The article is an analysis of the essay by Michael Foucault included in 'The Order of Things'. A question is posed whether Velazquez's painting is mentiones as an illustration of well known theses which were formulated earlier on the basis of a purely linguistic discourse, or whether it rather makes a functionally indispensable fragment of a complete conceptual construction. An attempt to answer this question, undertaken in the present work, aims at determining certain general properties of condition based on a linguistic discourse and a kind of 'pictorial' cognition. The fundamental difference is that the nature of cognition which refers to the language is successive, temporal and performative (though not in the sense understood by J.L. Austin), whereas pictorial cognition is holistic, embracing a number of elements simultaneously and, as a result, is situated as if beyond time. Michael Foucault states that we see cannot be adequately expressed by what we say, yet he still takes up an effort of describing Velazquez's painting and, what is more, his description becomes the key to the whole book. Paradoxically, a linguistic analysis of a painting, previously regarded as impossible, introduces the reader into the problems of double representation. The present work proposes a thesis that, apart from the annihilation of the subject, Foucault destroys the sphere of the object as well. Paraphrasing Poper, one might say that Foucault talks about presentation without the representing subject. The disapperance of subject may be compared with implementing the Buddhist principle of non-substantiality. Foucault's epistemological considerations thus refer to a discourse which has distinct brahmanical featueres. The disappearance of the subject is accompanied by the disapperance of reality. What is left is a representation without the represented reality. Foucault uses the painting by Velazquez to illustrate its inner self-reference which reaches an absolute limit and becomes an independent reality. Foucault doesn't want to make a speech for us, but he wants to disappear in stream of the language revealing its own energy. The answer to the initial question is not unambiguous. On the one hand Foucault uses Velazquez's painting in a rather instrumental way and treats it as an illustration of some linguistic game, an illustration of an operation carried out on symbols, yet on the other hand he comes to a reflection on a double representation in whose context Velazquez's work becomes a more formal tool of analysis. The considerations upon the order of things, words and pictures presented by Foucault in 'Las Meninas' are situated in the limits of a broad conceptual horizon which marks the idea of representation. It makes the widest context and all symbolic structures, pictorial presentations or symbolic systems are closed within this horizon. Thus the opposition of words and images fades into the background and is partially blurred in the universal space of representation
Dane dotyczące lęgów puszczyka uralskiego Strix uralensis w zachodniej części Pogórza Przemyskiego zbierano w latach 2006–2007. W trakcie prac badawczych w 2007 roku zlokalizowano siedem gniazd. Trzy były umieszczone w gniazdach ptaków szponiastych, dwa w typowych dla puszczyka uralskiego miejscach lęgu – złamanych pniach osiki (kominach) oraz dwa w dziuplach (w lipie i buku). Liczba odchowanych młodych puszczyków uralskich, których lęgi zakończyły się sukcesem w 2007 roku wynosiła od 2 do 4 młodych, średnio 2,8 młodych na parę (N = 6). Sukces lęgowy puszczyków uralskich zasiedlających Pogórze Przemyskie, w porównaniu z innymi badaniami, należy uznać za wysoki. Należy jednak podkreślić, że wiosną 2007 roku liczebność gryzoni leśnych była bardzo wysoka, a od niej zależy sukces lęgowy puszczyka uralskiego. W 2006 roku mimo intensywnych i wnikliwych poszukiwań nie udało się odnaleźć gniazd puszczyka uralskiego na badanym obszarze Pogórza Przemyskiego
In 2006–2007, data on the nesting sites of the Ural Owl Strix uralensis were collected in the western part of the Przemyskie Foothills. Seven nests were found in 2007. Three of them were located in stick-nests of birds of prey (probably Common Buzzard). Two nests were found in the typical nesting sites of the Ural Owl – broken trunks of aspen (”chimneys”) and the two other nests − in tree hollows (beech and lime). The brood size of the Ural Owl pairs with breeding success in 2007 ranged from 2 to 4 fledglings per pair, on average 2.8 fledglings per pair (2 × 2, 3 × 3, 1 × 4; N = 6). The breeding success of the Ural Owl from the Przemyskie Foothills is high compared to other data. However, it is necessary to take into consideration that 2007 was the year of outbreak of forest rodents and the breeding success of the Ural Owl is determined by outbreaks of rodents. In 2006, no Ural Owl nests were found in the Przemyskie Foothills, despite the intensive and thorough search
Early identification of anthropological potential in swimmers is considered important to the recruitment and selection of children and adolescents to perform extensive and strenuous training. The aim of the research was a comparative analysis of the anthropometric parameters and indicators of adult, elite swimmers with people who had never trained for swimming. It was assumed that the specific characteristics of the swimmers’ somatic composition referred to the laws of swimming biomechanics. Methods: Anthropometric measurements were taken in a group of elite male swimmers (N = 28), aged 17–24. The same set of measurements was taken in a homogeneous control group of students of physical education. An anthropometric profile significantly differentiating swimmers from the control group was constructed. Next, a linear forward stepwise discriminant analysis was conducted to investigate which indices can be used to distinguish the two groups. Results: It seems significant that a specific somatic composition trait of swimmers in the form of a relatively long shank was observed, which had not been observed in earlier studies. Additionally, indices of relatively slim hand dimension, and indices describing a “reversed triangle” shape of trunk, were the most powerful discrimination variables between the two examined groups. Conclusion: The results obtained cannot be generalised to the entire population of swimmers, however referring them to the laws of biomechanics of swimming allows for the continuation of research into identifying the prognostic traits desirable for success among young swimmers.
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