Almost all kinds of fuel applied in combustion engines come from refining industry, in which crude oil serves as basic raw material. However, there are also searched other sources of hydrocarbons which can be used directly or as additives to conventional fuels. The most popular in this regard are vegetable oils such as rapeseed oil, from which are produced esters used as fuel for diesel engines. On the other hand, as additives to gasoline can be used alcohols derived from the fermentation of agricultural products. Another way to obtain liquid hydrocarbons is pyrolysis of scrap tires. In this article, such pyrolytic product is analysed in terms of its fluorescence properties compared to the fluorescent properties of substances derived from the distillation of the pyrolysis product in three following temperatures: 160, 204 and 350 ºC. All the tested substances show relatively strong fluorescence in ultraviolet range. Fluorometric spectra were performed applying the spectrofluorometer Hitachi F-7000 FL with 1x1 cm quartz cuvette. Studied substances were previously diluted in n-hexane to obtain concentration 4 ppm. Amount of fluorescent peaks and their positions depends on kind of distillate. Ipso facto fluorescence method seems be suitable much more – than chemical analyse – for quick identification of substances constituting a components of distillate obtained from pyrolytic product.
The aim of research was to determine the effect of heat treatment of whole and milled seeds and methods of extraction on the content of phosphorus and profile of phospholipids. The experimental material consisted of 15 laboratory samples of rapeseed oil, and 1 sample of industrial hot-pressed oil. The phosphorus content, the share of phospholipids with column chromatography and the profile of phospholipids with thin layer chromatography were determined. The methods of oil extraction had a significant impact on the content of phosphorus and the profile of phospholipids, while the most significant to the share of PA. It was found that the heat treatment of seeds increased the content of phosphorus, share of total PL and PA in the samples of cold-pressed and extracted with petroleum ether oils.
Celem badań było określenie wpływu obróbki termicznej całych i rozdrobnionych nasion rzepaku, jak również metody wydobywania oleju na udział i profil fosfolipidów. Materiał badań stanowiło 15 laboratoryjnych próbek oleju rzepakowego i jedna przemysłowa próbka oleju tłoczonego na gorąco. W olejach określono skład lipidowy metodą chromatografii kolumnowej oraz profile fosfolipidowe metodą chromatografii cienkowarstwowej. Metoda wydobywania oleju miała istotny wpływ na zawartość fosforu oraz udział i profil fosfolipidów, z czego w największym stopniu na udział PA. Stwierdzono, iż ogrzewanie nasion rzepaku wpłynęło na zwiększenie zawartości fosforu oraz ogólny udział PL i udział PA w próbkach tłoczonych na zimno i ekstrahowanych eterem naftowym.
The aim of the study was to determine the effect of industrial conditions of heating rape, mustard, flax and camelina seeds on the pressing efficiency and quality of oil intended for biodiesel production. The research was conducted on rape, mustard, fibre flax and camelina seeds. Oils were pressed from seeds heated at 60, 70 and 80℃ using the Kocibórz Biorefinery production line equipment. The quality of oils was assessed on the basis of the value of indicators affecting the course and the efficiency of transesterification and the stability of esters, i.e. the content of water and volatile compounds, the content of chlorophyll pigments and carotenoids, the content of phosphorus, degree of hydrolysis and oxidation and the composition of fatty acids. It was found that the temperature of seed treatment positively affected pressing efficiency, but it had a negative effect on the quality of oils. The quality of oils deteriorated with an increase in temperature, which was indicated by a higher rate of hydrolysis and oxidation and an increased content of chlorophyll pigments and phosphorus. On the other hand, heat treatment temperature did not bring about any significant changes in the composition of fatty acids. In the case of rape and mustard seeds, the optimum pressing temperature on the production line in the Kocibórz Biorefinery for good pressing efficiency and oil quality was 70℃. For flax and camelina seeds, it was established that heat treatment of seeds under industrial conditions should be carried out at 60℃.
Celem pracy było określenie wpływu przemysłowych warunków ogrzewania nasion rzepaku, gorczycy, lnu i lnianki na wydajność tłoczenia i jakość olejów przeznaczonych do produkcji biodiesla. Badania wykonano na nasionach rzepaku, gorczycy, lnu włóknistego i lnianki. Oleje tłoczono z nasion ogrzewanych w temperaturach 60, 70 i 80℃ w urządzeniach linii technologicznej Agrorafinerii Kocibórz (UWM Olsztyn). Jakość olejów oceniono na podstawie wartości wyróżników, które mają wpływ na przebieg i wydajność przeestryfikowania oraz stabilność estrów, tj. zawartości wody i związków lotnych, zawartości barwników chlorofilowych i karotenoidów, zawartości fosforu, stopnia hydrolizy i stopnia utlenienia oraz składu kwasów tłuszczowych. Wykazano, iż temperatury ogrzewania nasion miały korzystny wpływ na wydajność tłoczenia, natomiast negatywny na cechy olejów. Wraz ze wzrostem temperatury następowało pogorszenie jakości olejów, na co wskazał podwyższony stopień hydrolizy i utlenienia oraz zwiększona zawartość barwników chlorofilowych i fosforu. Temperatura ogrzewania nie spowodowała natomiast istotnych zmian w składzie kwasów tłuszczowych. W przypadku nasion rzepaku i gorczycy za optymalną temperaturę tłoczenia na linii technologicznej w Agrorafinerii Kocibórz, z uwagi na dobrą wydajność tłoczenia i równocześnie dobrą jakość oleju, uznano 70℃. Z kolei w przypadku nasion lnu i lnianki stwierdzono, iż ogrzewanie nasion w warunkach przemysłowych powinno być prowadzone w temperaturze 60℃.
