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Sudecki uskok brzeżny oddziela teren o rzeźbie górsko-wyżynnej na skrzydle podniesionym od równinnego i pagórkowatego terenu na skrzydle zrzuconym. W rzeźbie manifestuje się on jako brzeżna krawędź Sudetów o zróżnicowanej wysokości 50–500 m. Północny fragment tej krawędzi to niska, dość kręta i silnie zdegradowana skarpa, dla której parametry morfometryczne sugerują śladową aktywność tektoniczną w czasach współczesnych. Cechy rzeźby fluwialnej i jej zapis stratygraficzny, które okazały się najlepszymi wskaźnikami późnoczwartorzędowej reaktywacji sudeckiego uskoku brzeżnego w innych fragmentach uskoku, nie dostarczają jednoznacznych dowodów młodych ruchów tektonicznych. Dywergencja taras ku krawędzi Sudetów jest niewyraźna, zaś przerwanie ciągłości (obcięcie) poziomu tarasy wysokiej rozpoznano tylko w dwóch dolinach, gdzie spłaszczone skarpy nie przekraczają 10 m wys. Sugeruje się, że główne przemieszczenia wzdłuż północnego fragmentu sudeckiego uskoku brzeżnego miały miejsce w pliocenie, natomiast później dominowaly procesy erozyjne i denudacyjne, zacierając ewentualne ślady uskokowania poodrzańskiego.
W artykule zaprezentowano Park Narodowy Gunung Mulu w Malezji, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zjawisk krasowych. Typowymi elementami rzeźby krasowej są zwarte masywy wapienne, równiny korozyjne, przełomy rzeczne, mega-leje krasowe i ślepe doliny oraz rozbudowane systemy jaskiniowe, w tym jaskinie przepływowe. Obszar parku, położony w strefie deszczowego lasu równikowego, cechuje się ponadto znacznym zróżnicowaniem biologicznym. Z tych względów został w 2000 r. wpisany na Listę Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO. W końcowej części artykułu przedstawiono zasady i zakres udostępnienia Parku dla turystyki.
The paper presents the Gunung Mulu National Park in Malaysia, focusing mainly on karst phenomena. Typical features of karst relief are towering limestone massifs, corrosion plains, river gorges, mega-dolines and blind valleys, as well as extensive cave systems, including subterranean rivers. The area of the Park, located in the equatorial rainforest belt, is also characterized by considerable biodiversity. Therefore, in 2000 it has been inscribed on the World Heritage List of UNESCO. In the closing part of the paper the rules governing tourist activities and the extent of tourist accessibility are presented.
Content available Geoparki i geoturystyka na Tajwanie
The island of Taiwan is located at the boundary of the Eurasiatic Plate and the Phillipine Plate, in the zone of collision and hence, intense mountain building and seismic activity. Rates of uplift and incision around the Taroko Gorge belong to the highest on Earth and a variety of inland and coastal erosional landscapes occurs in Taiwan. Geodiversity of Taiwan is extremely high and provides natural basis for geotourism development. Although official participation in the UNESCO-supported Global Geopark Network is not possible on political grounds, Taiwan strongly adheres to the idea of geo-education through geoparks and interpreted geosites. In 2011 a national network of geoparks was created in Taiwan that so far consists of six geoparks, including four on the main island and two on offshore archipelagos. Themes such as basalt volcanism, coastal evolution, melanges and badlands, landslides and mud volcanoes are represented in Taiwanese geoparks.
Content available remote Sanqingshan -- ukryty skarb Chin
Masyw Sanqingshan w południowo-wschodnich Chinach cechuje się unikatowym krajobrazem o charakterze wysokogórskim, którego głównym walorem jest wyjątkowy zespół form rzeźby terenu. Podłożem geologicznym jest intruzja granitowa wieku kredowego. Dominacja spękań pionowych zadecydowała o powstaniu wysokich szczytów o stożkowatych i spiczastych formach, kolumn, filarów skalnych i urwisk o wysokości do 300 m. Rozdzielające je rozpadliny powstały w strefach silniej spękanych. Duże różnice wysokości umożliwiły wykształcenie się piętrowego układu stref roślinnych. Sanqinshan posiada status parku narodowego i geoparku, a obecnie czynione są starania o wpisanie go na listę Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO.
