The Gospel according to St. John left its specific imprint on the exposition of the phenomenon of prophecy, expressed in technical terminology – almost reduced to the word prophet (gr. profetes). While in the Synoptic Gospels, Jesus' prophetic status dominates the first part of the narrative before Easter, the situation is quite different in John. The prophetic status of Jesus plays an important role there, but within the structure of an existential initiation. The aim of this study is to emphasize this role.
The present paper is focused on translation studies. We analyze to what degree the Prologue of the Gospel of John is translatable into selected Polish translations, and to what degree it can be retranslated into Hebrew. What is new in our approach is the analysis of the inaccuracy of translation of the original text which is apparent in the prototype translation (Ur-translation) of the Vulgate by Jerome. Thanks to the comparison between the Vulgate and Polish translations of the Prologue, and their retranslation into Hebrew, we concluded that they repeat the mistakes of the Vulgate almost automati- cally. When we liberate ourselves from the influence of the Vulgate, we face with yet another difficulty. The Prologue is a text of initiation, and it is translatable according to the dynamie equivalence only for a reader, who was intended by the author of the Gospel of John. For other readers, the Prologue can be translated, morę or less accurately, according to the formal equivalence.
Sprawa lustracji od wielu lat w Polsce wywołuje wiele emocji i jest ściśle związana z procesem dekomunizacji. W dziejach III Rzeczypospolitej lustracja była przyczyną poważnych kryzysów politycznych, czego przykładem było odwołanie rządu Jana Olszewskiego. Przełomowym wydarzeniem było przyjęcie ustawy lustracyjnej w 1997 r., która stworzyła podwaliny do rzetelnego podjęcia problemu lustracji w Polsce. Pomimo upływu lat i nowelizacji przepisów nadal wydają się konieczne zmiany w prawie w celu przestrzegania konstytucyjnych praw, takich jak: prawo do należytego procesu, prawo do wysłuchania czy prawo do obrony i domniemanie niewinności. Artykuł jest próbą wskazania problemów związanych z lustracją oraz zasygnalizowania zmian na przykładzie lustracji Kazimierza Kujdy.
The issue of vetting has for many years stirred up much emotion in Poland and is closely related to the process of decommunization. In the history of the Third Republic of Poland, lustration was the cause of serious political crises, an example of which was the dismissal of the government of Jan Olszewski. A breakthrough event was adopting the lustration law in 1997, which laid the groundwork for a reliable approach to lustration in Poland. Despite the passage of years and amendments to the regulations, it still seems necessary to amend the law to comply with constitutional rights, such as the right to due process, the right to be heard, the right to defense, and the presumption of innocence. The article indicates the problems related to vetting and reports changes on the example of vetting by Kazimierz Kujda.
The second verse of the fifth chapter of the Gospel according to John is a true crux exegetarum indeed. Nobody may feel responsible for the interpretation of the meaning of this passage since any translation is merely an interpretation of the original represented by the preference of the single translator.