Gmina Środa Śląska, która znajduje się w centralnej części województwa dolnośląskiego, zajmuje powierzchnię 21,5 tys. ha. Sieć osadniczą tworzy 27 miejscowości rozmieszczonych równomiernie wokół miasta. Wieś Szczepanów, wraz z Ciechowem i Rakoszycami, to największe ośrodki wiejskie tej gminy.
The section of Architectura Militaris" has existed within the limits of the Students's Scientific Group at Landscape Architecture since it's creation in 2001. This organization acts at the landscape Architecture department of Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Science and it's scientific custodian is dr eng. Arch. Jerzy Potyrała. Scientific activities of this section includes problems connected with revalorization of historical fortifications landscape. And the main area of their activity are Prussia and Silesian fortresses from the 18th and 19th century. The research works, mainly, are architectonical stock taking of fortification objects, deontological tock taking of greenery in the area of a fortress geodesy measurements of earth batters. That is the reason this section closely cooperates with Students's Scientific Group of Building department and Students's Scientific Group of Geodesy department which act at our university. Field researches are carried out within the limits of the students' scientific camps and are the base to performing documentation and architectonical design concepts of revalorization of fortification buldings.
The fort "Prusy "is an impressive for its size citadel of the Nysa fortress of the 18th century. Rarely met in other parts of our country the tenaille trace works of the major fortifications of the defensive work and a good status of preservation, even the eighteenth century fort elements qualify it to take under the special protection. The centre of the defence setting-up of the Fort Prusy is a five-pointed star surrounded by a dry main moat. Behind it is a ring of ravelins and counterguards. From the outside, the second dry moat with the shaft on counterscarp runs and only on fragments preserved by a hidden road. In the north, before the ravelin Pomorze are the remains of flashes Diericke. In the southern part run two connecting shafts to the Bombardier Fort and External Jerusalem Ramparts. The construction of the fort which was started in 1 743 was completed in 1745, then it was expanded and modernized several times, until the eighties of the nineteenth century. Built to defend and deter, raw in its military function was patinated over time. Although the sun, water, and further green significantly deformed its historical form it arouses admiration and interest for its creators. On one hand, today we would like to see ravelins, salients and counterguards in their original form, and even live staging of the historic battle on their reconstructed slopes. On the other hand, the invasive green-clad fortress attracts us with its mystery, it becomes a place of rest, not only to commune with history, but also with nature. The area of the fort is also an excellent training ground for teaching of students the development of conservation plans and implementation of project work, where the space formed with a human hand is filled with green areas with large natural and landscape values, but also with green threatening the structure of walls and slopes. The author has made an important substantive contribution to the preparation of materials which enable to enter the facility in the register of monuments.
Celem artykułu jest analiz zmian pokrycia terenu wokół wybranych miast pofortecznych Śląska, na podstawie historycznych oraz współczesnych materiałów kartograficznych z użyciem oprogramowania GIS. Obszar badań obejmuje Nysę i Świdnicę, miasta na terenie których znajdują się nowożytne fortyfikacje oraz Oleśnicę, miasto nieposiadające w którym nigdy takich obwarowań nie było. Przeprowadzone badania pozwoliły określić wpływ fortyfikacji nowożytnych na rodzaj pokrycia otaczającego je terenu w okresie ponad 250 lat. Badania wykazały, że największe zmiany w formach pokrycia terenu wokół miasta związane były z likwidacją twierdzy i polegały głównie na wzroście powierzchni zabudowy miejskiej, rozwoju przemysłu i infrastruktury komunikacyjnej. Wyraźnie zmalała wówczas powierzchnia zieleni wysokiej i użytków zielonych. Wokół Oleśnicy nie zaobserwowano gwałtownych zmian w żadnym z badanych przedziałów czasowych, poza znacznym wzrostem powierzchni zabudowy miejskiej w pierwszej połowie XX w. We wszystkich badanych miastach na przełomie XX i XXI w. nastąpił duży wzrost powierzchni zabudowy miejskiej, infrastruktury i przemysłu, głównie kosztem powierzchni zieleni wysokiej oraz użytków zielonych.
