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Introduction Back pain is a serious social problem which frequently affects women. So far, the effectiveness and safety of physical activities recommended to them have not been confirmed scientifically. The aim of the work was to determine the influence of circuit resistance training on the quality of life and disability of women with back pain. Material and methods The study included 25 women (mean age 52.81 ± 13.83 years) with back pain in the course of degenerative changes in the lumbar spine. Circuit resistance training was done on the machines with hydraulic resistance. Prior to the training, each participant was diagnosed on the basis of the McKenzie functional assessment. The quality of life was evaluated with the use of SF-36 survey, while pain intensity was assessed with visual analogue scale (VAS). The level of disability was examined with Roland-Morris disability questionnaire (RMDQ). The examinations were repeated after a three-month period of training and compared with a control group including 31 women (mean age 43.43 ± 14.64 years) who did not take up any physical activity in this period. Results In the research group, 73.68% of the subjects improved their quality of life assessed with SF-36 survey, mainly in the category of physical functioning (p=0.006). Moreover, their disability decreased significantly (p=0.01) and pain subsided (p=0.003) compared to the control group. Conclusions Circuit resistance training decreased low back pain, reduced disability and improved the quality of life of the subjects. This type of training may be recommended to individuals with non-specific low back pain.
Wprowadzenie: Wysiłkowe nietrzymanie moczu jest coraz częściej występującym problemem wśród kobiet. Dolegliwość ta dotyka co trzecią kobietę w różnym wieku. Aby leczenie tych kobiet było skuteczniejsze, należałoby uregulować ścieżkę postępowania terapeutycznego. Ważnym elementem jest współpraca między specjalistami, profilaktyka oraz leczenie zachowawcze. Niniejsza praca jest przeglądem systematycznym aktualnej literatury dotyczącej fizjoterapii w leczeniu wysiłkowego nietrzymania moczu u kobiet. Cel pracy: Celem głównym pracy było opracowanie protokołu postępowania fizjoterapeutycznego w tej grupie pacjentek. Materiał i metody: Przeszukano następujące bazy: Pubmed, Google Scholar, Cochrane Library, Scopus, stosując następujące słowa kluczowe: stress urinary incontinence therapy/physiotherapy/manual therapy, pelvic floor muscles training/diagnostic/investigation, pelvic floor dysfunction, diaphragm. Wykorzystano również informacje dostępne na stronach internetowych Polskiego Towarzystwa Uroginekologicznego, Przeglądu Urologicznego i Stowarzyszenia UroCon-ti. Wyniki: Na podstawie zebranego piśmiennictwa przedstawiono system opieki pacjentek z wysiłkowym nietrzymaniem moczu w Polsce, określono skuteczność metod fizjoterapeutycznych oraz zaznaczono elementy terapii, na które warto zwrócić uwagę. Na podstawie zebranych informacji zaproponowano protokół postępowania fizjoterapeutycznego w wysiłkowym nietrzymaniu moczu. Wnioski: 1. Fizjoterapia jako forma leczenia wysiłkowego nietrzymania moczu powinna być zawsze częścią procesu terapeutycznego. Stosowana w pierwszej kolejności w niektórych przypadkach po-zwala uniknąć zabiegu operacyjnego. Może również zmniejszyć ryzyko powikłań po interwencji chirurgicznej. 2. Ścieżka postępowania terapeutycznego powinna uwzględniać również diagnostykę oraz leczenie fizjoterapeutyczne. 3. W terapii pacjentki z wysiłkowym nietrzymaniem moczu należy wziąć pod uwagę następujące elementy: postawę ciała, sposób oddychania, nawyki pacjenta, pracę mięśni dna miednicy. 4. Aby fizjoterapia w wysiłkowym nietrzymaniu moczu była bardziej dostęp-na i powszechna należy ją refundować. 5. Postępowanie fizjoterapeutyczne w wysiłkowym nie-trzymaniu moczu wymaga dalszych, systematycznych badań.
