After 2008, Romania faced a difficult economic crisis manifested in the increase of unemployement rate, high migratory flows in the EU and a drop in the national GDP. As existing literature showed, in the period of economic crisis, media exposure strongly affected expectations regarding the future development of the national economic situation. The present article presents the ways in which media frames were used to represent different occupations within the Romanian mass media. Using a content analysis as the main method applied to a sample made up of 944 news published in the online newspapers in Romania, the results of the study pinpoint the fact that each type of media presents the same occupation in a specific way. Another important result of the study is that the reader’s perception of the occupations presented in the Romanian mass media – expressed in the form of comments to the online articles – is similar to the presentation of these occupations in the news published by Romanian mass media.
Journalists make use of the main ‘frameworks’of interpretation of the world and of the events which they present in news items and other media products. Professional routines lead journalists to search for information first in sources which have, in their opinion, the power to ‘define’ the situation and to ‘frame’ it. The article analyzes the coverage of Poland’s EU presidency in the Romanian printed press and online media. The analysis was made on a sample of data composed of Romanian articles devoted to Poland’s EU presidency in July 2011–January 2012. The study highlights the similarities in covering Polish presidency of the EU between the Romanian newspapers and online media. At the same time, the results showed that the attention paid by the Romanian mass media to Poland’s EU presidency varied according to the type of media where the article was published: newspapers vs. online media.
This study examined whether Romanian media’s framing of Poland’s EU presidency (June 2011–June 2012) represents informative journalism or we can talk about a sensationalist coverage of the issue. The difference is important especially within the context of the general approach of the Romanian press to the relevant “external” topics, knowing that the Romanian media are, mainly, focused on the internal issues.Drawing on “framing theory”, the study investigated the main actors involved, the issues covered in relation to Poland presidency and their salient attributes in the script structure of each article. The results indicated that informative elements were both in newspapers and in on‑line materials covering the Poland’sEU presidency. At the same time, the Polish European presidency was not covered in an episodic manner by Romanian media‑eitheron‑line or newspapers, the preference for contextual framing being obvious in Romanian media.
The civic and political participation is considered to be central to the concept of democracy and it is particularly relevant in the context of contemporary democracies. The participation of citizens in civic or political activities has been a constitutive element of democracy since ancient times. Any discussion of participation needs to acknowledge the space within which the citizens engage. This article will focus on the online engagement and online civic and political participation. The existing studies in literature focus on the analysis of the online election campaigns [Klotz 2005; Xenos, Foot 2005], on the study of the characteristics of the individuals who engage in on-line and off-line activities [Rice, Katz 2004; Weber 2003] or on the identification of the role of the media as a main information source for the voters [Rainie 2005]. This article aims to analyze the main features of the use of new media in political life and the relation between new media and civil society in Romania during 2004–2012. Also the article aims to provide and answer to the following questions: Which were the main characteristics of the usage of new media during the Romanian electoral campaigns 2004–2008/2009? How is the Internet used in the civic life during the non-electoral periods in Romania?
In this article we aim to present the ways in which listening to K-pop music influences consumer behaviour. We examine how South Korean cultural exports have been adopted in Romania, but we also weigh the gender-wise benefits for the consumer. The theoretical framework is centered on the effect of K-pop music and deals with key-concepts such as gender, globalisation, hybridity, and influence. The methodology is mainly qualitative, as data were collected through telephone interviews. Our findings show that K-pop music has a major impact on the purchasing decisions and lifestyle of Romanian fans of South Korean popular culture.