After termination of extremly important for every young man stage of preparation for work, the moment comes to make choice and face up proffesional reality. Disabled people require particular help in finding and keeping employment. Considering their situation on the labour market, they are entitled to avail from various systems of support: those which create conditions aimed at in¬ducing employers to create new work positions and those which increase mobility and preparation of future employees. These kind of activities are to help young people join the current of normal social functioning. Taking into account difficulties that come into existance in this field, the present reflection was dedicated to the problems in the sphere of employment of disabled people.
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The problem of homelessness is not new, however it was only after 1989 that research regarding this issue started in Poland. Only very sparse publications connected with this subject matter appeared in preceding years. That situation was caused predominantly by the tendency to conceal the existence of certain social issues. The research related to this significant phenomenon conducted in the period of less than 20 years turned out to be extremely difficult, time and work consuming and very costly. A preliminary survey of the subject related literature showed that a research connected with family homelessness is undertaken very rarely. This phenomenon is a dangerous experience for an individual, but also the issue of family homelessness is becoming an alarming problem. Family's life is disturbed, which often leads to its disintegration. When a family faces homelessness, children are often placed in welfare institutions. Homelessness has negative impact on children's growth and education. Moreover it ruins physical and mental well being of the family members. In relation with the occurring problems, the herein article attempts an analysis of the issue of family homelessness. The analysis focused on the socio-demographic image of homeless families, causes of the problem, place of stay, ways for providing for the family, and forms of assistance for homeless families.
This article was written on the basis of a larger, the author's own study of 52 homeless women in the Podkarpackie voivodship, that was conducted in 2009. People were matched in terms of age, place of residence during the research, and occasional or permanent residence in a hostel. The biographical method, narrative interview technique, which is a particular form of free or in-depth interview, was used. The article attempts to show the image of one's mother in the perception of homeless women.
In recent years, one can see the growth of interest in voluntary activity. It is connected on the one hand with the activities of assistance, thus fulfilling tasks for the benefit of people who need support, and on the other hand is associated with building and developing an informed and active society. Volunteering is present in many areas of social life. In terms of social welfare such activities focus on an individual, they teach, therefore, respect for people and paying attention to the weak. Volunteering helps understand others, forms a willingness to take action, take responsibility, it teaches looking for solutions in various situations of everyday life. Given the specific nature of volunteering and growing interest in volunteering by young people, the author of the article investigates the involvement of students in volunteer work for other people.
Caring for a person with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is not only exhausting physically and emotionally, but can also have high financial costs. This problem becomes of a special importance in the presence of an aging process of individual as well as the society, and in light of a growing number of people with AD. Caring for person with AD constitutes a high risk of a decreased quality of life of the caregiviers; it is especially true with regard to family caregivers, who are emotionally connected with the patient. Therefore, the aim of the study was to recognize and present their social world on the basis of a narrative which is a subjective, namely a reconstruction of their life history. The technique of an autobiographical narrative interview was used for the research, as proposed by F. Schütz, who developed the method as a cohesive concept of biographical research. The collected empirical material (50 interviews) was analyzed, providing answers to the posed questions and allowing the formulation of conclusions, which made it possible to enrich the existing knowledge with the qualitative aspect of the analysis.
Opieka nad osobą z chorobą Alzheimera jest nie tylko wyczerpująca fizycznie i emocjonalnie, ale może też wiązać się z wysokimi kosztami finansowymi. Problem ten nabiera szczególnego znaczenia w obliczu procesu starzenia się jednostki i społeczeństwa oraz rosnącej liczby osób z chorobą Alzheimera. Opieka nad osobą z alzheimerem naraża opiekunów na wysokie ryzyko obniżenia jakości życia, szczególnie dotyczy to opiekunów rodzinnych, którzy są emocjonalnie związani z pacjentem. Celem było rozpoznanie i przedstawienie ich społecznego świata na podstawie narracji będącej subiektywną rekonstrukcją ich historii życia. Do badań wykorzystano autobiograficzny wywiad narracyjny, zaproponowany przez F. Schütza, który opracował metodę jako spójną koncepcję badań biograficznych. Zebrany materiał empiryczny (50 wywiadów) został poddany analizie, umożliwiając udzielenie odpowiedzi na postawione pytania i sformułowanie wniosków, co pozwoliło na wzbogacenie posiadanej wiedzy o jakościowy aspekt analizy.
This article was written on the basis of my own, larger studies that were conducted in 2009 among 52 homeless women in the Podkarpackie Voivodship. People were matched in terms of age, place of residence during the research and occasional or permanent residence in the hostel. The biographical method and the narrative interview technique was used, which is a particular form of the free or in-depth interview. The article attempts to show the image of the father in the perception of homeless women.
This article was written on the basis of a larger, the author's own study of 52 homeless women in the Podkarpackie voivodship, that was conducted in 2009. People were matched in terms of age, place of residence during the research, and occasional or permanent residence in a hostel. The biographical method, narrative interview technique, which is a particular form of free or in-depth interview, was used. The article attempts to show the image of one's mother in the perception of homeless women.
Parkinson’s disease is one of the most frequent neurodegenerative disorders. The core symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are bradykinesia, tremor and plastic rigidity. Social scientific research on experiencing chronic illness focuses directly on pivotal players in health care – people who are sick. Health researchers, practitioners and policy makers may claim to represent patients’ concerns. However, they seldom obtain systematic “in-depth” views of patients’ experience of health care, much less of what it means to live with continued illness. The aim of the study was to recognize and present their social world on the basis of a narrative which is a subjective reconstruction of their life history. The technique of an autobiographical narrative interview was used for the research, as proposed by Schütz, who developed the method as a cohesive concept of biographical research. The collected empirical material (44 interviews) was analyzed, providing answers to the posed questions and allowing the formulation of conclusions, which made it possible to enrich the existing knowledge with the qualitative aspect of the analysis. The research on experiencing chronic illness emphasizes how people come to view themselves as chronically ill and how illness affects their lives.
Choroba Parkinsona jest jedną z najczęstszych chorób neurozwyrodnieniowych. Podstawowymi objawami choroby Parkinsona są bradykinezja, drżenie i sztywność plastyczna. Społeczne badania naukowe nad doświadczaniem chorób przewlekłych koncentrują się bezpośrednio na kluczowych graczach w służbie zdrowia – ludziach chorych. Badacze zdrowia, praktycy i decydenci mogą twierdzić, że reprezentują obawy pacjentów, rzadko jednak uwypuklają opinie na temat doświadczenia pacjentów w zakresie opieki zdrowotnej, a tym bardziej w odniesieniu do tego, co oznacza życie z chorobą przewlekłą. Celem badań było rozpoznanie i przedstawienie ich społecznego świata na podstawie narracji będącej subiektywną rekonstrukcją ich historii życia. Do badań wykorzystano autobiograficzny wywiad narracyjny zaproponowany przez Schützego, który opracował metodę jako spójną koncepcję badań biograficznych. Zebrany materiał empiryczny (44 wywiady) został poddany analizie, co umożliwiło udzielenie odpowiedzi na postawione pytania i sformułowanie wniosków, to zaś pozwoliło na wzbogacenie posiadanej wiedzy o jakościowy aspekt analizy. Badania nad chorobą przewlekłą ukazują, jak ludzie postrzegają siebie jako osoby przewlekle chore i jak choroba wpływa na ich życie.
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