Introduction: Stress urinary incontinence is an increasingly common problem among women. The disorder affects every third woman, regardless of age. To make treatment of these women more effective, the therapeutic treatment path should be regulated. Important elements are cooperation between specialists, prevention and conservative treatment. This paper is a systematic review of current literature concerning physiotherapy in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women. Aim of the study: The main aim of the study was to develop a physiotherapy protocol for this particular group of patients. Material and methods: The following databases: Pubmed, Google Scholar, Cochrane Library, Scopus were searched using the following keywords: stress urinary incontinence therapy/ physiotherapy/manual therapy, pelvic floor muscle training/ diagnostic/ investigation, pelvic floor dysfunction, diaphragm. The information available on the websites of the Polish Urogynecological Association, Przegląd Urologiczny (Urological Review) and the UroConti Association was also used. Results: On the basis of the collected literature, the Polish medical care system for patients with stress urinary incontinence in Poland was presented, the effectiveness of physiotherapeutic methods was determined and elements of therapy worthy of further attention were marked. On the basis of the collected information, a physiotherapeutic protocol was proposed in stress urinary incontinence. Conclusions: 1. Physiotherapy as a form of treatment of stress urinary incontinence should always constitute a part of the therapeutic process. Used as the first in some cases, it helps avoid surgical intervention. It can also reduce the risk of complications after surgical intervention. 2. The therapeutic treatment path should also include diagnostics and physiotherapeutic treatment. 3. In the treatment of a patient with stress urinary incontinence, the following elements should be taken into account: body posture, breathing method, patient’s habits, pelvic floor muscle work. 4. For physiotherapy in stress urinary incontinence to be more accessible and widespread, it should be refunded. 5. Physiotherapy in stress urinary incontinence requires further systematic research. Article received: 04.01.2018; Accepted: 15.04.2018 null
Wstęp: U p acjentów z dolegliwościami bólowymi stawu biodrowego stosunkowo często rozpoznawanym schorzeniem jest konflikt udowo-panewkowy. Cel pracy: Celem pracy było przedstawienie anatomii, biomechaniki, patomechanizmu konfliktu udowo-panewkowego, diagnostyki i leczenia operacyjnego oraz postępowania fizjoterapeutycznego, w tym udzielenie odpowiedzi na następujące pytania: 1. Jakie są przyczyny rozwoju konfliktu udowo-panewkowego stawu biodrowego i jaka jest jego najczęstsza postać? 2. Na czym oparta jest diagnostyka kliniczna i obrazowa konfliktu udowo-panewkowego? 3. Jakie cele skupia w sobie postępowanie fizjoterapeutyczne w leczeniu chorych z konfliktem udowo-panewkowym stawu biodrowego w okresie pooperacyjnym? Materiał i metoda: Dokonano analizy aktualnego piśmiennictwa fachowego w oparciu o przegląd baz internetowych, w tym Pubmed, Google Scholar. Wyniki: Z wymienionych baz internetowych wyodrębniono 30 pozycji aktualnego piśmiennictwa fachowego dotyczącego analizowanych zmiennych. Wnioski: Przyczyny rozwoju konfliktu udowo-panewkowego stawu biodrowego są złożone, w tym są to zaburzenia rozwojowe stawu biodrowego lub przewlekłe jego przeciążenie, a najczęściej występującą jego postacią jest typ mieszany. Podstawowym badaniem obrazowym jest badanie radiologiczne wykonane w pozycji przednio-tylnej, a klinicznym test zderzenia przedniego i tylnego. Fizjoterapia powinna być indywidualnie dobrana i skupiać się na poprawie zakresów ruchu i siły mięśniowej stawu biodrowego.
Introduction: In patients experiencing pain in the hip joint, femoroacetabular impingement is a relatively frequently diagnosed condition. Study aim: The aim of the study was to present the anatomy, biomechanics, pathomechanism, diagnostics and surgical treatment, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures of femoroacetabular impingement, including providing answers to the following questions: 1. What are the causes of the development of femoroacetabular impingement and what is its most common form?; 2. What is the clinical and imaging diagnosis of the femoroacetabular impingement based on?; 3. What are the goals of physiotherapeutic treatment in the treatment of patients with postoperative femoroacetabular impingement? Materials and methods: The current professional literature was analysed based on a review of Internet databases, including Pubmed and Google Scholar. Results: From the abovementioned Internet databases, 30 items from current professional literature on the analysed variables were identified. Conclusions: The reasons for the development of femoroacetabular impingement are complex, including developmental disorders of the hip joint or its chronic overload, the most common form being mixed-type. The basic imaging test used is anterior-posterior X-ray, while the clinical test comprises anterior-posterior impingement test. Physiotherapy should be individually tailored and focus on improving range of motion and muscle strength of the hip joint.