The Sanqingshan massif in south-east China is an area of unique high-mountain landscape, distinguished by an exceptional assemblage of geomorphological phenomena. Bedrock consists of granite intrusion of Cretaceous age. The predominance of vertical joints plays decisive role in the origin and evolution of high, conical peaks and rock pinnacles, columns, and precipitous slopes as high as 300 m. Intervening ravines and clefts have developed along heavily fractured zones. High altitude gradients allowed for the development of a zonal vegetation pattern. Sanqingshan has a status of a national park and a geopark. Currently, an attempt is made to nominate Sanqingshan as a World Heritage Site of UNESCO.
The Moravian Karst in the south-eastern part of the Czech Republic has considerable potential for the development of geotourism. It is characterized by outstanding geodiversity, revealed in abundant, surface and subterranean karst landforms, as well as protracted history of karst evolution which can be traced back to the Mesozoic. An additional value is provided by the presence of cultural heritage, related to exploitation and processing of mineral resources genetically linked to the karst environment. The significance of this area is further enhanced by easy access to karst landforms and phenomena. Five caves, each of different morphology, can be visited. A dense network of educational trails, marked paths, forestry and field-access roads allows the visitor to reach all interesting features of karst morphology.
Kras Morawski w południowo-wschodniej części Republiki Czeskiej jest obszarem o bardzo dużym potencjale geoturystycznym. Cechuje go znaczna georóżnorodność, wyrażająca się bogactwem form krasu powierzchniowego i podziemnego oraz złożoną historią ewolucji krasu, sięgającą ery mezozoicznej. Elementem dodatkowym są liczne obiekty dziedzictwa kulturowego, związane z eksploatacją i przeróbką surowców mineralnych genetycznie związanych ze środowiskiem krasowym. O randze obszaru decyduje także bardzo dobre udostępnienie form rzeźby krasowej. Do zwiedzania jest przystosowanych pięć jaskiń o odmiennej morfologii, wytyczono kilka ścieżek edukacyjnych, a gęsta sieć znakowanych szlaków, dróg leśnych i polnych pozwala na dotarcie do wszystkich interesujących form powierzchniowych.
Geological monuments of the Karkonosze by Georg Gürich was published in 1914 and is essentially a catalogue of sites of special geoscientific interest in the West Sudetes, including the Karkonosze range and the adjacent areas. As many as 115 separate localities are described, among them 79 in the Karkonosze proper. The inventory includes outcrops of characteristic rock types, contact phenomena, tors and crags, weathering features, sites with typical fracture patterns, waterfalls, potholes, glacial landforms, blockfields and others. Although numerical evaluation of significance of individual sites was not attempted, elements of verbal assessment and comparative analysis are present. Despite the passage of time, the book of Gürich remains a valuable reference work and has proved very useful during preparation of documentation for the national geopark in the Karkonosze.
The intramontane basin of Jelenia Góra in the West Sudetes (SW Poland) is located adjacent to the Karkonosze Mountains, recently proclaimed as a national geopark. Although formally not included into the geopark, geological history and geomorphology allow to consider the basin as a logical complement of the Karkonosze Geopark. More than 20 easily accessible localities are potential geosites, illustrating the history of magma emplacement, lithological and structural diversity of granite, Cenozoic volcanism, evolution of denudational granite relief, the history of Pleistocene inland glaciation and human - geoheritage interactions, which culminated in the development of landscape parks in the 19th century. Geosites in the Jelenia Góra Basin do not duplicate those in the Karkonosze Mountains, but tell different chaptersfrom the long-term geological evolution of the West Sudete.
