The paper presents the problems of sustainablity with reference to the operation of service and repaircompanies. Attention was drawn to the causes and effects of measures being taken with respect to natural environment, allowing for the barriers influencing their efficiency and competiveness on the automotive market. The processes, which despite financial outlays incurred help to improve tke attractiveness and extend the offer of individual entities were also indicated. Conclusions and observations were based on the results of own research being conduced in the West Pomeranian Province at the turn of 2014 and 2015. Part of the presented solutions is connected with reverse logistics which is associated withe the movement of products and material on opposite direction and their reuse. In the case of car parts, a key issue is the servicesbeing provided in the whole vehicle’s lifetime, connected with maintenance servicing, repairs, and liquidation and recycling.
W artykule przedstawiono problematykę zrównoważonego rozwoju w odniesieniu do funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstw usługowo-naprawczych. Zwrócono uwagę na przyczyny i skutki działań podejmowanych w kwestii ochrony środowiska naturalnego, przy uwzględnieniu barier wpływających na ich efektywnośc oraz konkurencyjność na rynku motoryzacyjnym. Wskazano również procesy, które pomimo poniesionych nakładów finansowych wpływają na podniesienie atrakcyjności i rozszerzenie oferty poszczególnych podmiotów. Wnioski i spostrzeżenia oparto o wyniki badań własnych, prowadzonych na przełomie 2014-15 roku w województwie zachodniopomorskim. Część z prezentowanych rozwiązań związana jest z terminem logistyki zwrotnej, którą kojarzy się z odwrotnymi przepływami produktów i materiałów, jak również ich ponownym wykorzystaniem. W przypadku części samochodowych kluczową kwestię stanowią bowiem usługi realizowane w całym okresie eksploatacji pojazdu, związane z przeglądami, serwisowaniem, naprawą oraz likwidacją.
The paper presents the methodology of testing common rail fuel injectors, which consisted in extending the standard diagnostic procedures with the analysis of the resulting fuel delivery fields. The calculations were carried out in a popular spreadsheet, using Gauss's formulas (the so-called shoelace formula). In this way, the necessity to modify the test bench software was eliminated, as the analytical process took place after the end of the active experiment phase. It has been shown that the proposed solution should be particularly useful in problematic situations where clear-cut verification and assessment of the technical condition of the fuel injectors is sometimes difficult, as shown in the example. In addition, implementation in a digital environment allows the presented algorithms to be reused in research with a similar profile.
The paper presents a method of testing piezoelectric fuel injectors in modern common rail systems, which allows them to be repaired almost to the full extent. The obtained results indicate that this process can be effectively carried out, even taking into account the existing technological limitations. The most important stages of the implemented activities are specified, first of all the scope of required maintenance activities in the pre- and post-assembly stages, as well as the types of diagnostic tests carried out on separate test benches. Although the presented analysis concerns a specific example, individual conclusions and observations can be applied to fuel injectors from other manufacturers, in which the actuator is not replaceable.
The paper presents the author's own method for testing piezoelectric common rail fuel injectors, which for many years were considered non-repairable components. This was mainly due to the lack of availability of spare parts and dedicated measuring equipment, enabling full diagnostics under test bench conditions. As a result, their workshop and laboratory servicing was very limited, as effective disassembly concerned basically only the plunger and barrel assembly (needle with nozzle) for selected reference models. The situation has now improved to such an extent that an author’s own regeneration procedure has been proposed with the replacement of the most important controls and actuators. The tests were carried out on the example of Siemens VDO Continental PCR 2.3 fuel injectors from one engine, listing the most important stages of this process, including the correction of fuel dosage and returns.
The article presents a method for regenerating common rail injectors, which involves extending the standard diagnostic procedure with a phase of analytical calculations. The closed-type Newton-Cotes formula (referred to as the trapezoidal rule) was employed to estimate the resulting fuel spray patterns and compare them with the manufacturer's reference. In the discussed example, it was demonstrated that the proposed solution is particularly useful in challenging situations where a definitive assessment of the injector's technical condition remains difficult. Several other advantages were also highlighted, making this method suitable for application in laboratory and workshop conditions.
The paper presents an example of regeneration of a common rail piezoelectric fuel injector, which was carried out with using used parts. The most important stages of maintenance activities are listed, as well as the types of diagnostic tests performed on separate test benches. The obtained results indicate that this process can be effectively carried out with existing technological problems and lack of support from the manufacturer. At the same time, it was shown that, contrary to popular belief, cannibalisation does not have to be limited only to minor elements, but also to key components important from the point of view of the satisfactory technical condition and correct working of the fuel injector during further operation.
W artykule zaprezentowano aktualne wymogi prawne w zakresie ochrony środowiska odnoszące się do serwisów samochodowych. Zawarto informacje dotyczące zobowiązań serwisów do corocznych raportów o danych odpadach powstałych podczas serwisowania pojazdów samochodowych. Wskazano na główne zagrożenia dla środowiska naturalnego, wynikające z działalności serwisów samochodowych.
In this article has been presented legal requirements of environmental issues of car services. There are included data of annual waste of vehicle servicing. What is more, the main environmental issues has been indicated.
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