Wstęp: Związany z ciążą ból lędźwiowo-miedniczny może pochodzić z kręgosłupa lędźwiowego, obręczy miednicznej lub może to być ból mieszany. Zgodnie z europejskimi wytycznymi poszczególne podtypy bólu wymagają odmiennego postępowania, do którego konieczne jest ich szczegółowe diagnozowanie różnicowe. Dolegliwości te budzą wiele kontrowersji. Cel: Celem pracy było przedstawienie aktualnego stanu wiedzy na temat omawianych dolegliwości z uwzględnieniem europejskich wytycznych i najnowszych tendencji w zagranicznym piśmiennictwie. Omówiono diagnostykę bólu odcinka lędźwiowego i bólu obręczy miednicznej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem patofizjologii i metod różnicowania obu zespołów bólowych. Ból odcinka lędźwiowego kręgosłupa związany jest głównie z obciążeniem mechanicznym powodowanym przez ciężarną macicę. W przypadku bólu obręczy miednicznej za główną przyczynę uznaje się zaburzenie optymalnej stabilności, która jest zależna od prawidłowych mechanizmów ryglowania siłowego i strukturalnego. Ból obręczy miednicznej charakteryzuje się innymi objawami klinicznymi i czynnikami ryzyka, częściej też pozostaje po ciąży, mając negatywny wpływ na codzienne funkcjonowanie kobiety nawet lata po porodzie. W zależności od lokalizacji (jeden bądź oba stawy krzyżowo-biodrowe, spojenie łonowe) wyróżnia się kilka typów tego zespołu bólowego. Najgorsze rokowania ma ból obręczy miednicznej związany z zajęciem wszystkich trzech stawów jednocześnie. Do tej pory termin ten nie był szerzej stosowany w polskojęzycznym piśmiennictwie. Podsumowanie: Kompleksowość przewlekłych zespołów bólowych, w które mogą przekształcić się dolegliwości okresu ciąży, pociąga za sobą konieczność ich wczesnej identyfikacji oraz celowego postępowania. Znajomość etiopatogenezy omawianych dolegliwości jest warunkiem sukcesu terapeutycznego. Wprowadzenie popularnej w zagranicznym piśmiennictwie terminologii usprawni terapię tych schorzeń, dostosowując ją do aktualnie panujących standardów oraz umożliwi lepszą wymianę doświadczeń między profesjonalistami.
Lumbopelvic pain associated with pregnancy may originate from the lumbar spine, the pelvic girdle or may be mixed. According to European guidelines, individual subtypes of pain require different procedures, for which a detailed differential diagnosis is necessary. These ailments arouse a lot of controversy. The aim of the work was to present the current state of knowledge on the aforementioned ailments, including European guidelines and the latest trends in foreign literature. The diagnosis of lumbopelvic pain, with particular emphasis on the pathophysiology and methods of differentiation of both pain syndromes, was discussed. Lumbar spine pain is mainly related to the mechanical load caused by a pregnant uterus. In the case of pelvic girdle pain, the main cause is the disorder of optimal stability, which depends on the correct mechanisms of force and form closure. Pelvic girdle pain is characterized by other clinical symptoms and risk factors, it also often remains after pregnancy, having negative impact on the daily functioning of a woman even years after giving birth. Depending on the location (one or both sacroiliac joints, pubic symphysis), several types of this pain syndrome are distinguished. The worst prognosis is pelvic pain associated with the involvement of all three joints at the same time. Until now, this term has not been more widely used in the Polish-language literature. The complexity of chronic pain syndromes, in which the discomforts of the pregnancy period may develop, entails the necessity of early identifi cation and deliberate action. Knowledge of the etiopathogenesis of these ailments is a prerequisite for therapeutic success. Introduction of terminology popular in foreign literature will improve treatment of these diseases, adapting it to current standards and will also enable better exchange of experience between professionals. pelvic girdle pain, lumbar pain, pregnancy
Wstęp: Rozstęp mięśni prostych brzucha definiowany jest jako zwiększenie odległości na wysokości pępka pomiędzy dwoma mięśniami prostymi brzucha położonymi po obu stronach kresy białej. Dochodzi do niego u kobiet w ciąży i po porodzie z powodu rozluźnienia kresy białej w przebiegu ciąży pod wpływem hormonów i rozwijającego się płodu. Najczęstsze czynniki ryzyka wystąpienia rozstępu to: duży płód, duża objętość wód płodowych, ciąża mnoga, nadmierna praca mięśni brzucha w trzecim trymestrze ciąży, otyłość oraz zbyt intensywne parcie podczas porodu. Cel pracy: Celem pracy było przedstawienie diagnostyki oraz leczenia operacyjnego i nieoperacyjnego kobiet z rozstępem mięśni prostych brzucha z powodu ciąży i w okresie połogu. Diagnostyka rozstępu obejmuje przede wszystkim badanie palpacyjne, suwmiarką, USG