Background. Chemical substances, including heavy metals, introduced into aquatic ecosystem can disturb the homeostasis of a habitat. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of cadmium compounds on common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. and to follow the toxicodynamics of cadmium elimination from intoxicated fish once they were transferred to a clean ambience. Materials and Methods. Common carp were given a single intraperitoneal injection of a sub-lethal cadmium dose (10 μg ּkg-1 body weight) to assess their detoxification potential following transfer to uncontaminated habitat. The 60-day experiment was divided into 8 stages during which various organs and tissues of the fish (liver, kidneys, skin, gills, alimentary tract, and muscles) were examined and subjected to assays for cadmium contents at pre-set times. Cadmium was determined with flameless graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF-AAS) in a ZL 4110 Perkin Elmer spectrometer after wet digestion in concentrated HNO3 in CEM MDS 2000 microwave oven. Results. The fish intoxicated with Cd were sluggish, their responses to light and sound were much slower than those of the control fish. The cadmium level was observed to change with time: after initial cadmium accumulation in the tissues, the xenobiotic was eliminated. The experiment explains changes in the intoxicated carp system during the process of detoxification. The highest biological half-life (t1/2) of cadmium was recorded in the muscles (37 days), the lowest being typical of the liver (3.4 days). Conclusion. During detoxification, cadmium was observed to be redistributed among the organs. Metal elimination rate was depended on organ and varied from 0.001 to 0.006 µgּday-1. A long-term effect of sub-lethal intoxication was an about 10-percentage-point reduction of the fish body weight.
The aim of the study was to assess the dynamics of cadmium and nickel accumulation in the carp, Cyprinius carpio L., during the rapid growth period between 3rd and 6th month of life, including seasonal changes. Chemical assays were performed on samples of gills, anterior and mid-posterior part of the alimentary tract, liver, kidneys, skin and muscles. Prior to the assay, 1-g tissue samples were digested with 3 ml of concentrated HNO3 in a CEM MDS 2000 microwave oven. The samples prepared this way were assayed for Cd and Ni. Cadmium level was determined with flameless graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF-AAS) in a ZL 4110 Perkin Elmer. Nickel was determined inductively coupling plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) in a JY-24 Jobin Yvon apparatus. The results indicated that in the period of growth between 3rd and 6th month of life, cadmium and nickel concentrations in the examined carps fluctuated. Average cadmium content in examined organs ranged between 0.053 ÷ 0.004 µg g-1 wet weight. Average nickel content in examined organs ranged between 0.326 ÷ 0.023 µg g-1 wet weight. The observed fluctuations are supposed to be a result of intensive growth and accompanying accumulation of metals from water.
Oceniano dynamikę kumulacji kadmu i niklu w różnych narządach i tkankach karpi (Cyprinus carpio L.) w okresie intensywnego ich wzrostu, czyli między 3. a 6. miesiącem życia. Badania przeprowadzono na 240 karpiach hodowanych w wodach pochłodniczych. Z każdej ryby do analiz chemicznych pobierano próbki: nerek, wątroby, przewodu pokarmowego, listków skrzelowych, mięśni grzbietowych i skóry. Próbki narządów o masie 1 g zmineralizowano na mokro, w obecności 3 cm3 HNO3, w piecu mikrofalowym CEM MDS 2000. Kadm oznaczono metodą bezpłomieniowej absorpcyjnej spektrometrii atomowej GF-AAS, nikiel z użyciem emisyjnej spektrometrii atomowej w plazmie indukcyjnie sprzężonej (ICP-AES). Stwierdzono, że u przebadanych karpi między 3. a 6. miesiącem życia wystąpily wahania zawartości Cd i Ni. Średnie zawartości kadmu w badanych narządach wynosiły 0.053 ÷ 0.004 µg g-1 mokrej masy, natomiast średnie zawartości niklu - 0.326 ÷ 0.023 µg g-1 mokrej masy. Zaobserwowane niewielkie zmiany poziomu kadmu i niklu są wynikiem intensywnego wzrostu karpi i towarzyszącej temu kumulacji metali ze środowiska wodnego.