Content available remote Górne Łużyce jako region geoturystyczny
Artykuł prezentuje zróżnicowanie budowy geologicznej i krajobrazu Górnych Łużyc oraz jego znaczenie dla geoturystyki. Szczegółowo są omówione wybrane obiekty geologiczne i geomorfologiczne związane z granitowym masywem łużyckim, piaskowcami kredowymi, wulkanizmem kenozoicznym i zlodowaceniami plejstoceńskimi. Przedstawiono ekspozycję muzealną w Muzeum Przyrodniczym w Goerlitz i park głazów narzutowych w Nochten
The paper presents diversity of geological structure and natural landscapes of the Upper Lusatia region, and its geotouristic significance. Selected geological and geomorphological sites providing insights into the granite Lusatian Massif, Cretaceous sandstones, Cainozoic volcanic activity and Pleistocene glacial legacy are described in detail. The exhibition in the Museum of Natural History in Goerlitz and an open-air park of glacial erratics in Nochten are places worth visiting
Content available Geopark Bakony : Balaton na Węgrzech
Two UNESCO Global Geoparks were established in Hungary. This paper presents the Bakony - Balaton Geopark, located in the western part of the country, predominantly within the Transdanubian Range. It includes uplands and low-elevation mountains of North Bakony, South Bakony, Balaton Uplands and Keszthely Mountains, with basins situated in between, as well as Lake Balaton itself. Geologically, the dominant part of the territory is underlain by Mesozoic sedimentary rocks, mainly limestones and dolomites. Other significant rock formations are Eocene limestones, Mio-Pliocene sediments of the Pannonian Sea and end-Neogene basalts. Karst phenomena, residual volcanic hills, fossil sinter cones and river gorges are the most characteristic geomorphological features of the Geopark. Forty-five geosites have been recognized in the Geopark, although access facilities and interpretative content the Geopark is also rich in cultural heritage and its southern part counts as the major tourist
Content available remote Czeski Raj - nowy europejski geopark
W artykule przedstawiono najważniejsze obiekty przyrody nieożywionej Czeskiego Raju w północnych Czechach, wchodzącego w skład powołanego w 2005 r. geoparku "Czeski Raj ", stanowiące o jego wybitnej atrakcyjności dla geoturystyki. Opisano skalne miasta, rozczłonkowane płaskowyże, kuesty i grzbiety wertykalne, które rozwinęły się na wychodniach kredowych skał osadowych, głównie piaskowców. Zwrócono uwagę na powszechność form skalnych różnej wielkości, będących wynikiem współdziałania wietrzenia, ruchów masowych i erozji, oraz lokalne występowanie skał wulkanicznych wieku neogeńskiego, tworzących neki. W końcowej części artykułu omówiono historię ochrony przyrody i turystyczną dostępność regionu.
The paper presents the most important abiotic nature sites in the Bohemian Paradise (Cesky Raj) area in the northern part of Czech Republic. It is apart of a geopark "Bohemian Paradise" established in 2005, decisive for its outstanding attractiveness for geotourism. Rock cities, dissected plateaux, cuesta and hogback ridges developed in the Cretaceous sedimentary rocks, mainly sandstones, are described. The common occurrence is emphasized of rock outcrops of various size, resulting from combined action of weathering, mass movement and erosion, including locally present necks of Neogene volcanics. The closing part of the paper includes an account of the history of landscape protection and current tourist accessibility.
Content available Geopark Papuk w Chorwacji
Papuk Geopark is located in eastern Croatia,in the Slavonia region,and was established in 2007 in a mountain range of the same name. It covers 524 km2 of geologically diverse terrain, with geological formations ranging in age from Precambrian to Quaternary and representing metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary rocks.The geopark,which is the old est geological nature reserve in Croatia, host an outcrop of columnar jointing in rhyolite at Rupnica. In terms of geomorphology, Papuk is a fluvially dissected young horst, with widespread karst phenomena on Triassic limestones. Cultural heritage includes ruins of medieval fortresses, ancient abbeys, and country-famous wine culture around the town of Kutjevo. The educational offer consists of 69 designated geosites, several educational trails, open-air rock exhibitions, and guided walks and classes for schools.
The Kaczawa sector of the marginal escarpment of the Sudetes Mts is 80-120 m high and separates upland denudation surfaces, probably Late Miocene in age, and flat foreland surfaces underlain by Cainozoic sediments. Genetically the scarp is related to the course of the Sudetic Marginal Fault. Scarp dissection by short, deeply incised valleys was the response to the Pliocene-Early Quaternary uplift of the Sudetes Mts relative to their foreland. Evidence for tectonic activity during the Late Quaternary is equivocal. Deformations of terrace levels have not been recorded whilst upper valley slope benches apparently cut off at the mountain front do not bear an alluvial cover.
