In her text the author analyses what philosophising with children is. She tries to ponder the question whether it is possible and in what way one could assess progress in the philosophising of students. Taking as a starting point Matthew Lipman’s definition that critical thinking (in this context – philosophical thinking) “requires criteria, is self-correcting and sensitive to context”, she decides to claim that the ability to ask questions is the best test for this kind of thinking. A pedagogical experiment has been conducted in which two groups (a P4C group and a control group) have to write which of the questions that they have asked themselves have changed anything in their lives. It turned out that the PC4 students had questions coming from themselves (as opposed to external situations). These questions were abstract, existential in character, difficult to solve (as opposed to closed-ended questions); they ‘worked’ in the student longer and deeper (as opposed to a quick answer, lack of struggling); they changed the way of thinking of the students (as opposed to changing a particular decision); they remained unresolved (as opposed to finding a quick answer).
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