The literature is flooded with scientific information on most durability properties except water absorption coefficient of masonry units like sandcrete blocks. Also, while waste papers disposal is a systemic problem due to ineffectiveness of waste management system in developing countries, the price of cement is on the increase. This situation, ultimately, causes a bane in achievement of low-cost housing development considering the fact that sandcrete blocks are predominantly used as walling elements for such undertakings. In this study, solid core sandcrete blocks were produced with waste paper ash (WPA) utilized as partial replacement of cement at 5 % and 10 % volumetric levels. Chemically, the WPA was found to show similarity with cement in terms of SiO2, Al2O3, and CaO contents. Density and water absorption coefficient of the block samples were determined. While density ranged from 1682 to 1872 kg/m3, water absorption coefficient varied from 27.04 to 23.49 kg/m2h0.5. Statistically, no significant difference was revealed at 𝑝<0.05 between experimentally-measured water absorption coefficients and those obtained using the model developed for prediction based on density of the samples. Thus, utilization of WPA as described herein could help to reduce the cost of procuring cement and in turn, enhance low-cost building construction. Also, with the developed model (showing dependence of water absorption coefficient on density), durability of sandcrete blocks exposed to moisture –prone environment could be easily predicted.
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Coconut husk is generated yearly as waste in large quantities but majorly under-utilized. Also, as a result of high embodied carbon, cement production is one of the largest contributors to construction sector carbon footprint. Since accumulation of unmanaged agro-waste like coconut husk has an increased environmental concern due to its pollution effect, recycling it into sustainable construction materials is a viable solution for future generation. In this study, experiments were performed to investigate the influence of coconut husk ash nanomaterial (CHAN) inclusion on electrical characteristics of plain cement paste (BCP) and mortar (CSM) samples at curing ages of 7 and 28 days. The results showed increase in electrical resistivity, thermal constant, and activation energy with curing duration for heating and cooling cycles of BCP and CSM. With inclusion of CHAN, the developed cement paste (CAP) and mortar (CASM) possessed lower values in all cases compared to their counterparts. Also, during heating at 28 days, both the CAP and CASM exhibited decrease in thermal constant. Though electrical resistance of all the samples varied inversely with temperature, CAP and CASM were found to possess greater potentials to make building structures intrinsically smart. Hence, in addition to solving disposal problems, utilization of coconut husks as described herein could enhance development of safe, inexpensive, and sustainable buildings that have large temperature sensing volume.
This study was designed to examine the feasibility of recycling cassava effluent, sawdust, and unused paper products to enhance their utilization for beneficial purpose. Waste newspaper paste (WNP), Waste writing-paper paste (WWP), and Waste carton paper paste (WCP) were prepared and then used separately to similarly fabricate composite panels with Sawdust particle (SDP) proportioned at 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% by weight. The binder used was cassava starch slurry prepared from the effluent. Bulk density, water absorption, thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity, thermal diffusivity, nailability, and flexural strength were determined for the developed samples. From the results obtained, the samples were found to be light-weight and their thermal insulation performance improved with increasing proportions of the SDP. Though samples containing the WCP exhibited the best satisfactory performance, it was found that all the studied samples could perform more effectively and efficiently as ceilings compared to some of those reported in the literature. From scientific-economic viewpoint, valorizing the above-mentioned wastes as described in this paper could help to protect the environment and also yield value-added insulation ceilings for enhancement of sustainable building construction especially in tropical areas.
Celem pracy było określenie możliwości recyklingu ścieków z manioku, trocin i odpadowych materiałów papierniczych w celu ich szerszego wykorzystania. Nitki z makulatury gazetowej (WNP), nitki z makulatury z papieru do pisania (WWP) i nitki z makulatury z kartonu (WCP) zostały przygotowane, a następnie użyte osobno do wytworzenia paneli kompozytowych z dodatkiem trocin (SDP) przy udziale masowym 0%, 25%, 50 %, 75% i 100%. Zastosowanym spoiwem była przygotowana z odcieku zawiesina skrobi z manioku. Dla przygotowanych próbek określono gęstość nasypową, nasiąkliwość, przewodność cieplną, ciepło właściwe, dyfuzyjność cieplną, zdolność do wbijania gwoździ i wytrzymałość na zginanie. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników stwierdzono, że próbki miały małą gęstość objętościową, a ich właściwości termoizolacyjne poprawiały się wraz ze wzrostem udziału trocin (SDP). Chociaż próbki zawierające WCP wykazywały najlepsze właściwości, stwierdzono, że z wszystkich badanych próbek można wytworzyć sufity o lepszych właściwościach w porównaniu z podobnymi opisanymi w literaturze. Z naukowo-ekonomicznego punktu widzenia zastosowanie wyżej wymienionych odpadów, jak opisano w tym artykule, może pomóc w ochronie środowiska, a także w uzyskaniu bardziej ciepłochronnych stropów, a co za tym idzie przyczyni się do rozwoju bardziej zrównoważonego budownictwa, zwłaszcza w obszarach tropikalnych.
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