Wskaźnik OEE (ang. Overall Equipment Effectiveness) pozwala określić, jak efektywnie działają maszyny i urządzenia eksploatowane w określonym przedsiębiorstwie produkcyjnym. Wskazany wskaźnik pozwala tym samym określić nie tylko ilości wytwarzanych produktów, przy uwzględnieniu rzeczywistego czasu pracy tychże maszyn i urządzeń, ale wskazuje również jaki procent wyprodukowanych produktów spełnia normy jakościowe. Tak więc wskaźnik OEE to niezmiernie ważny wskaźnik kondycji eksploatowanych maszyn i urządzeń w zakładzie produkcyjnym. Stwierdzić należy, iż stan techniczny maszyn i urządzeń nie może być oparty jedynie na kwestiach serwisowych, ale i również na podejściu, które zapewni jak najdłuższy okres „życia” maszyny czy urządzenia. Celem opracowania było zaprezentowanie sposobu obliczania i interpretacji wskaźnika OEE na przykładzie młynów węglowych pierścieniowo-kulowych typu EM 70 eksploatowanych w elektrowniach i elektrociepłowniach, co pozwoliło ustalić faktyczną efektywność wykorzystania wskazanych obiektów technicznych w przedsiębiorstwie o produkcji ciągłej. Stwierdzono tym samym, iż efektywność wykorzystania młynów węglowych jest zależna od okresów ich eksploatacji.
The OEE indicator (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) allows to determine how effectively machines and devices operated in a specific production enterprise operate. The indicated index allows to determine not only the quantities of products manufactured, taking into account the actual working time of these machines and devices, but also indicates what percentage of manufactured products meets quality standards. Thus, the OEE indicator is an extremely important indicator of the condition of the operated machines and equipment in the production plant. It should be stated that the technical condition of machines and devices can not be based only on service issues, but also on the approach that will ensure the longest life-span of a machine or device. The aim of the study was to present the method of calculating and interpreting the OEE indicator on the example of EM-type ring-ball mills operated in power plants and combined heat and power plants, which allowed to determine the actual efficiency of using the indicated technical facilities in a continuous production enterprise. It was thus confirmed that the efficiency of using coal mills depends, among others, on from their periods of use.
In the paper, theoretical knowledge about base solution of common differential equations with variable parameters is presented. The solutions are applied to mechanical problems of discrete, distributed and discrete-distributed homogeneous elastic models of structures and structural components. In this paper, the influence function and its properties are presented. The influence function is applied to analysis of the bending curve of a beam with constants and variable parameters. The presented method of the influence function is based on the mathematical similarity of differential equations describing free vibrations and deflection of beams, which are fourth-order equations with variable coefficients. In this paper, examples of calculation of support reactions as function of stiffness of the beam and elastic supports are presented.
The Cauchy function and characteristic series were applied to solve the boundary value problem of free transverse vibrations of vertically mounted, elastically supported tapered cantilever columns. The columns can be subjected to universal axial point loads which considerate – conservative and follower /tangential/ forces, and to distributed loads along the cantilever length. The general form of characteristic equation was obtained taking into account the shape of tapered cantilever for attached and elastically secured. Bernstein-Kieropian double and higher estimators of natural frequency and critical loads were calculated based on the first few coefficients of the characteristic series. Good agreement was obtained between the calculated natural frequency and the exact values available in the literature.
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