The geomorphological landscape of the Sudetes consists of elements of diverse origin. While the gross features of relief are best attributed to up- and downfaulting in the late Cenozoic, landform diversity at a smaller scale results mainly from selective long-term denudation controlled by rock properties. The occurrence of rock- and structure-controlled landforms has long been noted in the Sudetes, but their identification remained at a rather descriptive level. Recent work involving an analysis of digital elevation models, combined with field-based determination of rock strength using Schmidt hammer helped to refine some previous concepts and to identify further relationships between rocks and relief at a medium scale. Many residual convex landforms (hills, ridges) are associated with rocks of markedly higher strength than in the surroundings. Differences in elevations which may be attributed to rock factor, attain 400–500 m, which is a figure comparable with minor fault-bounded horsts. Extensive tracts of low relief are partly rock-controlled too, as they are best developed where adjacent rock complexes show similar strength, whether high or low. By contrast, the presence of escarpments cutting across rock masses of comparable strength on both sides appears to point to faulting as the topography-controlling factor.
The long-term erosional history of the Karkonosze Granite Massif is revised and reconstructed using different sources of information, including the sedimentary record of adjacent basins, previously published low-temperature thermochronological data and geomorphic features. Although the evidence is still incomplete, this work has identified a number of intervals, of unequal duration, characterized by different denudation regimes and rates. Several major phases of rapid exhumation are inferred - in the Permian and the Early Triassic as seen in the sedimentary record, and in the Late Cretaceous as shown by both the thermochronological and sedimentary records. Neotectonic uplift of the Karkonosze Mts. in the late Cenozoic is not recorded in the thermochronological record and there is no evidence of any accelerated denudation close to the massif. Apatite fission track data show that >~3.6 km of rock must have been eroded since the Turonian, while the results of zircon (U-Th)/He analysis suggest that in places erosion of >~6 km of rock must have taken place. This picture differs from previous estimates of denudat ion which suggested that only 2-2.5 km has been eroded from the axial part of the Karkonosze dome since the exposure of granite batholith in the Permian.
Geothermal phenomena in the North Island of New Zealand have been a basis of tourism industry since the mid- 19th century. Their highlights include geysers, hot springs, mud pools, steam vents, craters, and various silica deposition features. Five geothermal sites, Te Puia Whakarewarewa, Waimangu, Wai-O-Tapu, Orakei Korako, and Craters of the Moon, are subjects of this study which is focused on interrelated issues of diversity, accessibility, and interpretation. The sites are sufficiently different in terms of natural phenomena to be perceived as complementary, offering jointly a comprehensive picture of geothermal phenomena. However, cooperation between their properties hardly exists. In promotion, unusual scenic values and record features are emphasized, whereas more in-depth interpretation is limited. There are opportunities to enhance educational components of each site, so that they can offer experience and learning rather than experience only and become fully developed geotourist destinations.
Zjawiska geotermalne na Wyspie Północnej w Nowej Zelandii były podstawą rozwoju turystyki na tym obszarze już od połowy XIX w. Szczególnym zainteresowaniem cieszyły się gejzery, gorące źródła, sadzawki błotne, fumarole i różnego rodzaju formy depozycyjne krzemionki. Do analizy form udostępniania dla zwiedzających oraz zagospodarowania pod kątem edukacyjnym wybrano pięć popularnych miejsc geotermalnych: Te Puia Whakarewarewa, Waimangu, Wai-O-Tapu, Orakei Korako i Craters of the Moon. Miejsca te są znacząco zróżnicowane pod względem przyrodniczym i w sposób komplementarny przedstawiają pełen obraz zjawisk geotermalnych, jednak pomiędzy tymi obiektami, zarządzanymi przez różne przedsiębiorstwa, praktyczne nie ma współpracy. W promocji podkreślane są głównie walory estetyczne tych miejsc, natomiast brakuje pogłębionej interpretacji prezentowanych zjawisk. Aby opisywane miejsca mogły oprócz przeżyć natury estetycznej dostarczać walorów edukacyjnych, a więc w pełni spełniać kryteria atrakcji geoturystycznych, niezbędne jest rozszerzenie oferty umożliwiającej interpretację zjawisk geotermalnych.
