The text outlines how the concept of pietas understood as unreserved reverence of sons towards their fathers was incorporated into the repertory of school declamations that in the Roman education system made the main means of modelling the social attitudes of younger generations.
The text is an analysis of the story of Dido as shown in Virgil’s Aeneid. The author presents pre-Virgiliansources of the history of the Phoenician queen, recounts the three principal versions of Dido’s biography andsets the Virgil’s narration against the opinions of ancient commentators (Servius, Macrobius) and other Romanwriters reminiscing about Dido’s ill-fated past. All the testimonies bring out the uncontestable claim that it wasVirgil who first wrote about the tragic love entanglement between Aeneas and Dido, a story which rapidly gainedpopularity upon the publication of the Aeneid. The article discusses Virgil’s subversive understanding ofgender and the conventional traits of national character (Roman and barbaric, as typified in Roman literature).
В основе этой статьи лежит концепция взаимоотношений между людьми и животными, выдержанная в русле философии стоиков. Стоики предполагали человеческое господство над другими существами и считали, что человеческая гегемония не может быть ограничена нормами справедливости. Отрывок из Естественной истории – рассказ о слонах – служит материалом для исследования того, в какой степени Плиний согласился с этим убеждением стоиков.
As a point of departure, article presents the Stoic understanding of human-animal relationships: the Stoic philosophers presupposedhuman dominance over other creatures, which excluded the norms of justice as a means of limiting the human hegemony. On the basis of an excerpt from Pliny’s Natural History, which recounts a story of elephants, Tomasz Sapota examines the extent to which Pliny accepted this view of the Stoics.
Tłem rozważań podjętych w tym artykule jest stoicka koncepcja relacji między ludźmi i zwierzętami. Stoicy zakładali panowanie ludzi nad pozostałymi istotami i uważali, że hegeminia człowieka nie może być ograniczana przez normy sprawiedliwości. Passus z Historii naturalnej – opowieść o słoniach – służy jako materiał do zbadania, w jakim stopniu Pliniusz zgadzał się z tym przekonaniem.
The text is an analysis of the story of Dido as shown in Virgil’s Aeneid. The author presents pre-Virgiliansources of the history of the Phoenician queen, recounts the three principal versions of Dido’s biography andsets the Virgil’s narration against the opinions of ancient commentators (Servius, Macrobius) and other Romanwriters reminiscing about Dido’s ill-fated past. All the testimonies bring out the uncontestable claim that it wasVirgil who first wrote about the tragic love entanglement between Aeneas and Dido, a story which rapidly gainedpopularity upon the publication of the Aeneid. The article discusses Virgil’s subversive understanding ofgender and the conventional traits of national character (Roman and barbaric, as typified in Roman literature).
In the paper we deal with the development of Latin possessive suus and with changes in use of the possessive from Latin to Italian. Citing examples from the Latin classical literature we demonstrate the inconsistencies and weaknesses of the grammar system that led to incoherent use of the linguistic forms and to consequent changes in the system itself. By analyzing sentences chosen mostly Caesar’s works we reached the conclusion that in Latin had not existed specialized pronominal forms employed exclusively in the oratio obliqua structures. Suus, se, sibi were used in order to establish referential identity of different elements which resulted in co-occurrence of identical forms that pointed to completely different referents. The evolution of the language in the 6th century abolished the difference between reflexive and pronominal form (classical Latin suus and eius). Such shift was a result of the incoherent employment of those forms in the oratio obliqua. At first, that usage was context-depending, then it was extended to become general and normative, which led to disappearing of the diversification between reflexive and pronominal forms.
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