Microwave heating is a form of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation. The heating of primary and secondary mineral raw materials in the microwave field depends primarily on their dielectric and thermal properties. The condition is the absorption of microwave radiation. Dielectric heating of materials occurs immediately after placing them in an electric high-frequency field. Knowledge of the dielectric characteristics of mineral raw materials is an important assumption for the use of electromagnetic radiation at the intensification of technological treatment methods. Most mined minerals consist of several mineral components that have different dielectric properties. Most sulphides are well heated in a microwave field. Conversely, tailings components of ores, such as quartz, are transmission materials. The study of dielectric properties involves measurements of the complex relative permittivity ε*, which consists of a real and an imaginary part. The imaginary part of permittivity “loss factor” represents the measure of dielectric losses in the material. Microwave heating of sulphide ores and concentrates such are chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite, galena depends on their chemical composition and content of impurities. The article describes the influence of dielectric properties on heating of chalcopyrite in microwave field. SEM analyses of studied samples are presented.
Rare earth elements (REEs) extraction from wastes and/or by-products is alternative possibility of their winning. The occurrence of REEs, namely 50.1 ppm of La, 100.1 ppm of Ce and 44.3 ppm of Nd was confirmed in solid fly ash samples from the coal fired heating plant (TEKO, Inc. Košice, eastern Slovakia). The submitted contribution presents laboratory results of REEs leaching from coal fly ash using 3M HCl, HNO3, H2SO4 and H3PO4 at 80°C during 120 min. It was found, that recoveries 65.5% of La, 64.4% Ce and 64.3% of Nd into liquor may be attained after grain size reduction to below 5 μm.
Ekstrakcja pierwiastków ziem rzadkich (REEs) z odpadów oraz/albo z produktów jest alternatywną możliwością ich uzyskania. Obecność REEs, konkretnie 50,1 ppm La, 100,1 ppm Ce oraz 44,2 ppm Nd została potwierdzona w próbkach popiołu z węgla z elektrociepłowni (TEKO, Inc. Košice, wschodnia Słowacja). Prezentowany artykuł pokazuje wyniki laboratoryjne ługowania REEs z popiołu węglowego za pomocą 3M HCl, HNO3, H2SO4 oraz H3PO4 w 80°C w czasie 120 minut. Odkryto, że odzysk 65,5% La, 64,4% Ce oraz 64,3% Nd w formie ciekłej może być osiągnięte przy redukcji wymiaru ziaren do poniżej 5 µm.
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