Przebaczenie w świetle nauk o człowieku i społeczeństwie można określić jako jeden z najtrudniejszych procesów. Jest on bowiem związany z komunikacją interpersonalną, a więc z jej powstawaniem, rozwojem, a także trudnościami, takimi jak zranienia, zakłamania, a nawet niszczenie drugiego człowieka. Równocześnie chrześcijaństwo wyraża przekonanie, że człowiek – mimo słabości – jest z natury istotą dobrą, zdolną do przemiany i do podążania w stronę dobra, prawdy, piękna i miłości, a także do okazywania przebaczenia. W niniejszym artykule podjęto zagadnienie przebaczenia w odniesieniu do komunikacji interpersonalnej, analizując kolejno zależności między tymi procesami, trudności z przebaczaniem wynikające z problemów z komunikacją, oraz trudności z przebaczaniem powiązane ze specyfiką współczesnych uwarunkowań procesów komunikacyjnych – kryzysem prawdy oraz miłości.
In the light of human and social sciences, forgiveness might be defined as one of the most difficult processes. This is connected with interpersonal communication; thus, its formation, development as well as difficulties as hurts, hypocrisy or even destruction of other human being. Simultaneously, Christianity expresses the belief that a human being - despite his weaknesses - is a good being by nature, capable of changing and pursuing the good, truth, beauty and love as well as forgiveness. This article discusses the issue of forgiveness in relation to interpersonal communication, by analysing relationships between these processes, difficulties with forgiveness resulting from communication problems, as well as difficulties with forgiveness related to the specific character of the contemporary conditions of communication processes - the crisis of the truth and love.
Philosophy suggests to pedagogy eternal and unusually up-to-date truth that upbringing concept depends on concepts of the man, society, the world and God. We have witnessed devaluation of many systems, including marxism and extreme liberalism which both have tried to construct their own upbringing systems. The first stated the man was nobody and he could become somebody in the society. In the other the man didn't really need the society to become somebody, he could build his own world that could turn out to be rich but at the same time very lonely. The man is an ever-searching creature and today the world that he is greatly immeresed in is the world of media therefore there are questions whether the man is becoming or not homo mediens. To some degree probably yes, but it does not change the truth that above all the man wants to be the man, complete man who is so much above the material world because he is a Person that is an unusual phenomenon, still a mystery, aiming towards the Absolute because he is a religious creature. The aim of this article is to promote system personalism as a basis for a complete, integral upbringing of the man who is ho mediens but, above all, is a Person.
Myślenie człowieka to jeden z najważniejszych i najbardziej twórczych procesów, który wyniósł nas na szczyty istot żywych i pozwolił stworzyć niesamowity postęp kulturowy i cywilizacyjny. Dziś w świecie technokracji, gdy coraz więcej czynności przejmuje za nas technologia – próbując kreować w jakiś automatyczny sposób wiele trendów, gdzie trzeba oddać jakieś uznanie technologii, że w wielu kwestiach ułatwia życie, równocześnie pojawia się coraz więcej pytań i wątpliwości dotyczących osłabienia wielu procesów w człowieku. Martwimy się o naszą pamięć, bo wielu informacji, np. numery telefonów, nie musimy pamiętać. Jest to duży plus, ale równocześnie nie trenujemy pamięci i ona niestety słabnie. Podobnie jest z myśleniem – czasem zaczyna za nas myśleć maszyna, np. GPS w nowych miejscach jest bardzo pomocny, ale trochę niestety przestajemy myśleć, przestajemy szybko analizować sytuację i dochodzić do szybkich syntez, przewidywać trudności, niebezpieczeństwa, szukać rozwiązań. Jak daleko zaszliśmy w tych transformacjach myślenie? Trudno powiedzieć. Jednak pragnę gorąco prosić, aby nie rezygnować z wysiłku autonomicznego, twórczego myślenia, które pozostaje jednak ciągle bardzo potrzebne człowiekowi także w świecie technokracji.
Human thinking is one of the most important and most creative processes which has elevated us to the top of living creatures hierarchy and has let us achieve incredible cultural and civilization development. Today in the world of technocracy when more and more activities are taken over by technology – trying to create many trends automatically, which in some aspects makes our lives easier, but at the same time it raises more and more questions and doubts about weakening of many processes that take place in the human. Our memory is a subject of concern as a lot of information eg. telephone numbers are no more required to be memorized, which is a big advantage, but at the same time we do not train our memory and, unfortunately, it is deteriorating. The same thing happens to our thinking. Sometimes it is replaced with a device, eg. GPS is very helpful when we are in a place we do not know but we stop thinking, analyzing situations quickly, synthesizing, predicting difficulties, dangers and looking for solutions. How far have we gone in these thinking transformations? It is hard to say. However, I would like to encourage you not to resign from this autonomic creative effort of thinking which still remains very necessary for the human even in the world of technocracy.
Reality mediatization is at present one of the most powerful processes which means new media influence almost all areas of individual and social life, including religious life as well. New media are very effective in occupying time and space and cause great transformation of one's life. Areas which are not unaffected by media influence include also education and religion which in particular way meet during catechesis where we do care about its effectiveness because it conditions one's happiness both earthly and eternal. Didactics is a great art and care about better and more effective teaching-learning process, also in catechesis. Today, in my view, this didactics must be convergent that is combine elements of good, traditional didactics with sensible use of new media which can raise the effectiveness of the process. Such didactics, also in catechesis, should make good use of media because pupils themselves are highly mediatized and thanks to convergent didactics we may address a contemporary man to make him better and happier and eventually, what is the most important aim of catechesis, help him to be redeemed.
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