Article presents three analytical perspectives of the problem of closing legal argumentation against the background of the central interpretative assumptions of two leading Polish theories of interpretation, i.e. the clarificative and derivational concept. Author presents thesis that the ability of operative interpretation to regulate social relations is, inter alia, the resultant of conclusiveness of a given interpretative paradigm and the cultural context in which it is embedded. Regardless of the validation of the result of interpretation in the legal discourse, i.e. in the environment of professionals, it is possible that the directives of interpretation, which constitute a cultural artifact, are not fully compatible with the ideological and axiological assumptions of the legal and political culture of a given society, constituting a counter-productive element of that culture.
Artykuł przedstawia trzy perspektywy analityczne problemu zamknięcia argumentacji prawniczej na tle centralnych założeń interpretacyjnych dwóch wiodących polskich teorii wykładni, tj. koncepcji klaryfikacyjnej oraz derywacyjnej. Autor prezentuje tezę, że zdolność wykładni operatywnej do regulacji stosunków społecznych jest wypadkową konkluzywności danego paradygmatu wykładni oraz kontekstu kulturowego, w jakim został osadzony. Niezależnie od uprawomocnienia wyniku interpretacji w dyskursie prawniczym, tj. w środowisku profesjonalistów, możliwa jest sytuacja, gdy dyrektywy wykładni, które stanowią artefakt kulturowy, nie są w pełni kompatybilne z ideologicznymi oraz aksjologicznymi założeniami kultury prawnej i politycznej danego społeczeństwa, stanowiąc niejako kontrproduktywny element tejże kultury.
The article presents briefly the discussion about problem of the so-called creative (law-making) interpretation of the Constitution. Author indicates that previous concepts of the creative interpretation offered by the Polish legal doctrine did not deliver a noncontroversial criteria, which could mark difference between declaratory and creative constitutional argumentation. This problem is also connected with the political question about judicial activism and the limits (legitimacy) of the third power, ergo the questions that are currently arising during the ongoing constitutional crisis in Poland. For that reason the alternative solution is proposed, namely to perceive the stable interpretative practice (for instance a line of precedents, or settled case law, etc.) as the cutoff point for the declaratory/creative interpretation. From this point of view every unjustified (revolutionary instead of the evolutionary) change of settled interpretation of the Constitution should be evaluated as invalid. Nevertheless, presented conception is not fully elaborated and have some weak points, i.e. matters which need to be developed to make it applicable in the interpretation practice. Especially there is lack of the analogous (precedential) doctrine in the Polish legal culture, which excludes possibility to precisely indicate the state of stable interpretation practice from one side, and proper correction of the previous case law on the other.
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Cytochrome b is the central catalytic subunit of the quinol:cytochrome c oxidoreductase of complex III of the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation system and is essential to the viability of most eukaryotic cells. Partial cytochrome b gene sequences of 14 species representing mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians are presented here including some species typical for Poland. For the analysed species a comparative analysis of the natural variation in the gene was performed. This information has been used to discuss some aspects of gene sequence - protein function relationships. Review of relevant literature indicates that similar comparisons have been made only for basic mammalian species. Moreover, there is little information about the Polish-specific species. We observed that there is a strong non-random distribution of nucleotides in the cytochrome b sequence in all tested species with the highest differences at the third codon position. This is also the codon position of the strongest compositional bias. Some tested species, representing distant systematic groups, showed unique base composition differing from the others. The quail, frog, python and elk prefer C over A in the light DNA strand. Species belonging to the artiodactyls stand out from the remaining ones and contain fewer pyrimidines. The observed overall rate of amino acid identity is about 61%. The region covering Qo center as well as histidines 82 and 96 (heme ligands) are totally conserved in all tested species. Additionally, the applied method and the sequences can also be used for diagnostic species identification by veterinary and conservation agencies.
The position of the administrative judiciary, as it has functioned since 2004, situates this institution not only as a guarantor of the legality of public authority action in a given case, but also of the coherence and functionality of the administrative law system as such. The protection of the legal order by administrative courts is naturally related to the issue of the stability of the judicial practice and the responsibility of the judge for the content of the ruling, and further to the effectiveness of the judicial-administrative application of the law. Thus, this issue is situated on the edge of different methodological planes, covering such threads of analysis as: the place and role of administrative courts in the modern legal order (constitutional-legal method), the procedural model of judicial application of law and its effectiveness (administrative-legal method), or theoretical and even ethical-legal aspects of judicial application of law. In the light of the decisional model of judicial application of law, the issue of care for legal order is revealed with particular force in the layer of validation and interpretation findings, which gives significant importance to the reasons for the justification, especially if one takes into account that the execution of the decision in principle remains outside the competence of the administrative court. Against this background authors pay attention on the relatively restrained use of reformatory powers and disciplinary measures by administrative courts, as a kind of last resort legal remedy. This allows to maintain thesis that administrative courts generally protect the legal order with the force of arguments rather than with the argument of force. On the other hand, they treat measures to ensure the certainty and effectiveness of decisions of judicial application of law as measures to protect the legal order.
