Relatively great number of detected and confirmed oil spillages in the Polish marine areas reveals that discharge of oil substances from any one of a large number of ships to the marine environment is real in any time. Surface oil contamination can be easily detected by satellite or airborne radar techniąues, but unfortunately oil dispersed in the bulk of water cannot be detected at the present. Discharge waters usually contain small amounts ofoil substances in the form of dispersed droplets (emulsion). It is revealed that oil emulsion cause measurable changes in the optical properties of seawater. In practice, detection of changes of these properties should be possible by the standard radiance or irradiance reflectance meter. This paper presents a computed photon trace simulation applied to the marine environment polluted by oil-in-water emulsion. Model of marine area consists ofwhether conditions, sun elevation, sea depth, optical properties of seawater related to various transparency/turbidity: from clean oceanic waters to turbid coastal seawater (as water from Gulf of Gdańsk is). Model of oil pollution is represented by oil droplets size distribution and by spectra of both attenuation-coefficient and refraction-coefficient related to two optically absolutely different kinds of oil. It is revealed that the values of irradiance reflectance are significantly differ for the clean sea area in relation to the polluted one, even for small amounts of engine-room origin oil pollution.
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Informacje o procesach zachodzących w toni wodnej przenoszone są w promieniowaniu elektromagnetycznym tylko w jego paśmie widzialnym. Wtrącenia substancji obcych w środowisku wodnym zaburzają naturalny transfer energii promienistej. Okrętowe materiały eksploatacyjne – głównie oleje i paliwa – w przypadku przedostania się do środowiska morskiego wpływają na modyfikację rozkładów prawdopodobieństwa oddziaływań fotonów z wodą i jej składnikami. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono najważniejsze pojęcia, zjawiska oraz procesy optyczne w środowisku morskim o podwyższonej zawartości substancji ropopochodnych.
Information on natural processes in the water column is transmitted by electromagnetic radiation in the visual range only. Various anthropogenic, alien for marine environment, substances disturb natural transport of the radiant energy. Ship consumables as fuels and lubricants (oils) when entering the marine environment – influences probability distributions of interactions between the solar photons and water constituents. In this paper main phenomena and photonic processes in the environment polluted by oil substances are described.
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