The aim of the work was to determine the effect of oils quality and transesterification method on the degree of conversion of the fatty acids. Material consisted of 4 samples of oil: rapeseed oil obtained by the laboratory hot pressing of rape seeds oils in approx. 80 °C, waste rapeseed and palm oils and one refined rapeseed oil. Oils used in the one-stage transesterification were characterized by a lower hydrolysis and oxidation degree than the oils used in two-stage transesterification (double-base and base-acid method). The quality of the obtained crude methyl esters was determined in terms of acid number, peroxide value, the lipid composition by thin layer chromatography. Quantitative testing of the degree of transesterification and the share of individual esters of fatty acids was conducted by gas chromatography. Studies have shown that that degree of conversion of the fatty acid methyl esters is dependent on both the quality of the oil and the method of transesterification. If oils are characterized by a good quality, then a method of transesterification is less important. However, if oils are heavily contaminated, then the right technology for their transesterification should be chosen, e.g. oil with high content of FFA should be subjected to base-acid transesterification. Studies have shown. If oils are characterized by a good quality, then a method of transesterification is less important. However, if oils are heavily contaminated, then the right technology for their transesterification should be chosen, e.g. oil with high content of FFA should be subjected to base-acid transesterification.
The aim of the study was to determine the possibility of using small seeds of rape (diameter <1.6 mm,) perceived as a raw material of inferior nutritional quality, for the biofuels production. Research material was samples of industrial mass of rapeseeds originating from three Polish regions. The seed mass was cleaned in a sieve separator, removing mineral matter (stones), cereal grains, stems and dusts. Then, the sample was sifted through a set of sieves and two fractions were received: seeds with diameter >1.6 mm – sample F1 and with diameter < 1.6 mm – sample F2. Each fraction was characterized by its share in bulk mass, moisture content, 1000 seeds weight, yield of pressing, fat content and phosphorus content. Cold-pressed oils were determined in terms of total and unhydrated phosphorus content, acid value and fatty acids content. Fractionation by weight rapeseeds with using an industrial sieve separation may provide a simple method for improving the technological value of the raw material used for food purposes, and thus obtain fine seed that could be intended exclusively for the production of technical oil. Despite the stated inferior quality of small seeds, it was found that the increased values of some discriminants would not have impact on the technology of biofuel production and cost of production.
The aim of the study was to show the validity of determining the quality of oils intendent for the biofuels production. One of the main discriminant that should be used to assess the suitability of oil raw materials for the fuel purposes is the composition of fatty acids. The research was conducted on 13 different samples of vegetable oils, that were cold-pressed from the seeds of various species, including rape, camelina, flax (light and dark), mustard, milk thistle, hemp, evening primrose oil, amaranth, sunflower, soybean, and cumin. The analysis of the fatty acid composition showed significant differences between the analysed oil samples, both within the species and varieties of oilseeds. The results indicate the need for continuous quality control of oils and fats led to the production of biodiesel in the small households and large commercial enterprises, because as it was indicated by the analysis of fatty acids composition rape seeds of different varieties are characterized by the diverse quality.
The aim of the study was to determine the ultrasounds treatment of frying oil on their properties important in order to biodiesel production. The research material was a frying oil, which prior to transesterification oil was treated with ultrasounds (37 kHz) during 15, 30 and 60 min. In next step, prepared samples were analysed in terms of fatty acid composition, acid value, FFA % and then subjected to alkali transesterification process. After producing methyl esters the yield of biodiesel was analysed with thin liquid chromatography technique (TLC), and then samples were characterized in terms of viscosity in 40 °C, density at 15 °C, acid value, sulphur content and flash point. The results showed that an ultrasonic treatment had a little impact on the fatty acid composition of the test samples. The yield of biodiesel was the higher the longer time of ultrasounds treatment were used. One the other hand, determined with thin liquid chromatography technique yield of biodiesel was the higher the longer time of ultrasounds treatment were used. What is more, the ultrasounds treatment of oil before transesterification process had no impact on viscosity, density and acid value of these samples, while flash point values and sulphur content were changed.