i TK. Materiał i metoda: Prześledzono bazy naukowe takie jak Pubmed, Sciencedirect i Google Scholar, Ebsco. Wyniki: Łącznie zgromadzono 48 doniesień naukowych z baz Pubmed, Sciencedirect i Google Scholar. Wnioski: Rozejście mięśnia prostego brzucha może być leczone zapobiegawczo przez wprowadzenie odpowiedniej profilaktyki, która ma na celu wzmocnienie mięśnia poprzecznego i mięśnia prostego brzucha oraz naukę odpowiedniej postawy i zasad prawidłowego wykonywania czynności takich jak np. podnoszenie ciężkich przedmiotów. W przypadku wystąpienia rozejścia w połogu, można w sposób nieinwazyjny zmniejszyć jego rozmiar lub nawet całkowicie zlikwidować po wprowadzeniu odpowiednich ćwiczeń, wspomagając się w razie konieczności zaopatrzeniem ortopedycznym. Ćwiczenia powinny być indywidualnie dobierane przez terapeutę oraz wykonywane pod jego kontrolą w początkowym etapie treningu aby nauczyć pacjenta prawidłowej aktywacji mięśnia poprzecznego brzucha. Kobiety w ciąży, które nie mają przeciwwskazań do aktywności fizycznej, wykonując odpowiednie ćwiczenia mogą zmniejszyć ryzyko wystąpienia RMPB.
Introduction: Diastasis recti abdominis (DRA) is defined as the increase between two abdominal rectal muscles located on both sides of the linea alba at the height of the navel. It occurs in pregnant and postpartum women due to the loosening of the linea alba during pregnancy under the influence of hormones and the developing foetus. The most common risk factors for dehiscence are: large foetus, large volume of foetal waters, multiple pregnancy, excessive abdominal muscle overload during the third trimester, obesity and too intense pressure during delivery. Study aim: The aim of the study was to present diagnostics and surgical as well as non-operative treatment for women with abdominal muscle diastasis due to pregnancy and during the puerperium period. Diagnosis of dehiscence primarily includes palpation, calliper measurements, ultrasound and CT scan. Materials and methods: Scientific bases such as Pubmed, Sciencedirect, Google Scholar and Ebsco were searched. Results: A total of 48 scientific reports from Pubmed, Sciencedirect and Google Scholar were collected. Conclusions: Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscle can be treated preventively by introducing appropriate prophylaxis, which aims to strengthen the transverse and the rectus abdominis muscles, as well as learning the right posture and principles of proper performance of activities such as lifting heavy objects. In the event of diastasis occurring in the puerperium period, its size can be reduced in a non-invasive manner or even completely eliminated after introducing appropriate exercises, being supported with orthopaedic equipment if necessary. Exercises should be individually selected by a therapist and performed under his/her supervision at the initial stage of training to teach the patient to properly activate the transverse abdominal muscle. Pregnant women who do not have contraindications to physical activity can reduce the risk of the DRA by performing appropriate exercises.
Introduction Headaches are a common health issue. The second most common type of headache is the tension-type headache (migraine-type headache is the most common type). Tension-type headaches are often referred to as stress-related or psychogenic headaches. Tension-type headaches often correspond with feeling unwell, and with depression or anxiety. Often they are drug resistant. This means that the treatment process may require patients to consider lifestyle changes. Patients seek other treatment types than pharmacotherapy and consider more holistic approaches, for instance natural medicine, breathing exercises or traditional Chinese medicine. The literature presents relationships between craniosacral therapy and headaches of various etiology, yet relatively few studies have been conducted on this matter. This study provides an additional insight into this therapeutic method. The aim of this study was to establish whether craniosacral therapy can reduce pain. Material and methods the study involved 30 adult patients. There were 22 women (73.3%) and 8 male patients (26.7%). Their mean age was 30.13 ± 5.33 years. The treatment used the Upledger’s 10-step protocol and sessions were performed four times within a two-week period. Results Prior to the treatment, the mean HIT-6 scale pain intensity was 62.67 ± 4.65 points. After the treatment, pain intensity reduced to a statistically significant level of 48.43 ± 9.45 points. We found that pain reduction was greater in patients with higher BMI. The gender or age of patients did not affect the results. Conclusion Craniosacral therapy is an efficient pain reduction method in patients with tension-type headaches.
