Selected opinions on entrepreneurship from catholic social thought are described in the article. Catholic Church in her teaching treats entrepreneurship favorably, but seldom actively encourages to it. Catholic social teaching indicates that entrepreneurs as well as managers or other decision makers in the economy should take common good, human dignity and their own fulfillment as their goals. Profit, being the first indicator of effectiveness of the business is just a means to accomplish goals, not a goal itself. Entrepreneurs and business leaders often encounter dilemmas where there is no ready answer. Entrepreneurship is a vocation enabling building virtues such as: courage, creativeness, community building and practical realism.
Systemic liquidity risk is the risk that an adverse event will result in simultaneous liquidity problems in a substantial portion of the financial system. The paper describes several aspects of this risk in the Polish banking environment: decreasing share of liquid assets in the balance sheet, growing maturity mismatch, risks related to foreign currency denominated loans financed through złoty deposits accompanied by FX and currency swaps or through external liabilities. Dependence on currency derivatives and foreign financing contributed to increased liquidity tensions in the financial crisis, including relative increase in customer deposit interest rates. The paper also presents the scale of liquidity support granted during the crisis by the central bank to banks operating in Poland.
The COVID-19 pandemic caused millions of deaths worldwide. According to several pieces of research, vaccinations against the illness caused by the SARS-CoV-2 proved to be an effective measure in reducing the infection and death rates. The aim of the study is to measure the scale of the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland on the basis of excess mortality rates in NUTS 3 subregions and in age groups, and then to determine the correlation between the regional variation in relative excess mortality during the fourth wave of the pandemic and the vaccination rate of the population. Excess mortality is understood as the number of registered deaths that exceeds the expected level. Our study covers the period from March 2020 to February 2022. We used data from Eurostat, Statistics Poland and the governmental Poland’s Data portal. The analysis of the number of excessive deaths by age groups indicates that almost 90% of them are the deaths of older people (aged 60 or over), while the breakdown by NUTS 3 subregion demonstrates that the correlation of excessive deaths and the vaccination rate of the population is negative and fairly strong. Assuming a simple linear regression, it turns out an additional 1% of vaccinated people in the older age groups would have translated to the fall in deaths during the fourth wave of the pandemic by around 2,000 nationwide. This result indicates that vaccinations against COVID-19 were effective in preventing deaths among older people.
Z powodu pandemii COVID-19 zmarły miliony ludzi na całym świecie. Jak wynika z wielu badań, szczepienia przeciw chorobie wywołanej wirusem SARS-CoV-2 okazały się środkiem ograniczającym skalę zachorowań i liczbę zgonów. Celem badania omawianego w artykule jest pomiar skali pandemii w Polsce za pomocą liczby nadmiarowych zgonów w podregionach według klasyfikacji NUTS 3 i w grupach wieku, a następnie określenie zależności pomiędzy zróżnicowaniem regionalnym względnej nadwyżki zgonów podczas czwartej fali pandemii a stopniem zaszczepienia populacji. Nadmiarowe zgony są rozumiane jako nadwyżka zgonów zarejestrowanych w stosunku do przewidywanego poziomu. Badaniem objęto okres od marca 2020 r. do lutego 2022 r. Korzystano z zasobów Eurostatu i Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego oraz danych pobranych z rządowego portalu Otwarte Dane. Analiza liczby nadmiarowych zgonów w podziale na grupy wieku wskazuje, że niemal 90% to zgony osób starszych (w wieku 60 lat i więcej). Z kolei pomiar w podziale na podregiony pozwala stwierdzić, że korelacja nadmiarowych zgonów i udziału zaszczepionych jest ujemna i dość silna. Przy założeniu występowania prostej regresji liniowej okazuje się, że dodatkowy 1% osób zaszczepionych w starszych grupach wieku przełożyłby się średnio na spadek liczby zgonów podczas czwartej fali pandemii o blisko 2000 w skali kraju. Ten wynik świadczy o tym, że szczepienia przeciw COVID-19 były skuteczne w zapobieganiu zgonom z powodu tej choroby wśród osób starszych.
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