Celem niniejszego artykułu jest określenie roli oczyszczalni ścieków czyli punktowych źródeł zanieczyszczeń (PZZ), zlokalizowanych w zlewni Pilicy, w zanieczyszczeniu rzeki związkami eutroficznymi i dioksynami na całej jej długości. W zlewni Pilicy wyznaczono 6 stanowisk ciągłego monitoringu jakości wód Pilicy oraz 17 różnej wielkości oczyszczalni. Wyniki analiz pokazały, iż małe oczyszczalnie ścieków (< 2000 Równoważnej Liczby Mieszkańców RLM) często mają problem z utrzymaniem prawidłowych parametrów oczyszczania, odprowadzając ścieki o wysokich stężeniach TP i TN. Natomiast, duże oczyszczalnie charakteryzują się niższymi stężeniami związków biogennych, co świadczy o bardziej zaawansowanych technologiach oczyszczania ścieków, jednak całkowity ładunek biogenów mimo wszystko jest bardzo duży.
The aim of this article is to determine the role of water treatment plants located in the Pilica catchment (point sources of pollution - PSP) in the contamination of the river with biogenic compounds and dioxins along its entire length. In the Pilica catchment there were 6 permanent water quality monitoring sites and 17 sewage treatment plants (STP) of diverse size. The results of the analysis showed that small treatment plants (< 2000 of population equivalent) often had difficulty to maintain required quality parameters and dumped treated water of still high concentrations of TP and TN. Whereas, large STP were able to maintain lower concentrations of biogenic compounds which proves their more technologically advanced treatment methods. However, the total load of pollution recorded in the treatment sewage was still high.
Increase of sewage sludge production in Poland requires undertaking specific methods for their utilization and disposal. The reason is that sewage sludge, in addition to being rich in organic matter, and biogenic compounds such as nitrogen and phosphorus, which are beneficial from an agricultural point of view, also contain heavy metals, toxic organic pollutants such as persistent organic pollutants and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, inorganic compounds such as silicates and clay, and pathogenic bacteria and other microbial contaminants. This implies problems with further use of such polluted sludge as fertilizer in agriculture. The aim of this paper is to analyze the possibilities and limitations of natural management of sewage sludge, taking into account their effects on the restoration and conservation of organic matter in the soil and the yielding of plants. In addition, the main methods of treatment of polluted sludge before introducing it into the environment are considered.
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