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Artykuł poświęcony jest problemowi legitymizacji obecnych w dyskursie Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego w Polsce wypowiedzi na temat gender i praw reprodukcyjnych z lat 2012–2017. Jego celem jest rekonstrukcja sposobów, w jakie przedstawiciele Kościoła uprawomocniają swoje stanowisko we wspomnianych polach dyskursywnych oraz odpowiedź na pytanie o rolę, jaką pełni wykorzystanie zróżnicowanych legitymizacji o charakterze religijnym i świeckim w kontekście obecności Kościoła w sferze publicznej. Prezentowane dane są wynikiem jakościowej analizy treści dokumentów Konferencji Episkopatu Polski oraz publicznych wypowiedzi polskich biskupów, takich jak: wywiady w mediach, kazania, wystąpienia konferencyjne. W warstwie teoretycznej i metodologicznej artykuł odwołuje się do założeń perspektywy społecznego tworzenia rzeczywistości (Berger i Luckmann), koncepcji dyskursywnego konstruowania legitymizacji (van Leeuwen) oraz założeń SKAD (the Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse).
The article discusses the problem of legitimations in the discourse of the Roman Catholic Church in Poland on gender and reproductive rights from 2012–2017. Its aim is to reconstruct the ways the representatives of the Church legitimize their standpoint within these discursive fields and to explain the role of using diverse religious and secular legitimations for the public presence of the Roman Catholic Church. The results of the quantitative content analysis of the Polish Bishops’ Conference documents and bishops’ public utterances, i.e. media interviews, sermons, and conference speeches, are presented in the article. At the theoretical and methodological level the article uses the social construction of reality perspective (Berger and Luckmann), the conception of discursive construction of legitimation (van Leeuwen) and the sociology of knowledge approach to discourse (SKAD).
The periodical “Opoka w  Kraju” may be classified into the mainstream of national magazines. Such a  view can be corroborated by the magazine’s references to the Catholic ethics, perception of the nation as the highest value, historicism, the role of a  family in maintaining one’s identity and a  life in accordance with the Latin civilization. In its columns, the magazine presented the role of the nation, the national vision of the state, foreign policy, and the importance of religion. The essence of the national identity and culture was being emphasized, part and parcel of which was the stereotype of a  Pole as a  Catholic. The magazine was also moralistic in its character. It presented the effects of actions incompatible with the Catholic ethics and described some political formations which were not concerned about the Polish national interests. An important aspect within the scope of ideas presented in “Opoka w  kraju” was a  dichotomousview of the world, consisting of potential allies and disclosed enemies.“Opoka w  Kraju” was a  family magazine. Its predecessor “Opoka w  Kraju” was published in exile, in London between 1963 and1988 by Jędrzej Giertych. A  year after his death in 1993, the magazine started to be published in Poland by Jędrzej’s son – Maciej Giertych. “Opoka w  Kraju” was based mainly on the political thought of Roman Dmowski, Felix Koneczny and Jędrzej Giertych. For this reason, its programme policy has not changed since 1969.
Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polskim
The family crisis thesis constitutes a significant element in the discourse of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) in Poland in the recent years. Public debates over the ratification of The Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, in vitro fertilization, contraception, abortion, as well as events such as the Synod on the Family have reinforced this trend. The diagnosis of problems threatening the family refers not only to the private sphere. The RCC puts the family crisis in a broader context of society, citizenship and nation. The family crisis thesis plays a significant role in the RCC’s narration on human sexuality (it strengthens heteronormativity) and gender roles (it petrifies the conservative gender contract). The article aims at reconstructing fundamental arguments and narrative schemes that the RCC uses to legitimize the thesis about the family crisis. It provides answers to such questions as: what is the function of the “family crisis” for other semantic fields in the RCC’s discourse and what role does it play regarding the presence of the RCC in the public sphere in Poland? In the article I refer to the results of the qualitative content analysis of the Polish Bishops’ Conference documents and public statements of the RCC’s hierarchs in Poland from 2012-2017.
Dane pokazują, że życie rodzinne w Polsce w ostatnich 25 latach uległo poważnym zmianom. Podobnie jak w innych krajach, różnicują się modele rodziny realizowane przez Polaków. Oprócz tzw. tradycyjnych rodzin opartych na małżeństwie i posiadaniu dzieci coraz częściej pojawiają się związki kohabitacyjne (z dziećmi lub nie), rodziny monoparentalne, związki jednopłciowe rodziny układanki itp. Statystyki prezentowane przez Główny Urząd Statystyczny pokazują, że w porównaniu z latami 90. XX w. wzrosła liczba rozwodów oraz że systematycznierośnie liczba urodzeń pozamałżeńskich (obecnie około 25% dzieci rodzi się poza małżeństwami). Zmiany dotyczą także dzietności: w 2016 r. wskaźnik dzietności w Polsce wynosił 1,36, co nie gwarantuje prostej zastępowalności pokoleń. Dane pokazują, że rodzące matki są coraz starsze (przesunięcie największej płodności z grupy 20-24 lata do grupy 25-34 lata i wzrost średniego wieku rodzącej do 27,8 lat), co wiązane jest z odkładaniem urodzin, np. z uwagi na chęć zdobycia wykształcenia i osiągnięcia stabilizacji ekonomicznej.
