W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczalnych nad procesem spalania granulatów biomasowych (peletów) w kotle wodnym małej mocy (≤ 15 kWt), wyposażonym w palenisko retortowe. Badano wpływ materiału granulatów na: jakość spalania, sprawność kotła, emisję zanieczyszczeń, a także na właściwości popiołów. Do spalania wykorzystano pelety wykonane z trocin drzewnych oraz biomasy roślinnej, w tym: ze słomy pszenicznej i rzepakowej, a także z miskantusa. Zastosowane paliwa biomasowe pochodziły z różnych wytwórni. W celu uzyskania najlepszej sprawności kotła określono optymalne dla danego typu granulatów warunki pracy paleniska. W spalinach mierzono stężenia podstawowych zanieczyszczeń gazowych (CO, NO) emitowanych do atmosfery w zależności od warunków spalania. Przeanalizowane zostały także zagrożenia związane ze stosowaniem paliw biomasowych, będące konsekwencją składu chemicznego biomasy oraz problemy eksploatacyjne pojawiające się podczas spalania paliw pochodzenia roślinnego. Stwierdzono istotne różnice w emisji zanieczyszczeń oraz zachowaniu się żużli w zależności od rodzaju spalanej biomasy.
In this paper the results of investigation on biomass pellets combustion in small power water boiler with retort furnace are presented. The influence of pellets substance on: combustion quality, efficiency of the boiler and pollutants emission was determined, as well as proprieties of obtained ash. Pellets made of wood, rape straw, wheat straw and miscanthus, made by different producers were burned. To achieve the best efficiency of the boiler, the optimal conditions of furnace operation for each substance were determined. The concentration of basic pollutants (CO, NO) in flue gas emitted to the atmosphere due to combustion condition was measured. The threads being a consequence of chemical composition of biomass and also operation problems occurring while pellets are burned were analyzed. The significant differences in CO and NO emissions and slag performance between kinds of biomass were observed.
In the article some issues have been presented regarding a tube probe for collecting deposits from the vicinity of the boiler superheater, fuelled by solid fuels. The probe is cooled by the inside flow of compressed air which later goes into combustion chamber. An algorithm of heat-related calculations has been proposed taking into account the exchange of heat between the flue gas and the external surface of the probe as well as the reception of heat from steel by the flowing cooling agent. The quality requirements have been defined for steel to be used in construction of the deposit probe. The temperatures arrangement should correspond with the temperatures of tubes of the superheater. Preliminary tests of the device have been conducted in the pulverized-fuel boiler OP-430 fuelled by pulverized bituminous coal with addition of biomass. The probe of deposits has been placed above the combustion chamber in the vicinity of the superheater.
Wymaganie zwiększenia wykorzystania odnawialnych źródeł w wytwarzaniu energii elektrycznej wywołuje duże zainteresowanie energetyki zawodowej użytkowaniem hiomasy jako paliwa. Spalanie lub współspalanie biomasy typu ligninoceluloza stwarza jednak dodatkowe zagrożenia dla powierzchni ogrzewalnych kotłów, jak wzmożone żużlowanie oraz korozja chlorkowa. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań laboratoryjnych nad wpływem dodania do biomasy glinokrzemianu, haloizytu, na zmniejszenie zagrożenia korozją chlorkową podczas spalania peletów biomasowych.
Growing demand for production of electric energy from renewable energy resources induced a considerable interest in the use of biomass as a fuel. However, combustion and co-combustion of biomass of lignincellulose type generates additional new threats for heat-exchanging surfaces of boilers, like increased slagging and chlorine corrosion. In this paper the results of laboratory investigations of the influence of halloysite addition on reduction of chlorine corrosion hazard during biomass pellets combustion was presented.
W pracy przedstawiono problem korozji wysokotemperaturowej powierzchni ogrzewalnych kotłów związanej ze spalaniem lub współspalaniem biomasy. Opisano mechanizm korozji chlorkowej w kotłach spowodowany udziałem w biomasie chloru i potasu. Wskazano na czynniki wpływające na mechanizm korozji, podkreślono rolę siarki w ograniczaniu tempa korozji chlorkowej . Zaproponowano sposób oceny zagrożenia tego typu korozją na podstawie udziału pierwiastków S, Cl i K w biomasie. Przeanalizowano sposoby monitorowania zagrożenia korozją chlorkową w zależności od typu kotła i sposobu spalania biomasy. Scharakteryzowano możliwe do zastosowania środki przeciwdziałające skutkom korozji chlorkowej.
The paper presents the problem of high-temperature corrosion of heat-exchange surfaces in boilers due to firing and co-firing of biomass. The mechanism of chlorine corrosion induced by presence of chlorine and potassium in biomass is described. Major factors affecting the mechanism of corrosion and the effect of sulfur on the rate of chlorine corrosion are discussed. Assessment the corrosion hazard based on the content of the elements S, Cl and K in the biomass is proposed. Methods of monitoring the corrosion hazard are considered, depending on the boiler type and the combustion technology employed. Possible preventive measures against chlorine corrosion are characterized.
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Biomass could be a particularly interesting fuel for heat production in the rural areas of Poland using various agricultural residues such as forest wood, wood waste, and straw of different crops. The qualitative and quantitative analyses of air pollutants emitted from a small retort boiler (15 kW) fuelled by three kinds of pellets composed of wood, wheat and rape straws were performed. The wooden pellet combustion generates the smallest concentration of CO; however, the concentration of highly toxic formaldehyde and benzene are the highest of all fuels. When considering CO and VOCs concentration in flue gas, the most advantageous fuel of those tested are wheat straw pellets.
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Concentrations of regulated air pollutants - carbon monoxide, nitrogen monoxide as well as that of non-regulated compounds in waste gases - volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and HCl during combustion of selected biomass pellets in a small retort boiler have been investigated. In the group of VOCs, the highest concentration has been observed for aldehydes (formaldehyde and acetaldehyde) and benzene. The lowest concentration of CO and the highest concentration of VOCs were detected in waste gases from combustion of wooden pellets. The highest concentration of HCl in flue gas has been observed during combustion of wheat straw pellets. Design of the retort boiler investigated favours high concentration of CO in flue gas, regardless of the biomass used.
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