Celem niniejszej pracy jest analiza statystyczna wytrzymałości na ściskanie dwóch epoksydowych mas regeneracyjnych o różnych właściwościach, które poddano sezonowaniu w tych samych warunkach. Pierwsza epoksydowa masa klejowa składała się z żywicy epoksydowej Epidian 5 zmieszanej w stosunku masowym 100:80 z utwardzaczem PAC, natomiast druga masa składała się z żywicy epoksydowej Epidian 5 zmieszanej w stosunku masowym 100:10 z utwardzaczem Z-1. Epoksydowe masy klejowe poddano sezonowaniu. Pierwszy wariant sezonowania prowadzono w warunkach normalnych, w temperaturze 29°C ± 1°C i przy wilgotności 20% ± 1%, przez 1 tydzień. Pozostałe warianty sezonowania przeprowadzono w komorze klimatycznej w temperaturze 80°C i wilgotności 95%. Czas sezonowania w komorze klimatycznej kontynuowano w zależności od wariantu przez 4 lub 6 tygodni. Uzyskane wyniki wytrzymałości na ściskanie obu epoksydowych mas klejących poddano analizie statystycznej. Średnie wartości wytrzymałości na ściskanie badanych mieszanek różniły się istotnie dla poszczególnych wariantów. W celu uzyskania precyzyjnej analizy statystycznej zastosowano metodę ANOVA, która pozwoliła na porównanie wyników w zakresie wariantów sezonowania dla danej epoksydowej masy klejowej. Analiza wykazała brak podobieństwa pomiędzy wariantami sezonowania epoksydowej masy klejącej składającej się z żywicy epoksydowej Epidian 5 oraz utwardzacza PAC. W przypadku mieszanki złożonej z żywicy epoksydowej Epidian 5 i utwardzacza Z-1 analiza ANOVA wykazała bardzo duże podobieństwo wytrzymałości na ściskanie w odniesieniu do porównywanych wariantów sezonowania.
The aim of this paper is to analyse statistically the compressive strength of two epoxy regenerative masses with different properties, which were subjected to the same three seasoning conditions. The first epoxy adhesive compound contained Epidian 5 epoxy resin mixed in mass ratio 100:80 with PAC curing agent, while the second epoxy adhesive compound consisted of Epidian 5 epoxy resin mixed in mass ratio 100:10 with Z-1 curing agent. The epoxy adhesive compounds were subjected to three seasoning variants. The first seasoning variant was carried out under normal conditions, at a temperature of 29°C ± 1°C and at humidity of 20% ± 1%, for 1 week. The other variants of seasoning were performed in a climate chamber at a temperature of 80°C and humidity of 95%. The seasoning period in the climate chamber was continued for 4 or 6 weeks, depending on the variant. The obtained compressive strength results of both epoxy adhesive compounds were analysed statistically. The mean compressive strength values of the tested compounds differed significantly for particular variants. In order to obtain a precise statistical analysis, the ANOVA was used, which allowed to compare the results with regard to the seasoning variants for a given epoxy adhesive compound. The analysis showed a lack of similarity between variants of seasonings of epoxy adhesive compound consisting of Epidian 5 epoxy resin and PAC curing agent. In the case of compound made up of Epidian 5 epoxy resin and Z-1 curing agent, the ANOVA showed a very high similarity of compressive strength with respect to the compared seasoning variants.
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W artykule przeanalizowano wytrzymałość na ścinanie jednozakładkowych połączeń klejowych wykonanych z ocynkowanej powłoki blachy stalowej. Obróbkę mechaniczną próbek przeprowadzono przy użyciu papierów ściernych P120, P180, P220, P400 i P600. W eksperymencie zastosowano dwa warianty obróbki powierzchni: z odtłuszczaczem i bez odtłuszczacza. Do wykonania połączeń użyto dwuskładnikowego kleju epoksydowego Epidian 53/IDA/100:40. Badania wytrzymałościowe przeprowadzono na maszynie wytrzymałościowej Zwick/Roell Z150, norma PN-EN 1465. W artykule zamieszczono również wyniki pomiaru siły maksymalnej oraz wartości parametrów chropowatości powierzchni (Ra, Rz, Rq) próbek przygotowanych bez odtłuszczacza. Pomiary parametrów chropowatości powierzchni (Ra, Rz, Rq) wykonano przy użyciu profilometru HOMMEL TESTER T1000, zgodnie z normą PN-EN ISO 4287. Maksymalną wartość wytrzymałości na ścinanie (2,70 MPa) uzyskano dla próbek przygotowanych papierem ściernym P220 z użyciem odtłuszczacza, a najmniejszą (1,02 MPa) dla próbek przygotowanych papierem ściernym P180 z użyciem odtłuszczacza.
