Based on concerns raised in other disciplines, the presented study aimed to investigate whether response bias affects the results of declarative research on ecological behaviour. The study was conducted in order to determine how the design and execution of declarative tests influenced the obtained results. A series of experiments was conducted in which the research techniques, persons delivering the surveys, or order of questions were changed or modified, or where little incentives were used. The tests showed that the results of declarative research on ecological behaviour is subject to response bias. The respondents declared rarer non-ecological behaviour in face-to-face interviews than in surveys, when the study was conducted by a lecturer, and when they were first asked to express their opinion on this type of behaviour. This effect weakened as the respondents answered further questions in the survey.
The develoment of sustainable consumption should be considered nowadays a major challenge for public policy. A number of instruments,including legal, administrative, economic and information ones are used to enhance sustainable consumption. In recent years, the development of research in the field of behavioral economics has pointed at the possibility of identifying another group of instruments, namely behavioral tools, including consumer choice architecture, so that they promote the implementation of the concept of sustainable consumption. Choice architecture is based on the use of the so-called nudging tools, which constitute a change in the context of consumer decision-making. The purpose of the study is to investigate the use of choice architecture in creating sustainable consumption by influencing the decision context of individuals and households. The paper uses the method of critical literary analysis. Its results have shown the existence of a substantial amount of empirical evidence on the applicability of choice architecture in the process of promoting sustainable consumption. On the other hand, the analysis has also indicated a number of limitations to their implementation. This, in turn, has led to the conclusion that behavioral instruments for increasing sustainable consumption (using the natural tendency of individuals in decision-making processes) can complement the traditional instruments, including direct effects.
In Contingent Valuation studies, users generally declare willingness to pay (WTP) higher than non-users. This study attempts to investigate if viewing the good during CV survey has a different impact on users’ and non-users’ WTPs. A framed field experiment was conducted in which users and non-users were surveyed in two locations – one with a view of the forest and the other without it. Our study showed that the WTPs of users were significantly higher than those of non-users only when respondents did not see forest during the survey. However, when the experiment was conducted in a location where the respondents could see the forest – the difference disappeared. Our results also show that the relationship between declared WTP and both the respondents’ socio-demographic status and their environmental attitudes were weaker among respondents surveyed in a location with a forest view. We believe that the increase in WTP of non-users is temporary and represents a kind of bias. This in turn may be relevant in the design of CVM studies.
W badaniach metodą wyceny warunkowej użytkownicy zazwyczaj deklarują gotowość do zapłaty (willingness to pay, WTP) wyższą niż nieużytkownicy. W niniejszym opracowaniu podjęto próbę zbadania, czy widok wycenianego dobra w czasie badania oddziałuje jednakowo na użytkowników i nieużytkowników. Przeprowadzono eksperyment terenowy, w którym użytkownicy i nieużytkownicy byli badani w dwóch lokalizacjach – jednej z widokiem na las, a drugiej bez niego. Badanie pokazało, że WTP użytkowników było znacząco wyższe niż nieużytkowników jedynie wtedy, kiedy respondenci nie widzieli lasu w czasie badania. Jednakże, gdy badanie zostało przeprowadzone w miejscu, gdzie respondenci widzieli las – różnica ta zniknęła. Wyniki wskazują również, że związek między deklarowaną WTP a statusem społeczno-demograficznym respondentów oraz ich postawami ekologicznymi był słabszy wśród respondentów badanych w miejscu z widokiem na las. Sądzimy, że wzrost WTP osób nie korzystających z lasu jest przejściowy i stanowi pewnego rodzaju błąd poznawczy. To z kolei może mieć znaczenie w projektowaniu badań CVM.
The purpose of this paper was to investigate whether consumer behaviour in the second-hand clothing market causes a rebound effect, and if so, what are the reasons behind it. The study examined two potential causes: the price effect and moral licensing. A survey technique was used for data collection to study the phenomenon quantitatively. Non-parametric tests, analysis of relationships between variables and hierarchical cluster analysis were used to analyse the results. The existence of a rebound effect in the used clothing market was confirmed. At the same time, the magnitude of the substitution rate between new clothing and used clothing was estimated at 1:1.23. It was also proved that the phenomenon under study is influenced by both the price effect and moral licensing.
Celem niniejszej pracy było zbadanie, czy zachowania konsumentów na rynku odzieży używanej powodują efekt odbicia, a jeśli tak, to jakie przyczyny za tym stoją. W badaniach sprawdzono dwie potencjalne przyczyny: efekt cenowy oraz licencjonowanie moralne. Badanie miało charakter ilościowy. Wykorzystano technikę sondażu. Do analizy wyników wykorzystano testy nieparametryczne, analizę zależności między zmiennymi a także hierarchiczną analizę skupień. Potwierdzono istnienie efektu odbicia na rynku odzieży używanej. Jednocześnie oszacowano wielkość stopy zastąpienia zakupu odzieży nowej odzieżą używaną na poziomie 1:1.23. Udowodniono także, że na badane zjawisko wpływa zarówno efekt cenowy, jak i licencjonowanie moralne.
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