Pozycja ustrojowa sądownictwa administracyjnego, w kształcie funkcjonującym od 2004 r., sytuuje tę instytucję nie tylko w roli gwaranta legalności działania władzy publicznej w konkretnym przypadku, lecz również koherencji i funkcjonalności systemu prawa administracyjnego jako takiego. Ochrona porządku prawnego przez sądy administracyjne w naturalny sposób wiąże się z zagadnieniem stabilności praktyki orzeczniczej i odpowiedzialnością sędziego za treść orzeczenia, w dalszej kolejności ze skutecznością sądowoadministracyjnego stosowania prawa. Problematyka ta plasuje się tym samym na krawędzi różnych płaszczyzn metodologicznych, obejmując takie wątki analizy, jak: miejsce i rola sądów administracyjnych we współczesnym porządku prawnym (metoda konstytucyjno-prawna), model proceduralny sądowego stosowania prawa i jego efektywność (metoda administracyjno-prawna), czy też teoretyczno-, a nawet etyczno-prawne aspekty sądowego stosowania prawa. W świetle decyzyjnego modelu sądowego stosowania prawa zagadnienie dbałości o ład prawny ujawnia się ze szczególną mocą w warstwie ustaleń walidacyjnych i interpretacyjnych, co nadaje istotne znaczenie motywom uzasadnienia, zwłaszcza jeśli wziąć pod uwagę, że wykonanie orzeczenia w zasadzie pozostaje poza kompetencją sądu administracyjnego. Na tym tle autorzy zwracają uwagę na stosunkowo powściągliwe korzystanie przez sądy administracyjne z kompetencji reformatoryjnych i środków dyscyplinujących jako swego rodzaju rozwiązań ostatecznych. Pozwala to sformułować tezę, że sądy administracyjne zasadniczo chronią porządek prawny siłą argumentów, nie zaś argumentem siły. Działania zapewniające pewność i skuteczność decyzji sądowego stosowania prawa traktują zaś jako środki ochrony porządku prawnego.
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Recently we have shown that in vitro binding of the proximal part of the human tyrosine hydroxylase gene to the nuclear matrix is correlated with its transcriptional activity. The strongest binding potential was predicted by computing for the first intron sequence (Lenartowski & Goc, 2002, Neurosci Lett.; 330 : 151-154). In this study a 16 kb fragment of the bovine genomic DNA containing the tyrosine hydroxylase gene was investigated for its affinity to the nuclear matrix. Only a 950 bp fragment encoding the distal part of the first intron, second exon and a few nucleotides of the second intron bound to the nuclear matrix. The binding was independent of the tissue-specific tyrosine hydroxylase gene activation. The fragment was subcloned and sequenced. Computer search pointed to one potential intronic matrix attachment region with two AP1-like sites embedded in the sequence. We conclude that even if the position of the matrix binding region is conserved among the tyrosine hydroxylase genes in mammals, its tissue specificity and/or function is not preserved or is achieved by different mechanisms.
Mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma (POLG) is the only DNA polymerase involved in maintaining the mitochondrial genome. Recent studies demonstrated an association of CAG repeat polymorphism in the second exon of POLG gene with the risk of cancer. We investigated the CAG repeat variability in the POLG gene in tumor and non-tumor tissues from colorectal cancer patients and in DNA samples isolated from blood obtained from age-matched healthy persons. Somatically occuring CAG-repeat alterations in cancer tissues have been observed in 10% of patients, but no association has been found between the CAG repeat variants in the POLG gene and colorectal cancer risk.
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Many well-defined mutations in the gene for the catalytic subunit of polymerase γ (POLG1) have been found to be associated with disease, whereas the status of several mutations remains unresolved due to the conflicting reports on their frequencies in populations of healthy individuals. Here, we have developed a highly sensitive, real-time allelic discrimination assay enabling detection of the Y831C mutation in the POLG1 gene. The Y831C mutation is present in the Polish population at a frequency of 2.25%. The new assay is well suited to both extensive population studies and molecular diagnostics of POLG1.
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Alcohol abuse is one of the most significant factors in the development of liver fibrosis. The pathomechanism of liver fibrosis is the same regardless of its etiology. Fibrosis is a sign of an imbalance between the synthesis of the extracellular matrix components and their degradation. Among the many cytokines that affect hepatic stellate cell activation it seems that transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) is the most significant, either as the direct factor stimulating polymerase chain reaction (HSC) proliferation and transformation into myofibroblasts, or as the direct factor causing an increase in the activity of genes responsible for the synthesis of extracellular matrix components. The aim of the study was to reveal possible dependencies and differences between the presence of certain alleles of the TGF-β1 gene and its blood level in the study and control group. Blood samples were obtained from 39 patients, the control group consisted of 21 patients. The results obtained in the course of this study showed no statistically significant differences between the frequencies of particular polymorphisms. In the case of haplotype frequencies, insignificant differences were found for the algorithm Excoffier-Laval-Balding predicted haplotypes while one significant difference between the study and control groups was detected in case of the TC haplotype frequency predicted using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm. However, the difference in frequency of TC haplotype predicted by both algorithms was not significant. Genetic analysis of two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in exon I of the TGF-β1 gene did not show significant differences between the occurrence of particular polymorphisms and haplotypes in the populations under study.
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Analysis of microsatellite instability (MI) and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) is recommended for screening patients with sporadic and hereditary malignancies. This study shows an application of a fluorescent hexaplex PCR system for microsatellite typing on A.L.F. DNA Sequencer (Pharmacia Biotech). This technique detects changes in microsatellites providing a time-efficient, reliable and accurate method for MI and LOH analyses. The Fragment Manager software was used for automated size calculation and quantitation of DNA fragments, enabling rapid and precise measurement of allelic ratios. We examined 70 breast cancer and 70 control DNA specimens, classified all the patterns of microsatellite alterations, and set up MI and LOH assessment criteria for the automated multiplex fluorescent method.
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