The aim of the study was to determine the level of educational and professional achievement motivation of persons undertaking postgraduate management studies. The applied variables were:gender, age and type of position held. The highest level of achievement motivation was manifested by women occupying managerial positions within the age group of 36 to 47. On the other hand, the lowest achievement motivation ratios were found in students employed in non-managerial positions (“regular employees”), aged up to 29. The levels of achievement motivation were differentiated by the purpose of undertaking postgraduate studies and associated subsequent professional benefits. The persons who aimed at higher wages and professional expertise development were characterized by a high “level of aspiration”. Those respondents who aimed at maintaining jobs and establishing business contacts received the highest scores in “focusing on the task”. The persons whose main goal was to get promoted, (nearly half of the respondents), received the highest values of the “striving for social recognition” index. However, those employees who were planning to change jobs obtained the highest levels of the “deferred gratification acceptance” index. The study has confirmed that the level of achievement motivation of employees is influenced by the degree of freedom of action, (the ability to decide for themselves and / or others), that they enjoy in their workplace.
Celem badań było określenie poziomu motywacji osiągnięć edukacyjno-zawodowych osób podejmujących kształcenie na podyplomowych studiach menedżerskich (Skala do Badania Poziomu Motywacji Osiągnięć autorstwa M. Widerszal-Bazyl). Wśród badanych najwyższy poziom motywacji osiągnięć uzyskiwały kobiety zajmujące stanowiska kierownicze w wieku od 36 do 47 lat. Natomiast najniższe wartości wskaźników stwierdzono u słuchaczy w wieku do 29 lat zatrudnionych na stanowiskach niekierowniczych (tzw. pracownicy szeregowi). Ze względu na cel podejmowania kształcenia najwyższe wyniki w poszczególnych grupach wskaźników zidentyfikowano w przypadku: poziomu aspiracji (mężczyźni), koncentracji na zadaniu (kobiety, kierownicy, starsi pracownicy) dążeniu do uznania społecznego (kobiety, pracownicy szeregowi), wytrwałości w działaniu (kierownicy, starsi pracownicy) oraz akceptacji odroczonej gratyfikacji (starsi pracownicy). Osoby, które wskazywały jako cel studiów wyższe wynagrodzenie oraz pogłębienie wiedzy i zainteresowań, uzyskiwały wyższe wyniki wskaźnika poziomu aspiracji. W przypadku osób stawiających sobie za cel utrzymanie pracy oraz nawiązanie kontaktów biznesowych najwyższe wyniki stwierdzono dla wskaźnika koncentracji na zadaniu. Ponadto osoby, których celem był awans stanowiskowy, uzyskiwały najwyższe wartości wskaźnika w zakresie dążenia do uznania społecznego. Pracownicy, którzy liczyli na zmianę pracy, przejawiali najwyższe wartości w obszarze wskaźnika akceptacji odroczonej gratyfikacji. Stopień posiadanej swobody działania w sytuacji pracy wpływa na poziom motywacji osiągnięć pracowników. Im większa swoboda działania, możliwość podejmowania samodzielnych decyzji, tym wyższy poziom motywacji osiągnięć.
Employees have to meet the growing requirements of modern industry. Emphasis is put on their readiness to learn quickly, be open-minded and develop their qualifications and skills including the ability to find relevant information. The goal of the present study was to diagnose the level of selected features in employees' readiness for learning during the organizational change in the workplace. The research makes use of GPUR Andrzej Różański 2012 scale, the five-point Likert scale which measures the intensity of the readiness to learn and develop among the selected employee categories. The scaling was made in six subscales. The largest differences between the selected employee categories were found in the range of scales relating to: the level of perceived professional mobility (a higher level among younger and better educated employees; a lower level among lower educated and older (50+) employees), the level of identification with the organization's goals (a higher level among managers and older (50+) employees). Lower range results among managers were found in “the demand for professional information” subscale, which can be worrying because insufficient employees' learning activity may result in lower innovative potential of the organisation. The results confirmed that some features, such as employee's age or position held, determine the level of employees' readiness for learning and their pro-development orientation in the workplace. The results obtained in each of the subscales will help to plan and design effective intervention steps to be taken, especially in the area of constructing effective instruments to enhance employee engagement in the process of organisational change.
