Author analyses a popular comic book series by H.J. Chmielewski, Tytus, Romek & A’Tomek (book from 1966–1987) and tries to reconstruct a propagandist vision of the Polish Peoples Republic’s reality. The main research tool is a content analysis of book, using knowledge of the political history of Poland and the world (1945–1989), social and mass communication context, history of media in Poland and rhetorics. Author describes the results, in relation to book by sociologist, Hanna Świda-Ziemba: The youth of Polish People’s Republic.
The aim of the paper is to demonstrate the concept of the rhetorical subject in relation to the language of politics and power. The author describes the subject as a speaker with a set of features which may influence his or her ability to speak in public and thus persuade (or even manipulate) his or her audience. The list includes nine most important features, which may be used to describe the rhetorical subject in the public and political discourse, primarily in the mass media. The concept may inspire studies into the public and political debate, and the language of politics and power.
Trzonem tekstu jest retoryczna analiza propagandy antyalkoholowej w przekazach Polskiej Kroniki Filmowej, produkowanej przez WFDiF. Autor wybrał cztery felietony z popularnej serii Propaganda PRL-u. Najzabawniejsze polskie kroniki filmowe i poddał je trzem typom analizy tekstu: metaforycznej, neoretorycznej oraz ideologicznej. Artykuł został wzbogacony o wiedzę w zakresie historii politycznej PRL, a także jej szczegółowe aspekty, jak historia pijaństwa w tej epoce. Autor uwzględnił również medioznawcze opracowanie na temat PKF, a także teorie w zakresie propagandy, perswazji i manipulacji.
The core of the text is a rhetorical analysis of the anti-alcohol propaganda in the films by Polska Kronika Filmowa produced by WFDiF. The author selected four reports from the popular series: Propaganda PRL-u. Najzabawniejsze polskie kroniki filmowe and analysed them using three types of textual analysis: metaphorical analysis, neo-rhetorical analysis, and ideological analysis. The article was complemented with facts from the political history of the People’s Republic of Poland in some specific aspects, e.g. the history of drunkenness in that period. The author also included a media research study regarding PKF, as well as theories of propaganda, persuasion and manipulation.
This text is a short description of a new academic course: “Music journalism”. The author offers an analysis of media forms in press, as well as on the radio, television and the internet. Besides the traditional forms and genres, students can analyse such forms as internet encyclopaedias or websites dedicated to music. The teacher analyses with the students the frame structures of television and radio stations, and the nature of broad-casts. There is also a possibility of analysing music press: articles, reviews and columns. The next step is teaching students to write such forms as a column or a review. Students learn practical skills in a studio, as the lecturer teaches them to broadcast live radio pro-grammes (cooperating with a professional radio DJ). The course gives an introduction to the history of classical and popular music.
Der Artikel spricht über die Rhetorik den Angriffs und der Verteidigung in politischen Fernsehprogrammen am Beispiel der sogenannten „Tonband-Affäre” und „Sex-Affäre” (November und Dezember 2006). Der Autor, nach der Analyze den herausgenommen Sendungen, klassifizier retorische Kunstgriffe und versucht festzustellen, wie diese Kunstgriffe auf das Verstehen der politischen Anweisung einwirken können. Artikel ist auch eine Antwort auf zwei Fragen: wie die Politiker der öffentlichen Meinung überreden versuchen und wie ist die Rolle vom Journalist im politischen Streit in elektronischen Massenmedien.
Author analyses public saying of the former president, Lech Wałęsa, in two selected TV-programs, broadcasted in similar period of time, but in two different TV-stations. Analysis constitutes a try of codification of all the stylistic and linguistic tricks and rethorical mechanisms of content, and also valuation of its persuastic use. On the basis of this analysis, author answers the following question: Is the language correctness a necessary condition of the persuasion in politics’ public saying?
The text is focused on the characteristics of news in daily TV programmes, such as the news or broadcasts on round-the-clock television (e.g. TVN 24). The author proposes a definition of news and tries to approach its intrinsic features in the Polish conditions, illustrating the discussion with examples. A full description on news (considering such problems as content and the most important characteristics) enables the systematisation of an event and an analysis of news in the Polish mass media.
The text is focused on the characteristics of news in daily TV programmes, such as the news or broadcasts on round-the-clock television (e.g. TVN 24). The author proposes a definition of news and tries to approach its intrinsic features in Polish conditions, illustrating the discussion with examples. A full description of news (considering such problems as content and the most important characteristics) makes it possible to systematize an event and analyse news in the Polish mass media.
The paper is dedicated to Hi-Fi magazines. The author offers a stylistic analysis of selected texts taken from “Hi-FI i Muzyka” (magazines from the 2012-2014 period), focused on specific types of columns: tests of audio equipment (amplifiers, CD players, gramophones, loudspeakers, etc). The article contains a short description of the magazine and its content, then author has suggested stylistic tools for describing sound (ordered in categories) and offered an analysis with citations.