W pierwszych dwóch dekadach X XI wieku zauważa się wyraźne przemiany w zachowaniach nabywców pod wpływem internetu. Powszechna stała się wirtualna komunikacja, która znacząco wpłynęła na zmianę struktury wydatków na reklamę — permanentnie zwiększa się udział reklamy internetowej w torcie reklamowym. Reklama online niewątpliwie oddziałuje na przedstawicieli pokoleń X, Y i Z, które wyodrębnia się w literaturze ze względu na odmienne cechy charakteru, poglądy, zachowania, a także stosunek do nowych technologii. W pracy wykorzystano wycinek pierwotnych badań ilościowych autorki, przeprowadzonych na przełomie roku 2017 i 2018 na próbie respondentów w Polsce (487) i Wielkiej Brytanii (173).
In the last 20 years (the two decades of the 21st century), there have been visible changes in the behavior of buyers under the influence of the Internet. Virtual communication has become widespread, which has significantly changed the structure of advertising expenditures — the share of online advertising in the advertising pie is constantly increasing. Online advertising undoubtedly affects the representatives of generations X, Y and Z, which are distinguished in the literature due to different character traits, views, behaviors, as well as the attitude to new technologies. The aim of the considerations is to recognize the impact of online advertising on the purchasing behavior of representatives of generations X, Y and Z in Poland. Two research hypotheses were formulated. First of all, online advertising affects the purchases of all the generations analysed. Secondly, the generations Y and Z most commonly tend to be inclined to purchase by advertisements posted on social networks. To achieve the goal a section of the author’s original quantitative research was used, which was carried out at the turn of 2017 and 2018 on a sample of 660 respondents in Poland (487) and Great Britain (173).
One of the basic needs of a person is to have a place to live. Virtually everyone dreams of having their own place, to relax and feel safe. Such a space is an important place for people with disabilities, because it is often the only place that is tailored to their needs, where they feel safer than in any other spaces. Every citizen of the country has the right to housing, which is provided by numerous documents and regulations. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the impact of housing conditions on the quality of life of people with disabilities. The following thesis has been formulated in the work: the disabled aim to improve the quality of their lives by changing housing conditions. Literature sources have been reviewed to define basic concepts, the results of previous studies have been correlated. After accessing the database, the results of the research carried out in March 2015 by the foundation “Nie widzę problemu” (literally meaning “I do not see the problem”) with involvement of employees and students of the University of Wroclaw have been compiled. The analysis shows that respondents most often live together with their parents and spend a large part of their income on purchases related to household appliances. As much as 60% of respondents do not own a flat. Approximately 68% find the buildings they live in are not suited to their needs, however only 23% of them try to get social housing. Translated by Karolina Riemel
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