Artykuł opisuje znaczenie symbolu światła w paschalnej liturgii Jerozolimy pierwszego tysiąclecia chrześcijaństwa. Obrzęd zapalenia światła na początku liturgii Wigilii Wielkanocnej (zwany paschalnym Lucernarium) jest obecny we wszystkich źródłach liturgicznych liturgii jerozolimskiej. Najbardziej znaczące z nich to: Itinerarium Egerii (z końca IV w.), lekcjonarz ormiański (V w.), Wielki lekcjonarz Kościoła jerozolimskiego tradycji gruzińskiej (VI-VIII w.) oraz Typikon Kościoła Anastasis (XII w.). Rozwój obrzędu wielkanocnej liturgii światła, obejmujący zapalenie świecy lub kilku świec wewnątrz edykułu Bożego Grobu, przekazanie światła wszystkim wiernym, modlitwy, śpiew psalmów i antyfon oraz procesje, podkreśla, iż celebracja tajemnicy zmartwychwstania Chrystusa w Jerozolimie miała zawsze wymiar chrystologiczny i eklezjologiczny.
This article examines the relevance and the significance of the symbol of the light in the paschal liturgy in Jerusalem in the first millennium. The rite of the lighting the candle, which opens the liturgy of the Easter Vigil (called the Easter Lucernarium), is present in all the known sources of the Jerusalem liturgy. The most significant of these are Itinerarium Egeriae (end of the 4th century), the Armenian Lectionary (5th century), the Grand Lectionary of the Church of Jerusalem from the Georgian tradition (6th-8th century) and the Typicon of the Anastasis (12th century). The development of the rite of paschal light – which includes the lighting of the candle or candles inside of the chapel of the Tomb of Christ, passing the fire to the whole congregation, prayers, psalms, antiphons and processions – reflects the profound theological significance of the Resurrection of Christ. Indeed, the celebration of Easter in Jerusalem, thanks to the very evocative symbol of light, has always been preeminent among Christological and ecclesiological event.
The Holy Fire ceremony, also known as the Holy Fire miracle, is one of the most eminent liturgies of the Greek Orthodox Church in Jerusalem, celebrated every year on Holy Saturday early afternoon. The origins of this celebration can be found in the most ancient sources of the Jerusalem liturgy stemming from the Byzantine, Armenian, Georgian and Latin traditions. All the sources unanimously prove that the rites associated with the Holy Fire arose from the evolution of the opening rites of the Paschal Vigil celebrated inside the chapel of the Tomb of Christ in Jerusalem. The popular piety of the Jerusalem Christians considered them as supernatural and miraculous already several centuries before the Crusaders came to the Holy Land. The Orthodox Church (particularly of Greek and Russian traditions) maintains this interpretation to nowadays.
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