The issues discussed in the article are focused on marriage and family. Although the subject has been present in the reflexion within the Church for some time now - as was emphatically expressed by John Paul II in the well-known adage “family is a way of the Church” - the episcopal synods called by Pope Francis demand a new look at such important issues. The anthropological and cultural change that is going on before our eyes requires an analytical and differentiated approach. In the face of increasing threats there rises a fundamental question about hope for the family. The author presents his reflections on three points: 1) the truth about the Church and family; 2) the threats to the truth about family in present day culture; 3) postulates of rebuilding hope. Referring to the teachings of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI, the author points to the Church doctrine and the community of the Church itself as a sign of hope for the family, and in consequence for the whole world. The Christian message about God who created man in His image and likeness, as well as the saving love that God offered to man in Jesus Christ allow us to understand the truth about human being and make it possible to get orientated in the face of the threats of modernity.
“Woe! It is so shameful to even speak about it. The cancer of sodomite unchastity spreads throughout the clergy,” cries Peter Damiani at the beginning of his letter-treatise written circa 1051 A.D. The author of “Liber Gomorrhianus” points out that he knows the problem well as it concerns the milieus he is familiar with, or with which he corresponds. Without a doubt, Damiani observed such sinful behavior in his own monastery and hermitage. Therefore, he could define and characterize such pathologies among the clergy. He also rebuked Church authorities for considering the removal of a sinner from the priesthood only in the case of anal intercourse, while tolerating other sodomite behavior. Damiani enumerates types of conduct that breach the natural law as only man’s attraction to a woman is natural. He also criticizes certain provisions of the canon law as, according to him, they meant excusing the sins of sodomy.
The article addresses the value of old age as a criterion for seeking the meaning of life. Such an approach contradicts not only contemporary postmodern culture, which emphasizes vitality and youthfulness, but also the utilitarianism that dominates contemporary secular ethics. Specifically, this approach considers human life in terms of quality of life, which results in an arbitrary refusal of some quality and the simultaneous right to exist. In this regard, the personalistic approach in bioethics that Pope John Paul II’s teaching, life, aging, and death expemplify affirms that old age is an inalienable sphere of the value and sanctity of human life.
Artykuł podejmuje zagadnienie wartości starości w ludzkim życiu jako kryterium poszukiwanego sensu życiowego. Takie ujęcie pozostaje w kolizji ze współczesną kulturą naznaczoną postmodernizmem, akcentującym witalność i młodość, oraz z dominującym w etyce laickiej podejściem utylitarystycznym. Oznacza ono rozpatrywanie życia ludzkiego w kategoriach jakości życia (quality of life), co powoduje arbitralne odmawianie niektórym owej jakości a zarazem prawa do istnienia. Pojęcie personalistyczne w bioetyce, wyrażane nauczaniem, ale i świadectwem życia, starzenia się i umierania św. Jana Pawła II stanowi w tym kontekście afirmację starości jako niezbywalnej sfery wartości/świętości życia ludzkiego