W niniejszej publikacji zaprezentowano istotę pojęcia inwestycji oraz przedstawiono podstawowe formuły wykorzystywane w rachunku inwestycyjnym. Pokazano, iż inwestycje dzielą się na wiele rodzajów, a struktura organizacyjna dużych inwestorów powinna wspierać skuteczne i efektywne wdrażanie określonej strategii inwestycyjnej. Najważniejszą cechą charakterystyczną publikacji jest to, że ma charakter przeglądowy i jest wprowadzeniem do analizy inwestycji międzynarodowych, które stanowią ważny element analizy geoekonomicznej.
This publication presents the essence of the concept of investment and presents the basic formulas used in the investment account. It is shown that investments are divided into many types and the organizational structure of large investors should support the effective and efficient implementation of a specific investment strategy. The most important feature of the paper is that it is a review and an introduction to the analysis of international investment analysis, which is an important element of another geo-economic analysis.
Celem artykułu jest wykazanie, że koncepcja venture management jest istotnym elementem strategii inwestowania środków pieniężnych w instrumenty finansowe emitowane przez małe, lecz prężne przedsiębiorstwa, których wzrost wartości pozwala na uzyskanie wysokich oczekiwanych stóp zwrotu. Ponadto zaprezentowano w niej podstawy koncepcji oraz pokazano, iż Rosja, kraj nie będący przedmiotem zbyt wielu raportów poświęconych ocenie atrakcyjności inwestycyjnej państw, może być miejscem lokowania kapitału we wspomniane wyżej rodzaje firm.
The aim of the paper is to draw attention to the concept of venture management as an essential part of the strategy of investing in financial instruments issued by small but thriving companies, whose economic growth could allow to achieve high returns. In addition, the paper presents the basics of this concept and shows that Russi
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W obecnych czasach często poszukiwane są rozwiązania pozwalające rozwijać się przedsiębiorczości, będące jednocześnie dość łatwe we wdrożeniu w politykę gospodarczą państwa. Ta sytuacja dotyczy także Polski, której wzrost gospodarczy w 2013 r., może być bardzo niski, o czym świadczą prognozy. Z tego względu zaprezentowano koncepcję „stowarzyszeń do poszczególnych czynności handlowych na wspólny rachunek" w kontekście współczesnych uwarunkowań w Polsce. Koncepcja ta może być pomocna w kreowaniu polityki gospodarczej, ponieważ stowarzyszenia te, pozwoliłyby m.in. na obniżenie progów inicjatywy gospodarczej. Dodatkowo w publikacji scharakteryzowano Tytuł Drugi „Powszechnej ustawy handlowej z 17 XII 1862 r.", który był poświęcony niniejszym stowarzyszeniom. Przedstawiono także, istotę klastrów gospodarczych oraz ich pozytywne skutki (w skali makro i mikro). Dodatkowo zaproponowano informacje, jakie mogłyby się znaleźć w sprawozdaniach finansowych przedsiębiorców, którzy należeliby do takiego rodzaju stowarzyszeń, jak również zasady rachunkowości, którymi mogliby się kierować.
In the latest literature there is a lack of broader discussion of the Gordon Model, with a desire to point out that its assumptions do not fit the expectations of modern investors and the nature of capital markets. The issue prompts us to ask whether this model can still be used by modern scientists and investors. The aim of the article is to present a classic Gordon model and show the direction of its modification. An attempt was also made to use simulation studies in a graphical interpretation of a selected share, which incorporates the Gordon's modified and classic models.
The publication presents the use of artificial neural networks as a tool expert that supports the process of decision-making for the quarterly period to invest in selected stock exchanges. It proposes a set of 10 features of exchanges, which is of enough universal character that the approach presented in the publication may be useful for any chosen stock exchange. The conducted study was based on actual data.
This article deals with the problem of spatial interpretation of graphical Foster-Hart formulas. The proposed approach allows the assessment of investments with specific expected payouts. This approach may also be, in a certain sense, considered as generalization in relation to the evaluation, as the author has shown how to interpret certain investment cases. It is also important that in a similar way, one can also evaluate all portfolios, which consist not only of financial instruments, but also other investment assets. The paper presents the idea of the Foster-Hart measurement on the basis of the analysis of a hypothetical action, and all simulation tests were carried out in MATLAB programming environment.
Aim/purpose – The aim of this paper is to present a strategy that allows companies to recover from disasters, when creating a supply chain. Furthermore, it also shows the impact on the company’s resources that are used in the implementation of the strategy in case of small and big disasters. Thanks to the proposed solution, it is possible to analyze each company individually, as well as in groups, at any given time. Design/methodology/approach – The results were obtained based on a numerical analysis which was performed with the use of MATLAB software. The tests were carried out separately for five companies, as each of them may expect a disaster on any different day. However, the selection of the day when crises occur is carried out in accordance with the probability determined by scientific research. Findings – The research showed that companies using their resources can continue to fulfill their functions as a link in the Supply Chain despite the fact that they react differently to small disasters compared to big ones. This difference occurs since small disasters in contrast to big ones appear in every company much more often. Consequently, it is more difficult for companies to build their wealth in the case of small disasters. The advantage of the proposed approach is that one can freely test which strategy can cause the least losses for the company as well as for the entire supply chain. Research implications/limitations – The analysis carried out shows that companies wishing to develop in conditions of unexpected disasters, that cannot be predicted, should regularly increase their assets because they are needed to implement a strategy that allows them to maintain an appropriate operational level. This approach provides tools that enable the selection of strategies with variable parameters, freely determined during the scientific research. Originality/value/contribution – The paper presents a graphical analysis of the change in the value of resources of a supply chain company over one year period. Such an analysis may be useful for any company that creates a supply chain during the COVID-19 crisis period, which is an unpredictable disaster. The adoption of a Gaussian Pseudo Random Number Generator turned out to be useful as it creates crises days while simulation studies allow us to generate experiments for different data configurations. This paper provides an analysis of small and large disasters separately, which is an approach not presented in the literature.