Introduction Diastasis recti abdominis is a pathological condition at the linea alba in which rectus abdominis muscles separate. It occurs mainly in pregnant and postpartum women. Changes in the linea alba area are caused by stress to the tissue and pregnancy induced hormonal changes which lead to the loosening of abdominal connective tissue. This pathological condition is not manifested with any pain symptoms but the effects which may develop as a result of diastasis recti abdominis may cause pain. This literature review study discusses the non-surgical methods of treating diastasis recti abdominis by reducing the distance between the two parts of the rectus abdominis muscle. Material and methods Scientific literature on physiotherapy, surgical treatment and diagnostics of diastasis recti abdominis in pregnant and postpartum women from the last 15 years was analysed. Such databases as Google Scholar, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Ebsco and MedLine were used in the analysis and 11 publications were considered. Results Having analysed the available literature, it was concluded that abdominal exercises can prevent or reduce diastasis recti abdominis. However, the analysis did not reveal which method of treatment was the most effective. Conclusions This review of the literature revealed that there is not currently a gold standard method of treating diastasis recti abdominis. However, abdominal exercises during pregnancy reduce the risk of this condition postpartum. Diastasis recti abdominis may be reduced even a few years after childbirth by implementing appropriate treatment including a special training programme focusing on strengthening anterior abdominal wall and learning to maintain a proper body posture during activities of daily living.
Introduction Hypermobility is diagnosed by detecting asymptomatic and increased mobility of the joints over accepted standards. It might be inborn or practiced. The second one is a result of regular exercising e.g. dance career which generates loads in excess of tissues’ capacity of repairing which is leading to many chronic injuries. Main purpose of the research was to detect a correlation between the joint hypermobility presence and the injury occurrence in jazz dancers group. Material and methods The research have been conducted among 30 jazz dancers and 30 non-dancers. There has been used a survey with the following questions related with the physical activity, treatment of the occurred injuries, type of the stabilizing exercises, pain’s frequency and intensity (VAS Pain). In order to examine a hypermobility Beighton Score was used. Results In 27 dancers the joint hypermobility was detected and 23 of them suffered an injury in their life. The most common type of injury was a biceps femoris muscle strain (12 people). An average number of points from Beighton Score was 5.53. In the control group the hypermobility was detected in 9 people. An average number of points was 2.13. Mostly dancers were complaining about the pain in the knee joint (15 people, avg. 2.07 VAS points). In the control group the pain was related with the lumbar spine column (12 people, avg. 1.33 VAS points). The points from Beighton Score reached by the dancers was correlated with the injuries occurrence. The time of doing stabilizing exercises had no impact on the prevalent contusions but there was a correlation between the time and the frequency and intensity of the pain. Conclusions Benign hypermobility joint syndrome was more common among the dancers than non-dancers and was related with pain occurrence.
Introduction: In patients experiencing pain in the hip joint, femoroaceta bular impingement is a relatively frequently diagnosed condition. Study aim: The aim of the study was to present the anatomy, biomechanics, pathomechanism, diagnostics and surgical treatment, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures of femoroacetabular impingement, including providing answers to the following questions: 1. What are the causes of the development of femoroacetabular impingement and what is its most common form?; 2. What is the clinical and imaging diagnosis of the femoroacetabular impingement based on?; 3. What are the goals of physiotherapeutic treatment in the treatment of patients with postoperative femoroacetabular impingement? Materials and methods: The current professional literature was analysed based on a review of Internet databases, including Pubmed and Google Scholar. Results: From the abovementioned Internet databases, 30 items from current professional literature on the analysed variables were identified. Conclusions: The reasons for the development of femoroacetabular impingement are complex, including developmental disorders of the hip joint or its chronic overload, the most common form being mixed-type. The basic imaging test used is anterior-posterior X-ray, while the clinical test comprises anterior-posterior impingement test. Physiotherapy should be individually tailored and focus on improving range of motion and muscle strength of the hip joint.
