Poniższe refl eksje są owocem mojego przyglądania się temu, jak wygląda zarządzanie polską nauką z perspektywy przewodniczącego Komitetu Nauk Filozofi cznych PAN, członka Komitetu Polityki Naukowej przy Ministerstwie Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, oraz szeregowego uczestnika polskiego życia naukowego. Jest to doświadczenie ograniczone perspektywą dyscypliny, którą uprawiam, a więc perspektywy humanisty-fi lozofa.
These refl ections are the fruit of my of looking at this, it looks like management science from the perspective of Polish chairman of the Philosophical Academy of Sciences, member of the Committee of Science Policy at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and the serial participant Polish academic life. It is an experience limited perspective of the discipline that cultivate, and so the perspective of humanist-philosopher.
Bazując na aktualnych i nowo wdrażanych strategiach, dyrektywach i wytycznych UE sektor energetyczny, w tym ciepłownictwo, czeka w najbliższym czasie wiele wyzwań. Związane jest to zarówno z celem dotyczącym OZE, jak również zwiększaniem efektywności energetycznej, a także ograniczaniem emisji gazów cieplarnianych i innych substancji szkodliwych.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze three patterns of mandible angle fracture treatment by means of the finite element analysis. Methods: Investigation has been based on the mandible geometry reconstructed with use of hospitalized patient CT data. The KLS Martin mini-plates with corresponding screws were used to establish proper fracture stabilization. Models were run assuming isotropic and elasto-plastic material properties of connecting devices and cortical bone. The main masticatory muscles and artificial temporomandibular joint have been incorporated to assure mandible physiological movement. The gage loading has been applied in three different locations to cover wider range of possible mastication loading cases during daily routine. A different contact conditions have been applied to the fracture plane to simulate both load bearing and sharing behaviors. Prepared FEM models reflect the most frequently used surgery’s approaches to mandible angle fracture treatment. A specific nomenclature has been introduced to describe particular model. The tension plate, with one connecting mini-plate, two-point fixation and combined fixation, both using two mini-plates respectively. Results: Performed analysis allowed for a detailed estimation of the mini-plate connection response under the applied gauge loading. The equivalent stress within the mini-plates and surrounding cortical bone have been compared between all models. Regarding the fracture plane, the contact status and pressure have been considered. Conclusions: The combined fixation model, acting as a biplanar fastener system, presents the highest flexibility and connection efficiency.
In order to ensure the highest level of maritime travel safety, standards and rules are applied aimed at eliminating potential risks. In view of changes in the environment – as a result of, among others, the Covid-19 pandemic and Russia’s aggression against Ukraine – it has become necessary to verify expec-tations and preferences towards the provision of maritime transport services from the perspective of its users, representing generation Y. A key factor for evaluating cruise maritime service in the situation of current threats was identi-fied to achieve the objective of this study. At the same time, groups of factors responsible for the emergence of threats to travelers were identified, and pro-posals for measures to increase confidence in maritime transportation were evaluated from the perspective of the surveyed participants.
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