The aim of this study is the presentation of land cover changes around selected post-fortress cities located in Lower Silesia. The study is based on the historical and contemporary areas with the use of GIS. The area of the study includes the cities of Nysa and Świdnica, which have modern fortifications, and Oleśnica, a city which HAS never had this type of fortification.The study allowed the impact of modern fortifications on the type of land cover of surrounding areas and their changes, during over 250 years, to be determined. The study shows that the biggest changes in land use in all of the cities selected were connected with the liquidation of fortresses, and these were concerned mainly with the increase of urban areas, industrial areas, and transport areas. We can observe a decrease in forestry and grasslands. Around Oleśnica, we did not notice many changes, besides the increase of urban areas in the first half of the twentieth century. All cities at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries saw a large increase in urban development, infrastructure, and industry, mainly at the expense of forestry and grasslands.
The use of land for civilian purposes was restricted in the areas around the Wrocław (Breslau) Fortress, which was built in 1890. Land was set aside for official use, either for the protection of the fortress or for shelters for the infantry. The areas that were restricted from land development formed a ring around the fortifications and in a way set the possible battle field. This land was of vital importance to the city’s defences and at the same time influenced the spatial development of the city. The present traces of these regions are the historical heritage of the former fortress, important because it reveals the military purpose behind the historical city landscape. This article presents preliminary research on the changes to the land cover and landform in selected areas of fortifications along the Widawa River.
Wokół części fortyfikacji Twierdzy Wrocław, wznoszonych od 1890 roku, funkcjonowały ograniczenia w korzystaniu z gruntów do celów cywilnych. W ten sposób rezerwowano grunty o charakterze służebnym zróżnicowane pod względem reżimu ochronnego niezbędne dla części fortów i schronów piechoty. Rejony ograniczeń zabudowy organizowały przestrzeń wokół pierścienia fortyfikacji oraz, w pewnym sensie, przyszłe pole walki. Miały istotne znaczenie w obronności miasta i w równym stopniu wpływały na rozwój przestrzenny metropolii. Obecnie ślady rejonów stanowią historyczną spuściznę po dawnej twierdzy, istotną z punktu widzenia świadomie kształtowanego na cele wojskowe historycznego krajobrazu miasta. W artykule przedstawiono wstępne wyniki badań nad zmianami pokrycia i ukształtowania terenu w obszarze rejonów wybranych fortyfikacji wzdłuż rzeki Widawy.
To properly compose a space at the community level its area should be analyzed taking into account the cultural and natural values and landscape values specified in sight from roads and valorisation of views. Such studies are aimed at the gradation of study area for spatial effects in the case of heavily accented investments there in the landscape. This article describes a method proposal of analysis for the municipality area taking into account the landscape values, this method was a one of the elements of study of the cultural landscape of the community Paczków done by a team of authors. In the first part of the paper the authors present the systematics of the well-known landscape valorization methods, noting, inter alia, methods of the natural valorisation, valorization methods of the cultural elements, planning and managerial valorization methods. During the work on the study there was developed an authorial method of valorisation of panoramas and views presented in the further part of the study. After the preliminary analysis of the terrain and routes of the community Paczków the exhibi-tion space was selected within an average of 500 m from the locality, situated on the road leading to it. Of the selected points there were made photos of the village panoramas and open landscape with a viewing angle of about 90-1200. On their basis there were made drawings by processing the image of photo on linear composition taking into account the facture differences of individual planes. The number of plans and landform were analyzed (wing view, the emergence of a distant placed surfaces, hilliness of the area plane), then the degree of diversification of land cover (crop diversity, variety of colors, variety of surface structures). We analyzed the complexity of the habitat elements (the relationships between the saturation of buildings and surrounding greenery it, the types of systems of the mid-field green), and the degree of space orientation (emphasis of the road direction by vertical elements - rows and avenues of trees, its free and smooth direction, emphasizing the landscape elements receding in perspective). For each of these issues there were made 4 models of panoramic view with a four-level scale of complexity, with the assumption that with it grows the view attractiveness. In total, each panoramic image of the community area could get points in a scale from 4 to 16. It was assumed to consider as a medium attractive view in the range of 7 to 10 points, 11 points and above as a very attractive view and worthy of protection. The views of scoring 6 and below have no landscape value. The diverse composition of the view emphasized by the ordering element is, according to authors, of the greatest value. As it turns out, it has a strong relationship with the commonly understood cultural values. These are the view approaches to the traditionally shaped forms, and so, inter alia, the localities with the building development surrounded by high green, enriched with the dominant of church tower, the diversity of crop fields, alleys and roadside rows, free but dependent on landform the road line make the landscape so pleasant to receive. The conclusion here is that the developed method, based on the valorisation of purely spatial elements gives a good tool for assessing the value of the landscape, and in particular the degree of its consistency with the cultural values.
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