Wstęp: U pacjentów z dolegliwościami bólowymi stawu biodrowego stosunkowo często rozpoznawanym schorzeniem jest konflikt udowo-panewkowy. Cel pracy: Celem pracy było przedstawienie anatomii, biomechaniki, patomechanizmu konfliktu udowo-panewkowego, diagnostyki i leczenia operacyjnego oraz postępowania fizjoterapeutycznego, w tym udzielenie odpowiedzi na następujące pytania: 1. Jakie są przyczyny rozwoju konfliktu udowo-panewkowego stawu biodrowego i jaka jest jego najczęstsza postać? 2. Na czym oparta jest diagnostyka kliniczna i obrazowa konfliktu udowo-panewkowego? 3. Jakie cele skupia w sobie postępowanie fizjoterapeutyczne w leczeniu chorych z konfliktem udowo-panewkowym stawu biodrowego w okresie pooperacyjnym? Materiał i metoda: Dokonano analizy aktualnego piśmiennictwa fachowego w oparciu o przegląd baz internetowych, w tym Pubmed, Google Scholar. Wyniki: Z wymienionych baz internetowych wyodrębniono 30 pozycji aktualnego piśmiennictwa fachowego dotyczącego analizowanych zmiennych. Wnioski: Przyczyny rozwoju konfliktu udowo-panewkowego stawu biodrowego są złożone, w tym są to zaburzenia rozwojowe stawu biodrowego lub przewlekłe jego przeciążenie, a najczęściej występującą jego postacią jest typ mieszany. Podstawowym badaniem obrazowym jest badanie radiologiczne wykonane w pozycji przednio-tylnej, a klinicznym test zderzenia przedniego i tylnego. Fizjoterapia powinna być indywidualnie dobrana i skupiać się na poprawie zakresów ruchu i siły mięśniowej stawu biodrowego.
Introduction Urinary incontinence (UI) is a common health problem, which affects an increasing number of people at any age. This disease influences the physical and mental condition. People who suffer from chronic lumbar pain are more likely to have stress urinary incontinence. The aim of this study was to assess the incidence of involuntary urine leakage among group of patients with lumbar spine disc disease. An additional purpose was to find risk factors of UI in this group. Material and methods The study was conducted in the spine surgery department in one of orthopedic hospitals. The study group consisted of adults diagnosed with lumbar spine discopathy with sciatica. The control group included healthy participants. There were 50 subjects in each group. Results Based on statistical analysis, there is no significant difference between the study and the control group in the occurrence of urinary incontinence problem. Subjects with UI had a higher level of disability. Almost 74% people of the study group and 66% of the control group have never heard about the most popular form of urinary incontinence treatment, which is a pelvic floor muscles training. Conclusions 1. The main risk factors for urinary incontinence in the study group were the nature of the work performed and the sex. Hard physical work significantly increases the risk of UI. 2. The level of knowledge of treatment and prevention of urinary incontinence among participants was very low, therefore there is a need for education in this area.
Introduction Despite the positive aspects of taking up physical activity, sport, in general, is inseparably associated with injuries, as well as straining or overloading of the musculoskeletal system. The aim of this study was to determine the functional state and injuries among young athletes practicing cross-country skiing. Material and methods A total of 65 individuals participated in the study. The test group consisted of 33 individuals practicing cross-country skiing, while the control group consisted of 32 persons not involved in this sport. The study was divided into two stages. The first stage consisted of a survey in which participants completed a personal questionnaire and were asked to answer 17 questions. Next, the Funtional Movement Screen (FMS) test was carried out in both groups using a specialty devised assessment form. Results The assessment of the risk of injury in both groups was similar, no statistically significant differences were found in this respect (p = 0.992). No statistically relevant relation was between the number of injuries sustained and the training experience of individuals in the test group (p = 0.056). There was no statistically significant relationship between the number of sustained injuries and the training experience of individuals included in the test group (p = 0.056), although this relationship was close to the threshold of statistical significance. Conclusions Cross-country skiing training had no significant effect on musculoskeletal injuries. The FMS test result did not correlate with previously sustained injuries. Individuals who adopted preventive training schemes were less likely to sustain injuries.
