Problematyka podjęta w artykule odnosi się do zagadnienia poprawności wypowiedzi internautów, którzy w portalach internetowych Onet, Interia, Wirtualna Polska skomentowali informację o śmierci polskiego kompozytora Henryka Mikołaja Góreckiego. Ich wypowiedzi charakteryzują: niestaranny zapis (z błędami literowymi i bez polskich znaków diakrytycznych), posługiwanie się leksyką potoczną i błędy gramatyczne. O kształcie językowym wypowiedzi zadecydowały sytuacja komunikatywna, spontaniczność, ekspresja i pośpiech. Komentarze i opinie internautów są niezgodne z normą wzorcową, a z punktu widzenia normy użytkowej można je zaakceptować jedynie ze względu na skuteczność aktu komunikacji (uzewnętrznienie swoich uczuć po śmierci kompozytora).
The issues addressed in the article concern the problem of the correctness of the Internet users who, in the web portals Onet, Interia, Wirtualna Polska, have made comments on the death of Henryk Mikołaj Górecki, a Polish composer. Their remarks are characterized by the incorrect record (with spelling mistakes and without Polish diacritical marks), the use of slang vocabulary and grammar mistakes. Communicative background, spontaneity, expressiveness and rush influenced the language register. The Internet users’ opinions and comments do not comply with the standards, and they can be accepted only because of the effectiveness of their communication (expressing the feelings after the composer’s death).
Język młodych ludzi, uczniów i studentów, jakim posługiwali się i posługują się podczas szkolnej lub uczelnianej przerwy to polszczyzna, w której można dostrzec spójność i zmienność zarówno w sposobach nazywania realiów otaczającej ich rzeczywistości (neosemantyzmy, neologizmy, zapożyczenia, frazeologizmy), jak i kontynuację nazewnictwa odnoszącego się do owej rzeczywistości. Słownictwo młodzieży obejmuje bowiem wiele wspólnych kręgów tematycznych (np. nazwy ocen, nazwy ucznia – studenta, nazwy przedmiotów). Słowniki gwary uczniowskiej i studenckiej zarówno z XX, jak i XXI w. odzwierciedlają te tendencje.
The language of Polish students and pupils which is used during their school breaks, is the language characterized by both cohesion and alteration in specifying their reality (neologisms, semantics, borrowings, idiomatic expressions), as well as continuation of the nomenclature which refers to the reality. The students and pupils’ slang comprises their shared thematic circles (e.g. names of school notes, names of students – pupils, names of school subjects). The dictionaries of students and pupils’ slang in 20th and 21st cent., though published in different periods, reflect the tendencies.
Communication in an unequal relationship (lecturer – student) is conditioned by an officialcommunicative situation. The interchange of information in such a communicative space (situation, place and time) requires the sender and the addressee of a message to use a definite code and to observe, among others, the rules of linguistic etiquette and verbal aesthetics. In unequal relationships, it is the lecturers who in their e-mails observe the rules of linguistic etiquette and aesthetics. Students, in turn, not always can adjust their utterances to a communicative situation and consequently their linguistic behaviours are considered as unsuitable and inadequate with regard to the addressee, the situation and the act of communication. A characteristic feature of students’ letters is the use of linguistic strategies characteristic for the spoken Polish (language) in unofficial situations, and also combining the norms of linguistic polite behaviours typical for an unequal relationship as well as equal relationship.
Communication in an unequal relationship (lecturer – student) is conditioned by an official communicative situation. The interchange of information in such a communicative space (situation, place and time) requires the sender and the addressee of a message to use a definite code and to observe, among others, the rules of linguistic etiquette and verbal aesthetics. In unequal relationships, it is the lecturers who in their e-mails observe the rules of linguistic etiquette and aesthetics. Students, in turn, not always can adjust their utterances to a communicative situation and consequently their linguistic behaviours are considered as unsuitable and inadequate with regard to the addressee, the situation and the act of communication. A characteristic feature of students’ letters is the use of linguistic strategies characteristic for the spoken Polish (language) in unofficial situations, and also combining the norms of linguistic polite behaviours typical for an unequal relationship as well as equal relationship.
e article focuses on the issue of expressiveness of the students’ language and, in particular, on the ways in which they signal amazement. Amazement is atype of emotion that constitutes areaction to something unexpected, surprising, unforeseeable, unknown and shocking. Positive and negative emotions of students are primarily connected with school as an educational institution (and, for example, grades, tests and quizzes). Expressiveness is the basic feature of the language of students who attended schools not only at the beginning of the 21st century, but also in the 20th century. This is visible in dictionaries of student jargon published in this and the previous century. In student language amazement is visible in language resources that either refer to the nonverbal means of expression or to the verbal reaction. In consequence, such expression of amazement involves different means of exposition of this emotion: 1) as averbal expression of the nonverbal emotion, 2) as averbal reaction (to somebody/something unexpected and shocking).
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