CONTENTS Introduction Chapter I. Differentiation in Cartesian products of normed and infrabarrelled of DF-type spaces § 1. Preliminaries......................................................................................................................................................................... 7 § 2. Fundamental definitions...................................................................................................................................................... 7 § 3. Certain properties of mappings in some l.e.v-.v. space................................................................................................ 9 § 4. Mean value theorems .......................................................................................................................................................... 11 § 5. Differentiation of a superposition....................................................................................................................................... 14 § 6. Higher order derivatives....................................................................................................................................................... 15 Chapter II. Differential calculus in Marinescu spaces § 1. Basic concepts and definitions.......................................................................................................................................... 16 § 2. Differentiation in Marinescu spaces.................................................................................................................................. 17 § 3. Differential calculus in bornological Von-Neumann spaces........................................................................................ 21 Chapter III. Differentiable structure in a conjugate bundle § 1. Non-banachian differentiable manifolds.......................................................................................................................... 24 § 2. Infinite-dimensional vector bundles.................................................................................................................................. 25 § 3. Conjugate bundle......................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Chapter IV. The bundle of section-distributions § 1. The bundle of section-distributions................................................................................................................................... 29 § 2. An application in the field theory......................................................................................................................................... 31 § 3. Example of a Lagrangian.................................................................................................................................................... 32
The present paper aims at presenting Jean Jacques Rousseau as an anthropologist of modernity. I argue that between his Confessions and other works concerning origins of the social order there is an inner connection which determined his mode of the social world knowing. I propose to define this mode by use of the contemporary concept of socially situated cognition. The epistemological restriction of situated cognition is an ontological opportunity to grasp the complexity of the social world without reducing it to the object as a result of synthetic capabilities of enlightened reason. Thus the main problem of Confessions can be read as the question: What kind of inner work researcher should perform to achieve the self-ruling position which enables him to look at the social world from an uninvolved point of view? I claim that Rousseau in Confessions as well as in other his works makes the same work. On the one hand, he reconstructs his own social situation as a scholar what makes him a contemporary anthropologist who penetrates mentally numerous social worlds. On the other hand, he also writes as an enlightened lawmaker, who proposes a new social participation as the universal form of political community. Therefore the craft of writing of confessions, memories, etc. becomes a simple tool which enables the relentless process of self-reference on practical and theoretical levels of science, especially social science.
Celem niniejszej pracy jest zaprezentowanie Jana Jakuba Rousseau jako antropologa nowoczesności. Twierdzę, że pomiędzy pisaniem Wyznań a pozostałymi pracami Rousseau, dotyczącymi źródeł pochodzenia porządku społecznego, istnieje wewnętrzny związek, który określa jego sposób poznania tego, co społeczne. Proponuję zdefiniować ów sposób jako poznanie usytuowane społecznie. Epistemologiczne ograniczenia związane z poznaniem usytuowanym stanowią ontologiczną szansę na uchwycenie złożoności społecznej bez redukowania jej do przedmiotu jako efektu syntetycznych zdolności oświeconego rozumu. Stąd też zawartość Wyznań można odczytywać jako pytanie: jakiego rodzaju prace powinien wykonać badacz, by osiągnąć autonomiczną pozycję, która pozwala spoglądać na świat społeczny z lotu ptaka? Twierdzę, że Rousseau w Wyznaniach i innych pracach wykonuje tę samą pracę pisania. Z jednej strony, rekonstruuje swoją własną sytuację społeczną jako myśliciela, co czyni go współczesnym antropologiem, który wnika w wielość światów społecznych. Z drugiej jednak strony, pisze również jak oświecony prawodawca, proponując nowy sposób przynależności społecznej jako uniwersalną postać politycznej wspólnoty. Stąd też rzemiosło pisania wspomnień, wyznań, listów, luźno formułowanych myśli itd. – swoistego rodzaju bycie-w-świecie każdego badacza – staje się prostym narzędziem, które umożliwia nieustający proces samo-odniesienia w praktyczno-teoretycznym wymiarze pracy naukowej, zwłaszcza w obszarze nauk społecznych.
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In the present paper I try to rethink Heidegger’s statement concerning the end of philosophy. Martin Heidegger identifies philosophy with metaphysics. Metaphysics has been developing historically as diverse modes of the presentation of being. Heidegger claims that this development is going to end in the figure of techno-science domination. In his specific vocabulary end does not mean the mainstream concept which refers to the extinction of self-ruling thought in general or the happy celebration of new beginning. End means exhaustion of foregoing modes of thinking as historically grasped metaphysics which cannot be exceeded. Heidegger perceives this exhaustion through the prism of the question of Being. I will argue that the question of Being is determined by the dialogue which Heidegger perpetually conducts with F. Nietzsche and G.W.F. Hegel. Thus the end of philosophy has only two faces. First, Nietzsche as a poet who contests the whole metaphysical tradition. Second, Hegel who appears as the perfect scholar who reconciles history of philosophy and philosophy of history. Overcoming and accomplishment of metaphysics focuses on the question of Being as a paradoxical situation that simultaneously constitutes priority of difference over unity (F. Nietzsche) and priority of unity over difference (G.W.F. Hegel). This undecidability corresponds with the ambivalence condition of modernity. Modernity that desires to differ from its own past and simultaneously maintains continuity with it. I am going to show that the question of Being is not opening an intra-historical perspective but it only reflects the contemporary contradiction which Heidegger unconsciously subordinates.
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