Introduction Hip osteoarthritis manifests itself with pain, limitation of the range of motion, weaker muscles and pathological gait pattern. Total hip arthroplasty is a treatment of choice which leads to pain relief and improvement in patients' functioning. The aim of the work was to assess the influence of total hip arthroplasty on the reduction in patients' disability. Material and methods The study group included 30 patients aged 62.53 ± 12.79. Mean body height was 168.03 ± 8.83 cm, while mean body mass was 78.47 ± 12.86 kg. Patients were examined twice, i.e. before the surgery and three months post surgery. In order to assess disability levels, two scales were applied, i.e. Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC) and modified Harris Hip Score (HHS). Results Total hip arthroplasty significantly reduced the patients' disability. Prior to the surgery, the mean results of HHS were at the level of 37.07 ± 14.47 points. After the surgery, the patients scored 74.93 ± 24.12 points. In WOMAC, the study participants scored an average of 61.7 ± 20.82 points before the surgery and 19.78 ± 26.31 points after the surgery. No correlations of the respondents' BMI and the duration of pain with the level of improvement resulting from the surgical treatment were noted either in HHS or in WOMAC. A positive correlation was found between the age of the respondents and the level of improvement in HHS. Conclusions Total hip arthroplasty significantly reduced the patients' disability three months after the surgery. No correlations of the respondents' BMI and the duration of pain with the level of improvement in their physical fitness were noted.
Introduction As many as 80% of adults suffer from low back pain. Therefore, it is significant to develop an effective and reliable method of diagnosing and treating low back pain. One of the rehabilitation methods is a mechanical diagnosis and therapy method developed by Robin McKenzie. The aim of the study was to review the publications assessing the effectiveness of McKenzie Method in diagnosis and therapy of low back pain and to compare it with other widely applied physiotherapeutic methods. Material and methods The analysis included 50 articles from the last 20 years dealing with the issue of diagnosis and therapy of low back pain with the use of McKenzie Method. After the application of inclusion criteria, 22 publications were taken into account in the final analysis. The following databases were used: Google Scholar, PubMed, the Library of the Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education and the Main Medical Library. Results The research revealed high effectiveness of McKenzie Method in diagnosing pain depending on the level of qualifications of therapists applying this method. It was concluded that McKenzie Method is an effective solution in low back pain therapy as it produced better results than standard rehabilitation and similar results to other therapeutic methods. Conclusions A complete training regarding this method is significant for achieving high effectiveness of diagnosis. The combination of McKenzie Method with other forms of therapy gave the best results in improving spinal mobility and general quality of life as well as reducing the level of disability.
Introduction Physiotherapy and education are indispensable after total hip arthroplasty. The aim of the study was to assess the patients' level of knowledge about total hip arthroplasty, physiotherapy and everyday functioning after the surgery and to determine factors which affect this knowledge. Material and methods The study included 31 patients aged 57.03±14.53 years who underwent total hip arthroplasty. The authors' own questionnaire which verified the patients' knowledge about postsurgical procedures was used as a research tool. The questions were prepared on the basis of information provided to patients by physiotherapists and included, inter alia, photos showing correct and incorrect behaviours of patients after the surgery. Results Nearly 30% of the respondents demonstrated a high level of knowledge. The Internet was the most common (43%) source of information regarding the surgery and physiotherapy for patients. As many as 25% of the patients did not search for any information. The results did not correlate with such variables as age, gender, level of education, place of living, BMI or professional activity. Conclusions Patients' first contact with physiotherapeutic procedures takes place when they are admitted to a hospital. They rarely take advantage of out-patient presurgical physiotherapy. Patients should be given a wider access to reliable information regarding arthroplasty and physiotherapy. It may be done by preparing proper materials and making them available as well as encouraging patients to use them. It is necessary to convince patients to engage fully in the treatment process and cooperate with the therapeutic team.
