W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań1 procesu intensyfikacji zabudowy w otoczeniu Puszczy Niepołomickiej w okresie 1978-2003 i polityki przestrzennej gmin dotyczącej tych terenów oraz ich skutków. Badania wykazały zróżnicowanie typów procesów przekształceń struktury przestrzennej zachodzących w różnych częściach obszaru metropolitalnego, znaczny wpływ na przyrodniczą strukturę przestrzenną zabudowy niewielkich nawet terenów wrażliwych ekologicznie i zasadność wyznaczania przyrodniczych obszarów funkcjonalnych dla koordynacji polityki przestrzennej na poziomie ponadlokalnym, w szczególności w obrębie obszarów metropolitalnych poddawanych silnej presji inwestycyjnej.
The paper presents results of research on the process of building development intensification within the Niepołomicka Forest surroundings in 1978-2003, and spatial policies of communes in relation to those areas, as well as results of those policies. The research demonstrated diversification in types of spatial structure transformation processes occurring in various parts of the metropolitan area, a considerable influence of even small but ecologically susceptible areas on the natural spatial structure of development, as well as justifiability of determining natural functional areas for the coordination of spatial policy on a trans-local level, in particular within metropolitan areas subjected to strong investment pressures.
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This paper presents partial outcomes of the project called ‘The Diversity of the Development Processes of Small and Medium-Sized Towns and its Influence on the Polycentric Development of Poland’. The research conducted within that project has been based on the identification of two basic groups of Polish towns, regarding their locations either within the functional area boundaries of the regional capital cities (functional areas of voivodship centre), or outside. The goal of our research is to determine whether small and medium-sized towns maintain their roles as stable elements of the settlement network and their development is diverse, depending on their neighbourhood in respect of the regional capitals. The population and the employment fluctuation rates constitute some of a dozen of development indicators under examination. The changes in those indicators’ values were identified in the period of 1995-2010, and additionally, two more subperiods were identified: 1995-2003 and 2003-2010. Our research discovered essential differences in the population rates of small and medium-sized towns located in the functional areas of regional capital cities (Group I) and outside (Group II). In 1995-2010, we observed an increase of population in Group I and it was the only Group of towns with growing population nationwide. In view of the generally non-beneficial changes in the number of the employed nationwide in 1995-2010, a better situation occurred in the towns belonging to Group I. In some of the Polish regions, we found an increase of the number of the employed in that group of towns. An essential national increase of the number of the employed, identified in the sub-period of 2003-2010, was larger in the towns of Group I than Group II.
This paper presents results of our research on the process of building development intensification within the Niepołomicka Forest surroundings in 1978-2003, and spatial policies of communes in relation to those areas, as well as results of those policies. Our research demonstrated diversification in the types of spatial structure transformation processes occurring in various parts of the metropolitan area, a considerable influence of even small but ecologically susceptible areas on the natural spatial structure of development, as well as justifiability of determining natural functional areas for the coordination of spatial policy on a trans-local level, in particular within metropolitan areas subjected to strong investment pressures.
W artykule zaprezentowano propozycję modelu zintegrowanego planowania rozwoju miast, który został opracowany w Instytucie Rozwoju Miast w latach 2009-2011 jako wynik projektu badawczego pt. „Model zintegrowanego planowania rozwoju miast – wdrażanie europejskiej polityki rozwoju miast do polskiego systemu planowania”. Zaproponowany model opiera się na dwóch podstawowych założeniach. Pierwsze to potrzeba sporządzania dla miasta dokumentu integrującego wszystkie plany, programy i projekty. Drugie to konieczność systemowego rozwiązania gromadzenia wszelkich danych istotnych dla planowania i integrowania działań w mieście a także zapewnienia właściwego przepływu informacji między planowaniem na różnych poziomach i w różnych dziedzinach. W modelu szczególną rolę przypisano strategicznemu planowaniu przestrzennemu, uznając koordynację działań w przestrzeni za istotny czynnik przyczyniający się do zwiększania ich efektywności i stopnia zrównoważenia rozwoju miast
This paper presents a proposed model of integrated urban development planning that was prepared by the Institute of Urban Development in 2009-2011, as a result of the Research Project called “A Model of Integrated Urban Development Planning: Implementation of the EU Urban Development Policy in the Polish Planning System.” The roposed model is based on two basic assumptions. The first one is the need to draft a city document that integrates all plans, programmes, and projects. The second one is the necessity of providing a systemic solution for gathering of all the data that are essential for action planning and integration in the city, as well as assuring proper information circulation between the planning functions at various levels and in various departments. In that model, a particular role was assigned to strategic spatial planning, recognizing that spatial action coordination is an essential factor which contributes to the effectiveness increase and sustainability of urban development.