tom 105
Artykuł koncentruje się wokół problemu negocjowania reguł dotyczących płci w konserwatywnej, rzymskokatolickiej społeczności kobiet. Analiza opiera się na wynikach badań jakościowych prowadzonych w l. 2019-2020 i jest osadzona w teoretycznej kategorii sprawstwa rozumianego jako zjawisko multimodalne. Praktyki negocjowania wzorów płciowych są analizowane w kontekście dwóch kluczowych dla społeczności obszarów: macierzyństwa i roli kobiecego ciała. Przeprowadzona analiza pokazuje, że reguły odnoszące się do płci mogą być równolegle reprodukowane, reinterpretowane i podważane, a samo sprawstwo religijnych kobiet powinno być ujmowane jako zjawisko wielokierunkowe oraz że w opisywanych procesach negocjowane są nie tylko wzory kobiecości, ale także rozumienie tego, co religijne.
The paper adresses the question of how sex/gender is understood within the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church and to what extend it recognizes the category of gender. The objects of the analysis are the teaching of the Roman Curia as well as the documents of the local Church in Poland and statements of Polish bishops from 2013 - 2014. The results of qualitative research conducted among diocesan priests of the Archdiocese of Krakow in 2007 are treated as complementary data. The Church uses the notion of sex that is naturalistic, essentialist, binary and based on the complementarity of sexes. Although the Church does not reduce the notion of sex to the biological aspects, nevertheless the interpretation of gender as social construction is limited. The category of gender has been frequently criticized as ideological by the local Church in Poland and by the Roman Curia. The ahistorical category of sex, present in the discourse of the Roman Catholic Church and in the perceptions of its representatives - priests, petrifies the present gender contract.
Content available remote Depression and Anxiety Before and After Breast Amputation in Women
Breast cancer is the most frequent malignancy in women. The diagnosis of neoplastic disease produces or deepens anxiety and depression in a patient.The aim of the study was to assess the influence of surgery and socio-demographic factors on the level of anxiety and depression in women suffering from breast cancer.Material and methods. 50 women (30-71 years old, mean age 54.7 years) with breast cancer were enrolled into the study. They were assessed two times - before and after surgery. To evaluate the level of depression BECK scale was used. It consists of 21 points that determine the level of depression. HAD scale containing seven descriptions of a patient's status was used to assess the level of anxiety.Results. Most of patients (17(34%) women had vocational education. More than half of the analyzed women were free of depression both before and after surgery, 50 % and 60% respectively. 2% of all women had extremely deep depression preoperatively. A normal and high level of anxiety before surgery was felt by 21 (42%) and 21 (42%) women respectively.A high level of anxiety was found in 15 patients (30%) postoperatively. The level of depression after surgery decreased in 32 women and psychological status was deteriorated in 9 patients according to BECK scale. The level of anxiety after surgery decreased in 30 patients and deteriorated in 8 cases according to HAD scale. The intensity of anxiety decreased after surgical treatment. The most intensive increase in depression was observed in women with secondary education (51 points) before surgery and 35 points in women with vocational education after surgery. The highest level of anxiety before surgical treatment was found in women with secondary as well as vocational education (21 points). Whereas the highest level of anxiety after surgery was observed in patients with secondary education. (21 points). The hardest depression was observed in working patients (51 points) preoperatively and they still had the hardest depression (35 points) postoperatively, too. The level of anxiety was highest in working women both preoperatively and postoperatively (21 points). The most intensive depression before surgery was observed in women at middle social status (35 points) and this tendency was observed also after surgery. The level of anxiety before surgery was the highest in women with good and middle social status (21 points). After surgery it was the highest in patients with middle social status (21 points). The most intensive depression before surgical treatment was found in patients between 51 and 60 years old (51 points). The hardest depression after surgery was observed in women between 41 and 50 years old (35 points). The highest level of anxiety was felt by patients between 41 and 50 and between 51 and 60 years old (21 points) preoperatively and in women between 51 and 60 years old (21 points) postoperatively.Conclusions. The intensity of depression and anxiety in women with breast cancer decreased significantly after mastectomy. Patients with university education had lower levels of anxiety and depression both before and after surgery. Working women with average social status had the highest levels of anxiety and depression both before and after surgical treatment. The age of a patient did not influence significantly on the levels of anxiety and depression both before and after surgery.
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