Electronic Chart Display and Information System became nowadays the main equipment for presentation of marine ship's position and perform of basic navigational tasks. There are new information systems under development like Marine Decision Support System. All systems require constant information about position of own ship and other objects in the vicinity. Information is gathered from onboard navigational systems. Integrity of that information is crucial for taking its full advantage and presentation in onboard information systems.
Navigational information systems became one of the main devices on ship’s bridge supporting navigators in evaluation of navigational situation and undertaking decisions. For instance ECIDS supports navigation by gathering information and automating some process like plotting of position of own ship and other objects on the scene. Any navigational information system has got advantages and limitations. Their understanding should help navigators to perform watches in a safer way. This article presents a discussion on some deficiencies of navigational information systems. Discussion is underlined by three accidents, which show when misunderstanding or overreliance may lead to catastrophic consequences.
International Maritime Organization is looking forward for modern methods of learning in marine field. The training of seafarers may be allowed by distance learning and e-learning methods in accordance with the standards of training and assessment set in STCW convention. For that purpose the web based course for competences related to the LRC certificate and learning management system, that is able to support any GMDSS E-learning material, are being developed. This is the aim of European Leonardo da Vinci project numbered: 142173-LPP-1-2008-1-SI-LEONARDO-LMP (2008–2010) and titled: E-Learning system for GMDSS VET. The article presents the results of current works.
Międzynarodowa Organizacja Morska poszukuje nowoczesnych metod kształcenia dla sfery morskiej. Dopuszcza się szkolenie marynarzy na odległość w zgodzie ze standardami kształcenia i oceny przyjętymi w konwencji STCW. Do realizacji tego celu jest opracowywany internetowy kurs wraz z systemem dydaktycznym wspomagającym szkolenie GMDSS, spełniający wymagania na certyfikat LRC. Jest to zarazem zadanie europejskiego projektu Leonardo da Vinci o numerze: 142173-LPP-1-2008-1-SI-LEONARDO-LMP (2008–2010) i tytule: E-Learning system for GMDSS VET. W artykule zaprezentowano rezultaty obecnych prac.
This paper presents the key assumptions and preliminary research on an integrated system called ESABALT, for enhancing maritime safety, which incorporates the latest technological advances in positioning, e-Navigation, Earth observation systems and multi-channel cooperative communications. The most novel part of the ESABALT concept, however, is a focus on user-driven crowdsourcing techniques for information gathering and integration. The system will consist of a situational awareness solution for real-time maritime traffic monitoring via utilizing various positioning technologies; an observation system of the marine environment relevant to transportation and accidents including assessing the sea ice, oil spread, waves, wind etc.; and a methodology for context-aware maritime communication with cooperative, multi-channel capabilities. The paper presents the intelligent, novel, user-driven solution and associated services developed in ESABALT for enhancing the maritime safety in the whole Baltic area.
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