Jan Kapistran Szysiecki (ca. 1680-1753) was among the most renowned Bernardine monks of the turn of the 17th and 18th century. He was the author of several theological works, and it was also on his initiative that the church of St. Francis of Assisi in Poznań obtained a new fa9ade crowned with two double-clearance cupolas. Moreover, the church was fitted with a new organ, the biggest in Greater Poland which was designed by Michał Engler the Younger, a recognized Silesian organ master. New bells were hung on the tower and the chapel of the Holy House of Loreto was built. In January 1945 during the fight to liberate Poznań, the monastery and the church were destroyed in 75 per cent. Reconstruction lasted until 1989. A faithful reconstruction of the tower cupolas done in 1982 was a major achievement.
In 1947 after 111 years of absence the Franciscans returned to Poznań and reclaimed their former monastery and church dedicated to St. Francis of Assisi, which was destroyed during World War II in 75%. By 1957 they managed to rebuild the chapel of Our Lady of Loreto, the church and the monastery. From the beginning they conducted ministry in their church as well as preached at the popular missions and retreats in many parishes. On the request of the Poznań Archbishop Walenty Dymek, in 1947 they started a continual confessional duty. Referring to an old tradition initiated by St. Francis of Assisi, from 1949 onwards during the Christmas season they build an imposing crèche which attracts large crowds of the faithful. The more important ecclesial celebrations were accompanied by the singing of the seminarists of the Poznań seminary and the choir directed by Stefan Stuligrosz.
IW 1947 r., po 111 latach nieobecności, powrócili do Poznania franciszkanie i objęli swój dawny klasztor i kościół pw. św. Franciszka z Asyżu, zniszczony w czasie II wojny światowej w 75%. Do 1957 r. zdołali odbudować kaplicę Matki Bożej Loretańskiej, kościół i klasztor. Od samego początku prowadzili działalność duszpasterską w swoim kościele, ponadto głosili misje ludowe i rekolekcje w wielu parafiach. Na życzenie arcybiskupa poznańskiego Walentego Dymka w 1949 r. zaprowadzili stały dyżur spowiadania. Nawiązując do starej tradycji zapoczątkowanej przez św. Franciszka z Asyżu, od 1949 r. w okresie Bożego Narodzenia budują okazały żłóbek, który przyciąga wielkie rzesze wiernych. Znaczniejsze uroczystości kościelne uświetniali swoim śpiewem klerycy poznańskiego seminarium duchownego i chór pod dyrekcją Stefana Stuligrosza.
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