The subject matter includes the issue of transformation in the consciousness of the societies of European Union countries, but also communities in other areas of the world, perception of the phenomenon of migration to the territories of native countries, mainly in the European Union. The period of rapid socio-political changes in Islamic states, as well as the outbreak of civil war in 2011 in Syria, was the largest stimulator of migration movements from the Middle East, especially those covered by military operations in Europe. Hundreds of thousands of migrants continued to reach EU countries. Germany widely opened the door of its state and accepted the largest number of migrants. Some countries, such as Poland or Hungary, refused to accept migrants from countries with an Islamic origin. Migration on such a mass scale caused many social problems. The perceived sense of security of the community has deteriorated considerably in the EU countries where the most migrants came. The decline in the sense of security included areas not only of safety for life and health, but also concerns about reducing the level of social status or increasing unemployment. However, the biggest threat to the community of the EU countries, and many other countries in the world was ahuge increase in terrorist attacks, where the attackers came from orthodox Islamist groups. It should be added that the majority of migrants were Muslims. Another phenomenon also affecting the reduction of the level of perceptible security of European societies was the reactivation of political groups that in their ideologies presented the slogans of populism, nationalism, racism, or even fascism. There has been a clear polarization of Western societies, where until now they were arefuge of democracy, tolerance and values for which they fought for years. Undoubtedly, the politics of Erdogan, the president of Turkey, and the president of Russia, Putin, also influencedthestate of security of societies, and tried to influence EU decisions with their actions. Russia, let the annexation of Crimea and activities in Ukraine be left in peace, and Turkey, to force the EU to acceleratethe admission of this country to the EU. Also calling up the so-called Islamic state posed a huge threat to the security of the communities of European Union countries with attacks inspired by this terrorist group.
The aim of the paper is to provide an initial answer to the question: What factors favor and what can prevent the phenomenon of role reversal (parentification) in Ukrainian refugee families living in Poland? In the first part of the study, the parentification process was explained, then the genesis of the outbreak of hybrid war in Ukraine was presented. The next part of the text presents the methodology of qualitative exploratory research – an indepth interview conducted among Ukrainian mothers and an expert interview among therapists involved in helping Ukrainian families. A comparative analysis of the discussed context with selected cases of parentification among migrants in Europe was also carried out. The research indicated two types of factors: favorable and preventing the occurrence of the phenomenon of social role conversion between Ukrainian children and their mothers. Parentification among children is a complex process. The results of the research are hypotheses and guidelines for further research.
Celem opracowania jest wstępna odpowiedź na pytanie: Jakie czynniki sprzyjają, a jakie mogą zapobiec zaistnieniu zjawiska odwrócenia ról (parentyfikacji) w ukraińskich rodzinach uchodźczych mieszkających w Polsce? W pierwszej części artykułu wyjaśniono zjawisko parentyfikacji, następnie ukazano genezę wybuchu wojny hybrydowej na Ukrainie. W kolejnej części tekstu przedstawiono metodologię eksploracyjnych badań jakościowych – wywiad pogłębiony (wśród ukraińskich matek) i wywiad ekspercki (wśród terapeutów zaangażowanych w pomoc ukraińskim rodzinom). Przeprowadzono też analizę porównawczą omawianego kontekstu z wybranymi przypadkami parentyfikacji wśród migrantów w Europie. Badania wskazały dwa typy czynników: sprzyjające oraz zapobiegające pojawieniu się zjawiska konwersji ról społecznych między ukraińskimi dziećmi a ich matkami. Parentyfikacja wśród dzieci to złożony proces. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań mają charakter hipotez i wskazówek dla dalszych badań.
The year that has passed since Russia's invasion of Ukraine raises a number of questions about refugees arriving in Poland. An important issue is the knowledge about family relations shaped under the influence of separation from the country and relatives. The article presents the results of qualitative research (interviews) in which the reflections and considerations of Ukrainian women on the impact of refugee status on their family life after migration to Poland (after February 24, 2022) were analysed. They show changes in the implementation of the usual routine of everyday life, which is hindered by the transformation of living conditions (new culture, communication difficulties, changes in family structure). In addition, the potential of the parentification phenomenon is described (revealed by the narratives of the interviewed mothers), strategies for maintaining family ties and a sense of security. Qualitative research reveals a number of problems faced by a Ukrainian family in Poland, which shows the need for further exploration of this area.
Rok od inwazji Rosji na Ukrainę przynosi szereg pytań dotyczących uchodźców przybywających na terytorium Polski. Ważnym zagadnieniem staje się wiedza na temat relacji rodzinnych kształtujących się pod wpływem rozłąki z krajem i z bliskimi osobami. W artykule zostały pokazane wyniki badań jakościowych (wywiadów), w których analizowano refleksje i rozważania kobiet ukraińskich na temat wpływu uchodźstwa na ich życie rodzinne po migracji do Polski (po 24 lutego 2022 roku). Widać w nich zmiany w realizowaniu zwykłej rutyny dnia codziennego, którą utrudnia przeobrażenie warunków życia (nowa kultura, trudności komunikacyjne, zmiany w składzie rodziny). Dodatkowo opisany został potencjał pojawienia się zjawiska parentyfikacji, który ujawniają narracje badanych matek, strategie utrzymania więzi rodzinnych oraz poczucia bezpieczeństwa. Badania jakościowe ujawniają szereg problemów, z którymi boryka się ukraińska rodzina w Polsce, co pokazuje konieczność dalszej eksploracji tego obszaru.
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