The paper analyzed the shear strength of the single-lap adhesive joints made of zinc galvanized coat of steel sheet. Mechanical treatment of the samples was carried out using P120, P180, P220, P400 and P600 abrasive papers. In the experiment were used two variants of surface treatment: with a degreaser and without a degreaser.A two-component epoxy adhesive Epidian 53/IDA/100:40 was used to make the joints.The strength tests were carried out on a Zwick/Roell Z150 testing machine, PN-EN 1465 standard. The article contains also the results of the maximum force and the values of the surface roughness parameters (Ra, Rz, Rq) of the samples prepared without a degreaser. The measurements of surface roughness parameters (Ra, Rz, Rq) were made using a HOMMEL TESTER T1000 profilometer, according to PN-EN ISO 4287. The maximum value of the shear strength (2.70 MPa) was obtained for the samples prepared with P220 abrasive paper using a degreaser and the lowest (1.02 MPa) for the samples prepared with P180 abrasive paper using a degreaser.
The aim of the article was to present issues related to the influence of the assembly joints technology (the type of adhesive material and the adhesive application) on the strength of the adhesive joints of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) used in the production of advertising elements. Angular adhesive joints, which are one of the types of joints made in the construction of advertising elements, were used in the study. The bonded material was poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) of 8 mm thick. Two types of adhesives were used to make the adhesive joints: one-component solvent-based adhesives and methylene chloride as a solvent. Experimental tests determined the wettability of the surface of the adherends (with and without a protective coating) and the work of adhesion based on the measurement of the contact angle, as well as the strength of adhesive joints in accordance with the ISO 4578 standard. Based on the results of strength tests, it can be seen that the use of a solvent allows for obtaining equally strong joints as with the use of solvent-based adhesives. The purposefulness of using coatings protecting not only against dirt or mechanical damage in the form of scratches was also confirmed, but also the possibility of increasing (security) adhesive properties, defined in this case by wettability.
Celem artykułu było przedstawienie zagadnień związanych z wpływem technologii połączeń montażowych (rodzaju materiału klejącego i sposobu aplikacji kleju) na wytrzymałość połączeń klejowych z poli(metakrylanu metylu) (PMMA) stosowanych w produkcji elementów reklamowych. W badaniach wykorzystano połączenia klejowe kątowe, które są jednym z rodzajów połączeń wykonywanych w konstrukcji elementów reklamowych. Łączonym materiałem był poli(metakrylan metylu) (PMMA) o grubości 8 mm. Do wykonania połączeń klejowych zastosowano dwa rodzaje jednoskładnikowych klejów rozpuszczalnikowych oraz chlorek metylenu, jako rozpuszczalnik. W badaniach doświadczalnych określono zwilżalność powierzchni klejonych elementów (z powłoką ochronną i bez) oraz pracę adhezyjną na podstawie pomiaru kąta zwilżania, a także wytrzymałość połączeń klejowych zgodnie z normą ISO 4578. Na podstawie wyników badań wytrzymałościowych można stwierdzić, że zastosowanie rozpuszczalnika pozwala na uzyskanie połączeń równie wytrzymałych, jak przy zastosowaniu klejów rozpuszczalnikowych. Potwierdzono również celowość stosowania powłok zabezpieczających nie tylko przed zabrudzeniami czy uszkodzeniami mechanicznymi w postaci zarysowań, ale także w celu zwiększenia (zabezpieczenia) właściwości adhezyjnych, określanych w tym przypadku przez zwilżalność.
This paper explores and presents the importance and application of the Design of Experiments (DOE) method in scientific and industrial research. It analyses in detail the theoretical foundations of the method and then illustrates concrete examples and benefits of its use in an automotive environment. The introduction outlines the key principles and objectives of the DOE method, including optimization of experimental processes and minimization of variability of results. The publication focuses on the significant impact of this method in improving the efficiency of experiments and achieving reliable and reproducible results. The practical part of the paper presents concrete examples of the application of the DOE method in the automotive industry. Through this case study, it is highlighted how the DOE method enables the systematic investigation of the influence of different factors on experimental results, leading to a better understanding of the phenomena under investigation and an increase in process efficiency. Emphasis is also placed on the practical aspects of using the DOE method, including the design of experimental plans and the analysis of the data obtained. The case study outlines the challenges and benefits that can arise when implementing this method and presents new perspectives for future research in statistical experimental analysis. Overall, this research paper can be considered an important resource for researchers and practitioners seeking effective methods for planning and conducting experiments to achieve significant research results in various disciplines.
