Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego w Warszawie jest wojskową, publiczną uczelnią akademicką kształcącą od ponad 60. lat inżynierów oraz prowadzącą działalność badawczo-naukową dla potrzeb Sił Zbrojnych RP i gospodarki narodowej. Działalność dla potrzeb lotnictwa prowadzi w Wydziale Mechatroniki i Lotnictwa Instytut Techniki Lotniczej, który jest kontynuatorem działalności zapoczątkowanej w 1951 roku przez Fakultet Lotniczy WAT. Fakultet ten został powołany dla potrzeb kształcenia inżynierów lotnictwa mogących eksploatować ówczesne samoloty o napędzie odrzutowym. Obecnie kształcenie lotnicze prowadzone jest w Wydziale na kierunku lotnictwo i kosmonautyka. W zakresie działalności naukowo-badawczej, instytut ma znaczące osiągnięcia krajowe i zagraniczne m.in. w zakresie eksperymentalnych oraz numerycznych badań aerodynamicznych statków powietrznych i struktur lotniczych, wyznaczania właściwości termofizycznych materiałów, jak również w zakresie systemów awionicznych i uzbrojenia lotniczego. W Instytucie działa także certyfikowany ośrodek szkolenia lotniczego personelu technicznego zgodnie z wymaganiami EASA Part-147 w oparciu o certyfikat nadany przez Urząd Lotnictwa Cywilnego.
Military University of Technology in Warsaw (MUT) is a military, engineering university operating over 60 years (since 1951). MUT educates students as well as cadets and conducts scientific researches for the needs of the Polish Armed Forces and national economy as well as defence sector. The Institute of Aviation Technology of the Faculty of Mechatronics and Aerospace is a part of Military University of Technology and conducts activities for the military and aviation industry. The Institute is a successor of the former Faculty of Aviation, which was founded in 1951. The Faculty was established for the training of the military aviation engineers who could maintain the jet-engine aircraft, entered the service in 60. of the previous century. Recently, the Faculty provides the higher education in the field of Aerospace Engineering for both military (cadets) and civil students. The scientifi c and research activities of the Institute are focused on numerical aerodynamic as well as tunnel investigations, airframe structure strength simulation, determination of thermophysical properties of aviation materials, and on-board avionics systems as well aviation armament. Integrated part of the Institute is the Training Centre of aviation maintenance personnel, certifi ed with EASA Part-147 requirements. and it base on a certifi cate issued by the Civil Aviation Authority.
Ceramic protective coats, for instance, on turbine blades, create a double-layer area with various thermophysical properties and they require metal temperature control. In this paper, it is implemented by formulating a Cauchy problem for the equation of thermal conductivity in the metal cylindrical area with a ceramic layer. Due to the ill posed problem, a regularization method was applied consisting in the notation of thermal balance for the ceramic layer. A spectral radius for the equation matrix was taken as the stability measure of the Cauchy problem. Numerical calculations were performed for a varied thickness of the ceramic layer, with consideration of the non-linear thermophysical properties of steel and a ceramic layer (zirconium dioxide). A polynomial was determined which approximates temperature distribution in time for the protective layer. The stability of solutions was compared for undisturbed and disturbed temperature values, and thermophysical parameters with various ceramic layer thickness. The obtained calculation results confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed regularization method in obtaining stable solutions at random data disturbance.
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