine contents issued between September 1980 and December 1981 which permits the ascertainment that concentration was focused mainly on three key issues: the revival of self-government in all spheres of culture, restoration of writers' social role as well as the children's and the journalistic reports on the daily tensions of social life. Such contents attracted substantial interest from readers with regards to what the magazine offers, just like the press, at the time, which had great popularity. After 13th December 1981, some known and popular columnists together with a substantial part of writers who came into permanent co-operation with the "underground press" or periodicals disappeared from the pages of the analysed press. Concessioned socio-cultural magazines became excessively polemical or overly flexible towards their political supervisors, which quite effectively put off potential readers. That is why, even after the state of war was lifted, in order to guard against the loss of audytorium, the spread of popular literature and literature of facts was embarked upon.
A review of Katarzyna Pokorna-Ignatowicz, Robotnicza Spółdzielnia Wydawnicza „Prasa–Książka–Ruch” w polskim systemie medialnym [Workers’ Publishing Cooperative ‘Press–Book– Movement’ in the Polish Media System], Kraków 2016
Artykuł recenzyjny nt. monografii: Katarzyna Pokorna-Ignatowicz, Robotnicza Spółdzielnia, Wydawnicza „Prasa–Książka–Ruch” w polskim systemie medialnym, Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego, Kraków 2016, 264 s.
This is a survey of the Polish opinion-shaping press between 1989 and 2012. As used here, the term refers to the society, culture and politics segments of the Polish print media. The article demonstrates that this part of press market have come under the domination of weekly magazines with a distinct society and politics profi le. Their popularity has led to relative decline of interest in the daily press
Przedmiotem artykułu był proces konstruowania paradygmatu prasoznawstwa. Autor przypomniał polskich uczonych i ich poglądy dotyczące metodologii badań prasy i innych mediów. Doszedł do wniosku, że najistotniejszy wkład w sformułowanie paradygmatu prasoznawstwa miał Mieczysław Kafel. Niemniej jednak jego koncepcja nie zyskała akceptacji wszystkich badaczy, co skutkuje tym, że polskie prasoznawstwo/medioznawstwo do czasów współczesnych charakteryzuje się dużym zróżnicowaniem paradygmatycznym.
This article focuses on the developments which led to the construction of a Polish paradigm of press studies. An analysis of the methodological premises and contributions of researchers involved in that process in the 1950s and 1960s indicates that the key role in developing a such a paradigm was played by Mieczysław Kafel. It must be said, though, that his concept of press studies was not adopted by all specialists in field. As a result Polish press/media studies exhibit considerable differences of approach (paradigmatic structure).
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Answering the question embodied in this article it could be stated that Poles aversion to newspapers is due to a number of causes. Firstly, it is a historically-conditioned problem emanating not only from the loathing for newspapers fulfilling propaganda functions,but also in connection with the dismantling of the tolerably efficient system of press distribution as well as the propagation of the press developed in the era of the People’s Republic of Poland. It is also expedient to acknowledge as historical the demonopolization process of the Polish press market, which instigated the audience to various reading experiments that usually resulted in relinquishing reading of the daily press. Extreme commercialization of the press market and the introduction of such products as advertisement and free newspapers undermined the survival of the information and journalistic press. Originally, the destabilization of this market caused press competitions and later on various gadgets. The newspaper, more and more to a less extent a medium of communications and a cultural good, became a simple market product promoted by the same methods as in the instances of soap, mayonnaise or washing powder. If we should add to this the incessant pursuit of advertisement and the neglect of editorial content, then there will emerge a group of subsequent factors that will effectively alienate Poles from the daily press. The future survival of printed newspapers will certainly be challenged by computer users. The young polish generation currently rarely fall back on classical printed matter, seeking all information, above all, on the net. What results this will yield will be seen in the near future.
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The article deals with the history of television in Poland between 1989 and 2013. Drawing on a vast source material and literature the article presents the legal norms and institutions which provided the framework for the functioning of this medium, the main TV broadcasters and their programme content, and, finally, the ratings of individual channels and programmes.
The author was of the assumption that the activities of the electronic media (radio broadcasting and television) constitute one of the most significant aspects of polish culture, economy and medial system. Cognizance was also taken of the fact that the importance and role of the polish electronic media do not differ, to a great extent, from what obtains in the other European countries. The distinctive feature of the polish medial system, however, is the absence of an up to date law on radio broadcasting and television. There is lack of a regulating law in Poland which would not only have outlined the key aspects necessary for the functioning of these media but would have anticipated them as well. The author came to the conclusion that the current mandatory law on radio broadcasting and television is an incoherent and obsolete legal act. At the same time it became one of the basic instruments for the runninig of the public media. A great number of amendments were only designed to address short-term political issues. The attention of the decision makers was focused on personal matters. Politicians were not interested in substantative changes in law modernization and this was due only to the implementation of the European law which came into effect after a considerable delay.
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The article examines the trends in social communication in Poland in 1980–1981. Having analyzed multiple sources and research studies, the author comes to the conclusion that in this watershed period in Polish postwar history was characterized not only by stricter control of the official information channels but also a grassroot pushback manifested in the rise of uncensored bulletins, leaflets and propaganda posters.