The aim of the present article was to analyse the adhesive joints of different types of the furniture boards used for the furniture production. The present article included a comparative analysis of the adhesive joints of the particle board and the medium-density fireboard (MDF) pressed with the following types of film: A 0.3 mm thick PVC film and a 0.8 mm thick acrylic film, made with use of a single-component reactive hot-melt adhesive based on the PUR 706.2 ME polyurethane. It was observed that, among others, the adhesive joints made of the particle board with a pressed 0.3 mm thick PVC film and the adhesive’s basis weight of 24 g/m2 is characterised by better strength properties than the adhesive joints of the particle board with the adhesive’s basis weight of 48 g/m2.
On the market there are plenty of machines for cutting of steel via a mixture of oxygen and flammable gases. Various manufacturers provide several types of torches, cutting nozzles and other equipment in their product range. Cutting nozzles are a component that significantly affects quality of cutting based in set parameters. However, data from catalogues and manuals by manufacturers on cutting parameters of nozzles are rarely in use in real conditions. That is why optimum cutting conditions for cutting via nozzles A-SD made by RHONA were tested and the final results were compared with those in the catalogue for a proper use in practice.
The aim of this paper is to determine the effect of arrangement of fibreglass fabric plies in a polymer composite on a strength. Based on the experimental results, the real effect of plies arrangement and their most favourable configuration with respect to strength is determined. The experiments were performed on 4 types of handmade composites which had different fibre orientations and thicknesses. The first three of the composites had three plies of fabric. The plies arrangement in Composite I was unchanged, in Composite II the central ply had the 45o orientation, while in Composite III the outside ply (tangential to the adhesive layer) was oriented at 45o. In contrast, Composite IV consisted of five plies with unchanged arrangement. Composite plates were first cut into smaller specimens and then after stabilizing, the composite specimens were subjected to strength tests. The highest tensile strength and elongation are obtained for Composite IV, which was the higher the thickness from the tested composite samples, but for this composite the tensile modulus was lowest value. Composite II has the lowest values of strength parameters among the tested composites, which contain three plies and central ply has the 45o orientation.
This paper deals with the data processing in the form of a point cloud scanned using a handheld 3D laser scanner. The aim of the paper was to use this data to create a representative FEM model and compare two different ap¬proaches, one them involved creating a CAD model and the other one did not. The data processing was carried out in the freeware systems MeshLab and Meshmixer and FEM analysis in the software ANSYS Workbench.
A process of quality development helps us reveal concrete deficiences, an analysis of their origin and realization of required modifications that are needed to solve a concrete problem. One of the aims of quality development of production in bearing industries is to find out an impact of tchnological conditions to form burning of surfaces in grinding of orbits of bearing rings. We try to describe an origin of the problem, to find reasons of burned surfaces in a process of grinding and to propose such technological conditions to avoid above-stated problems and to produce the least possible number of non-identical workpieces. To lower a number of burnings in grinding of the orbit to zero percentage is not real, however, we have to try to get a minimal number of parts with damaged surface.
Treatment of metal alloys is one of the ways to affect the properties of the material. The article describes an experiment realized at FPTM UJEP when was experimentally studied the influence of alloys AlSi9CuMnNi calcium modification on some of its properties. The alloy was modified with various amounts of calcium and subsequently machining. Also hardness was measured in the resulting alloys. Machining was performed under certain cutting conditions. After machining the obtained chip was evaluated. Chip was evaluated for its shape, length and amount of chips per 100 g. Devices in FPTM laboratories were used to prepare experimental casts and to evaluate hardness and chips, like the melting furnace LAC K70/13, hardness tester Ernst AT 250X or microscope Olympus SZX 10. Experimental quantities of calcium was 0.05, 0.1 and 0.15 wt. %. Presented experiments are part of the extensive research undertaken at Faculty of Production Technologies and Management at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem.
The article tackles the possibilities and effectiveness of different printing strategies on Easy 3D MAKER printer. This printer uses Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) method. The operating software of the 3D printer offers various settings, which influence the quality and efficiency of printing. In the article there is described the printing of a sample with all fillament print strategies available in the 3D maker software. The fillament print strategy of the printed model fundamentally influences the consumption of printing material and time at printing the component. The consumption of printing material was assessed indirectly by weight of particular printed samples. For each printing strategy there were 5 samples printed out. The Octagramspiral strategy resulted as the best in material consumption aspect. The most effective strategy in printing time perspective is the Concentric strategy.
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