Introduction Low-back pain syndromes are a common problem. The authors estimate that this ailment is experienced by more than 80% of populations in developed countries. The treatment of spine pain syndromes is an interdisciplinary issue. Therefore, a proper therapy must be multifactorial and take into consideration all aspects of a patient’s life. The aim of this work was to compare subjective evaluation of the process of rehabilitation of patients suffering from ailments related to lumbar spine pain who received physiotherapy within the health insurance reimbursement in Poland and in France. Material and methods The study included 100 patients who underwent physiotherapy due to lumbosacral spine pain complaints. The study group consisted of 50 participants who received physiotherapy in Poland and 50 subjects who underwent it in France. The authors’ own questionnaire was employed in the study. It was prepared in two language versions, i.e. Polish and French. The questionnaire consisted of 34 questions on demography, pain complaints, the process of physiotherapy and the evaluation of pain on the VAS scale, before and after physiotherapy Results The assessment of the promptness of the employed treatments was statistically higher in the case of the patients in France (p=0.039). The general assessment of the physiotherapy process by the examined patients in Poland and in France was similar. No statistically significant differences were revealed in this respect (p=0.240). The process of the therapy was most often regarded as very good (66%). Conclusions The patients with chronic lumbar spine pain undergoing therapy in France evaluated it higher than the patients in Poland. The effectiveness of physiotherapy in both countries did not vary considerably. France respects the rules of early intervention and extensiveness of physiotherapy to a larger degree than Poland.
Background The article is devoted to the problems of urinary incontinence among women and their knowledge about the treatment of this disease. The authors sought to determine the current state of women's knowledge of the physiotherapeutic methods used in the treatment of urinary incontinence. The aim of the study was to examine women's awareness of methods of physiotherapeutic treatment of urinary incontinence. Materials and methods The study included 187 women with a locomotor diagnosis, aged 18-93 years currently being treated in a rehabilitation clinic. The subjects were divided into two groups: I – those with symptoms of urinary incontinence, consisting of 87 women and II – those without symptoms of urinary incontinence, healthy – consisting of 100 individuals. Results The general level of knowledge of women regarding physiotherapeutic methods of treatment of urinary incontinence was low. These women were not aware of the possibilities offered by physiotherapy in the treatment of urinary incontinence. Women do not know the latest methods used by physiotherapists in UI therapy. The problem of incontinence among women is significant and requires health professionals to increase women's awareness of this health issue. Conclusions 1. Women with urinary incontinence have low levels of awareness regarding preventive treatment methods. 2. Women with urinary incontinence too infrequently seek preventive treatment. 3. It appears justified to implement women's education in the areas of prevention and treatment of incontinence. 4. Raising women’s awareness regarding this intimate health issue is recommended. 5. Health education in the area of urinary incontinence may have a positive influence on reducing shame and anxiety.
The aim of this study was to review the literature dealing with the force-time characteristics of different forms of physical activity performed with upper limbs by the elderly and the disabled (Nordic Walking and using a wheelchair, respectively) and of manual techniques used by physiotherapists. Values of work and power were analysed as well. Based on the analysis of the literature concerning the substantive areas included in this article, we believe that objective measurements will expand the present knowledge about values of force developed by upper limbs during different forms of human activity. It seems to be of particular significance in the application of manual therapy techniques, because currently values of force exerted upon the patient while applying these techniques are selected by a physiotherapist intuitively and are neither objective nor systematically controlled. The identification of the values of force developed with upper limbs by the elderly, the disabled and physiotherapists during the aforementioned forms of activity will make an original contribution to the broadly defined physical culture, especially rehabilitation and health promotion.
Niniejsze badania miały na celu przegląd literatury dotyczącej charakterystyki siła- czas kończyn górnych osób starszych i niepełnosprawnych podczas różnych form aktywności fizycznej (odpowiednio Nordic Walking oraz poruszanie się na wózku) oraz fizjoterapeutów podczas stosowania technik manualnych, jak również analizę wartości pracy i mocy. W oparciu o analizę literatury przedmiotu dotyczącej zagadnień merytorycznych uwzględnionych w niniejszym artykule uważamy, że obiektywne pomiary rozszerzą aktualny stan wiedzy na temat wartości sił rozwijanych przez kończyny górne podczas różnych form aktywności fizycznej. Wydaje się to mieć szczególne znaczenie w przypadku stosowania manualnych technik fizjoterapeutycznych, jako że aktualnie wartości siły wywieranej na pacjenta podczas stosowania tych technik są dobierane intuicyjnie przez fizjoterapeutę i nie są ani obiektywne, ani systematycznie kontrolowane. Identyfikacja wartości sił rozwijanych kończynami górnymi przez osoby starsze, niepełnosprawne oraz przez fizjoterapeutów podczas wyżej wymienionych form aktywności przyczyni się do rozwoju szeroko pojętej kultury fizycznej, w tym szczególnie rehabilitacji oraz promocji zdrowia.
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