This paper is a part of a whole which will be published later in a book. The first section concerns ambiguities of contemporary terms: "communication", "literature", "literary communication". The second part is devoted to the turn from linearity to circularity in the philosophy of Jaspers and Heidegger. The third part - to the same turn in sociology of Habermas and Luhmann. The fourth part - not included here - examins the turn to circularity in hermeneutics, Marxism, structuralism and deconstruction. The last part contains the outlook on the future of literary theory and literary scholarship.
Henryk Markiewicz between system and chaos The article discusses the relationships of Henryk Markiewicz theoretical thought with Hegel-Marks concepts in the context of widely understood system developed in linguistics and literary science in the 20th century. The evolution of Professor Markiewicz theoretical thought is shown as a gradual moving away from Hegel-Marks system and eclectic opening towards the other systems with the simultaneous strong objection to the conceptual and methodological arbitrariness.
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Autor analizuje jedną z najbardziej znanych książek Petera Sloterdijka – Kryształowy pałac. Zwraca uwagę, że myśl Sloterdijka sytuuje się w nurcie filozofii antyakademickiej. Z tej perspektywy niemiecki intelektualista bada konsekwencje procesu globalizacji. Ponadto Kryształowy pałac dokumentuje lewicowe zaangażowanie w rozwiązywanie kluczowych zagadnień nowoczesności. Zdaniem autora szkicu, rozpoznania filozofa mają też znaczenie dla opisu kultury i literatury pogranicza.
The author analyzes one of the most well-known books of Peter Sloterdijk, Kryształowy pałac (In the World Interior of Capital: Towards a Philosophical Theory of Globalization). He notes that Sloterdijk is representing non-academic philosophy. From this perspective the German intellectual is examining consequences of the process of globalization. Additionally, the book documents leftist engagement to solving key questions of modernity. According to the author of the article, interpretations provided by the philosopher are also important for the description of the culture and literature of the borderland.
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