For several years, cyber communication has been an integral part of a social awareness. At first, it was treated as something irrelevant – a tidbit which then became a trend which later on became an integral part of (virtual) reality. During that time it has gone through several phases of dynamic development to finally transform into (cyber) environment which is perceived by modern-day teenagers as something natural. Digital exchange of information has entered into almost every element of our lives – especially education – processes of teaching and learning. It has also caused quite considerable changes – not only in technological areas but also in social and professional segments of our lives.
Od kilkudziesięciu lat komunikacja cyfrowa na dobre zagościła w świadomości społecznej. Początkowo traktowana była jako ciekawostka, moda, z czasem stała się trendem, aż w końcu rzeczywistością (wirtualną). W tym czasie przechodziła kolejne fazy dynamicznego rozwoju, aby osiągnąć stan, w którym dzisiejsi nastolatkowie świat wirtualny utożsamiają z naturalnym środowiskiem. Cyfrowa wymiana informacji wkroczyła do wszystkich dziedzin naszego życia, nie omijając szeroko pojętej edukacji, procesów nauczania/uczenia się, przyczyniając się do niemałej rewolucji – nie tylko tej technologicznej, ale przede wszystkim społeczno-zawodowej.
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The objective of the present research work was to analyze the activities undertaken to design and select trainings for SME employees. The companies' rising interest in investing in human capital, the growing use of the EU support funds within the Sectoral Operational Programmes in Poland after 2005 accompanied by a dynamic increase in the number of enterprises providing professional trainings brought about broader accessibility to educational and training services on the market. However, despite unquestionable cognitive benefits of the broad participation of SME employees in various training projects, in many cases the training did not bring spectacular results. Our analyses made in SMEs confirm that merit-related involvement in the proper selection of the trainings is of varied quality. Only one in five companies under analysis makes use of the professional tools and almost one third of the SMEs do not diagnose their training needs.
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A molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics approach was used to examine the structure of complexes formed between the d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2 duplex and netropsin, distamycin, and four carbocyclic analogues of netropsin and distamycin (1-4). The resulting structures of the ligand-DNA model complexes and their energetics were examined. It is predicted that the compounds 1-4 should have a decreased affinity for the minor groove of AT-rich regions in comparison to netropsin and distamycin. From the energetic analysis it appears that van der Waals and electrostatic interactions are more important than specific hydrogen bonds in stabilizing the ligand-duplex complexes. We predict that compounds 1 and 2 are effectively isohelical with the DNA minor groove. The superior DNA-binding afforded by 1 and 2 in comparison to 3 and 4 results from their more effective penetration into the minor groove and smaller perturbation of molecular structure upon complex formation.
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A series of netropsin and distamycin analogues was synthesised and investigated by molecular modelling. The lowest-energy conformations of four carbocyclic lexitropsins, potential carriers of alkylating elements, were obtained using the HyperChem 4.0 program, and compared with the DNA-lexitropsin crystal structures from the Brookhaven National Laboratory Protein Data Bank. A method for synthesis of carbocyclic lexitropsins was elaborated, with the use of a nitro group or azobenzene as precursors for the aromatic amino group. The influence of methoxy group in ortho position with respect to amide groups on the activity of the new compounds was investigated. All of the compounds tested showed high antitumour activity in the standard cell line of mammalian tumour MCF-7.
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The activity of N-acetyl-β-hexosaminidase was found to be significantly higher in the placentas collected after delivery from women in puerperium with symptoms of prolonged pregnancy or complicated by EPH gestosis, than in placentas from normal pregnancy. Isoelectrofocusing of placenta homogenates showed the presence of isoenzymes A, P and B of N-acetyl-β-hexosaminidase. Different isoenzyme A patterns in homogenates were observed in placentas obtained from normal and prolonged pregnancies and in those complicated by EPH gestosis.
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