The Stołowe Mountains are a stepped tableland within the Sudetes range, which otherwise represents valley-and-ridge fluvio-denudational relief. Reasons for the distinctiveness of the Stołowe Mountains are lithostructural and related to the presence of a nearly flat-lying clastic sedimentary sequence, with massive sandstone beds separated by fine-grained rock complex. Consequently, the geomorphic system of the area is distinctive too. Lacking long-term measurements of process rates, this paper attempts to provide qualitative characteristics of this system. Under contemporary conditions slope-channel connectivity is very limited and coupling between the two subsystems is episodic at most. Due to low gradient surface processes on extensive plateaus are of very low efficacy, whereas escarpments tend to disintegrate in situ rather than are subject to frequent rock slope failures. Subsurface processes of sand grain detachment, joint-guided transport and removal away from the rock massif play an important part. Rock control in the broad sense is so pervasive that it is nearly impossible to identify with confidence inherited landforms, whether from the Pleistocene or late Neogene.
The Certificate of National Geopark for the Karkonosze National Park with its buffer zone reflects the policy of the Ministry of Environment, which aims to create a network of national geoparks in Poland. It is also a consequence of conducting by the Karkonosze National Park the project "Geosites inventory and assessment in the Karkonosze National Park and its buffer zone, including preparation of the geological map of the area", which provided solid scientific basis for the recognition of Karkonosze Mts. as national geopark. The certificate highlights the geodiversity of the Karknosze Mts., which parallels its biodiversity values and is decisive for the great attractiveness of the area among the scientists and visitors alike. Features such as mountain-top planation surfaces, glacial cirques, granite tors, and waterfalls have been invariably listed as the key elements of geoheritage of the Karkonosze Mts. Less obvious, but no less important are various mineralogical localities, exposures of granite and metamorphic rock which provide insights into the nature of igneous and rock deformation processes in the Palaeozoic era, peat bogs bearing record of palaeoenvironmental change, and remains on past mining and mineral prospecting. Geodiversity of the Karkonosze Mts. is well-documented in dozens of scientific publications, but also also consistently exposed by the Karkonosze National Park and other institutions, through wide-ranging activities of popularizing geoheritage of these mountains.
Content available remote Start-up of SSTC semiconductor tesla coil - an example of an educational project
The use of semiconductor elements open up new opportunities associated with construction of semiconductor tesla coils. In the semiconductor Tesla coil, the resonant circuit function and the spark gap functions is taken over by an electronic system. The most common way to power up the Tesla’s transformer primary winding is the inverter bridge or half-bridge comprises a pair of MOSFET transistors.
Zastosowanie półprzewodnikowych elementów otwiera nowe możliwości związane z konstrukcją i sposobem działania cewki Tesli. W półprzewodnikowej cewce Tesli funkcję obwodu rezonansowego oraz iskiernik przejmuje układ elektroniczny. Najczęściej spotykanym sposobem zasilenia uzwojenie pierwotne transformatora Tesli jest falownik zwany dalej mostkiem lub pół-mostkiem złożonym z pary tranzystorów MOSFET.
The Sudetes are a mountain range in Central Europe, which owes its emergence to the Cenozoic rejuvenation of an old Variscan orogen, subject to stresses from the Alps and the Carpathians. The gross morphological features of the Sudetes are typically explained as reflecting the superposition of the effects of long-term, rock-controlled denudation and Late Cenozoic differential uplift and subsidence. In this paper, early conceptual models, developed in the 1950s and 1960s and emphasizing alternating uplift and planation phases, are presented first. A review of more recent work focused on tectonic landforms and geomorphic indicators of tectonic movements follows, with special attention to fault-generated escarpments, valley morphology, stream longitudinal profiles, terraces and fans, drainage basin characteristics and regional geomorphometric studies. Attempts to provide a timeframe of tectonic relief differentiation are also summarized. In the closing part of the paper, the existing approaches and findings are re-evaluated in order to identify challenges and perspectives for future work. The availability of high-resolution digital terrain models creates a unique opportunity to quantify relief features and detect even the subtle topographic signatures of recent tectonics. A need to reconcile the results of geomorphological analysis with those emerging from other studies focused on faults is highlighted.
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