The paper presents the results of a study dealing with the land-use planning in the mining landscape affected by underground mining of black coal. It is indubitable that conditions for future structures have been changing there and this fact must be taken into account and future activities in the affected areas have to be undertaken in such a way as to protect future engineering structures from damage. A selected criterion for this evaluation is the distribution of the so called building sites that reflects a potential influence on future constructions. Overlay analyses with the current built-up area, planned future built-up area according to the land-use plan and engineering- geological zones were carried out. It is discovered that the existing land-use plans for the mining area of the Orlová town (map sheet 15-44-02), north-east of the Czech Republic, fail to tally with the reality.
The paper deals with some selected engineering-geological conditions for the needs of landscape planning. The geofactors to be studied are numerous (engineering-geological zones, workability of rocks, type of preQuarternary bedrock, floodlands, surface subsidence (caused by undermining), slope movements and radon hazard), while the paper deals with two of them. The first one is undermining, which is evaluated on the basis of terrain subsidence caused by underground mining. It is a significant criterion for the utilization of former mining landscape that is as an interest area the subject of the study. The area is determined by a map sheet No. 15-43-10 in 1:10 000 scale, covering the city districts of Slezska Ostrava, Moravska Ostrava, Vitkovice and Radvanice. The second monitored geofactor is slope deformation. There is an important limiting factor for land use and it must not be ignored during landscape planning. The study is motivated by an insufficient consideration of such information during landscape planning, issuing building permits, etc.
W artykule omówiono wybrane czynniki inżyniersko-geologiczne wpływające na planowanie krajobrazu. Spośród licznych geoczynników (strefy inżyniersko-geologiczne, urabialność skał, rodzaj skał nadkładu czwartorzędu, obecność zalewisk, osiadania spowodowane podebraniem terenu działalnością górniczą, ruchy osuwiskowe, zagrożenie radiacyjne) wybrano dwa. Pierwszy to podebranie, które jest określane na podstawie osiadań powierzchni terenu na skutek podziemnej eksploatacji węgla. Jest to istotne kryterium możliwości wykorzystania terenu pogórniczego, co jest głównym tematem rozważań w niniejszym artykule. Drugim analizowanym geoczynnikiem jest deformacja zboczy (ruchy osuwiskowe). Jest to z kolei ważny czynnik ograniczający możliwość użytkowania terenu pogórniczego, który nie może być pomijany przy pracach w zakresie planowania krajobrazu. Przyczyną wykonania powyższej analizy było niewystarczające branie pod uwagę czynników geoinżynierskich przy planowaniu zagospodarowania krajobrazu, wydawaniu decyzji o pozwoleniu na budowę itd. Analizowany w artykule obszar pokazują mapy nr 15-43-10 w skali 1:10 000, obejmujące okręg gmin Slezska Ostrava, Moravska Ostrava, Vitkovice, Radvanice.
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The paper evaluates the impact of undermining on the slope deformation in Staric. For the purposes of such an evaluation, isocatabase maps, parameters of terrain deformations calculated for the point lying on the ground surface of the slope deformation and inclinometric measurements in two wells, out of which the first is situated on the sliding slope and the second in the vicinity of the landslide body, have been used. On the basis of the inclinometric measurements a slope deformation movement vector perpendicular to the rock and soil mass vector caused by undermining was identified.
Artykuł pokazuje wpływ eksploatacji górniczej na deformacje zboczy w Stafic. W celu oszacowania wielkości wpływu działalności górniczej wzięto pod uwagę pomiary osiadań, oraz parametry deformacji terenu otrzymane z pomiarów geodezyjnych z rejonu zboczy oraz z pomiarów inklinometrycznych. Pomiary te były wykonywane w dwóch studniach, z których jedna znajdowała się bezpośrednio na kontrolowanej skarpie, a druga w bliskim jej sąsiedztwie. Na podstawie pomiarów inklinometrycznych określono przemieszczenia zbocza oraz kierunek ruchu mas gruntowych.
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The locality of Doubrava Oplíží is one of the landslides within an extensive slope front situated between the municipalities of Doubrava and Dětmarovice in the Moravian-Silesian Region and at the same time, in the allotment of Karviná Mine, ČSA Plant. The slope deformation stability was assessed in terms of the impacts of underground mining making use of isocatabase maps, terrain deformation parameter values determining the group of building sites subject to ČSN 73 0039, movements measured by zone extensometry and rainfall totals. The assessment of rainfall totals as well as a generally significant factor influencing the mobility of landslides did not identify any reaction in the measured movements of the slope deformation. The maps of subsidence caused by underground mining revealed a concordant declination of the slope deformation with the subsidence basin slope inclination that shall further increase according to the prospective maps till 2010. Thus, it is the case of the least favourable impact of the subsidence basin on the slope deformation when its inclination is being enhanced. Similar conclusions may also be drawn from the development of terrain deformation parameter values. Whereas in 2005 the slope deformation was in the 4th group of building sites, in 2010 its upper part will have been in the 3rd and the lower part in the 2nd group of building sites. In all probability, this fact shall similarly reduce the degree of landslide stability, which will jeopardize a road and parallel underground services running along the lower side.
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